Every once in a while our government screws up and does something that really is a benefit to its citizens, well at least to its bikers. Years ago they moved certain holidays to Mondays, creating three day weekends, giving us another day to ride farther, eat more, and spend time on the road. And I for one am thankful for it. It has turned many 'what are you gonna do weekends' into 1000 mile memories, which never can be bad. And they were smart enough to let Christmas stay on the 25th, no matter what, and Thanksgiving be on a Thursday, creating a five day holiday for those so blessed. Hey, they even left Independence Day on July 4th, we need to rehire these guys!
But in making the change, they had to reorganize, and some I don't agree with. Martin Luther King, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays don't get celebrated on their real date, but changed to Mondays. And in the case of Abe and George, lose their personalness by being renamed President's Day. Here, two of the arguably best presidents we ever had, and we erase their names. And also Memorial Day isn't on the 30th of May. Somehow it isn't the same with the Indy 500 moving around, and breaking tradition. I mean how would you feel if your birthday was changed for convenience, for a people who didn't know or even care about you outside of getting a paid day off? Mike Mohn's birthday, what are your plans this year? You got three days, where can we go? Hint-it's in May and the weather is usually great to ride in. And feel free to rename it Let's Go Riding Day. But I think you get the idea. We lose something to our selfish indulgences. Great men, great memories, but somehow the luster of the reason to celebrate is lost.
Only one man in history, Jesus Christ, was born a king. He wasn't elected, named, had no coronation, or victory lap when He became king. Didn't walk up from the White House and there wasn't media coverage. Didn't need it. For true love-which He is, doesn't call attention to itself. He is king, and was born king-while laying in a manger He was king, and we should not forget that. And that is why we celebrate His birth, not His birthday, on December 25th. Sorry atheists and ACLU, we know that wasn't the day he was born, but thanks for recognizing who He is, despite your hatred for Him. Curious, what part of love and freedom don't you agree with, and why does He scare you? You see as Christians we celebrate Him daily by our living for Him. We need no special day, for everyday in Him is special. But the world has chosen one day, to recognize Him internationally, and so we do. Even the ACLU takes the day off. Talk about hypocrisy. And we eternally will celebrate with Him, for His kingdom exceeded death, and this world-for eternity and in heaven. No other king can lay claim to that. Or promise it and guarantee it.
Changing the day we celebrate George and Abe, and Marty doesn't change who they are, or why we celebrate them. Include Jesus in that list-it isn't the day, but the person. And no other person has ever been or will ever be King of Kings, Lord of Lords-wonderful, counselor, Prince of Peace, Son of man, and the Son of God. Our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God. God incarnate, savior, master. You see, with all the names given Him, we should celebrate everyday-for He is all of them. The Alpha and the Omega-the great shepherd! Who else deserves the title-and then went on to earn it? Just a baby in a manger-no way. A king holding court with those who loved and adored Him, not knowing what He would grow up to be, but realizing His royalty. Wise men from afar bringing gifts-gold for His royalty, frankincense for His priesthood, and myrrh-recognizing His death that would bring life. Wrapped in swaddling clothes-strips of cloth that were used to wrap the corpses in-God showing at His birth what He would do ultimately for us as King.
Do you worship Him in your life? Wise men still seek Him. And He is the reason for the Season. There are no Holy Days or holidays without Him, certainly no happiness.
Happy Birthday Jesus! Whether December 25th or June 15th-all hail the King of Kings. A gift from God-to remind us that it is better to give than receive. So when you give gifts this year, remember this is a tradition God started 2000 years ago, when He gave His only son, and give with love-wishing the receiver Merry Christmas! Because it is! Just may start a whole new tradition, or reinforce an old one. Imagine that, an atheist following a Godly tradition. Ignorantly. Fits them perfectly!
Be good to yourself and others-and Merry Christmas! Jesus Christ, the gift that never stops giving!
love with compassion,