2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
New Life Version (NLV)
7 For the secret power of breaking the law is already at work in the world. But that secret power can only do so much until the One Who keeps back the man of sin is taken out of the way. 8 Then this man of sin will come. The Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of His mouth. The coming of Christ will put an end to him. 9 Satan will use this man of sin. He will have Satan’s power. He will do strange things and many powerful works that will be false.10 Those who are lost in sin will be fooled by the things he can do. They are lost in sin because they did not love the truth that would save them. 11 For this reason, God will allow them to follow false teaching so they will believe a lie. 12 They will all be guilty as they stand before God because they wanted to do what was wrong.
While checking into a motel a few weeks ago, the young lady behind the counter asked me for some identification. While trying not to giggle at the photo on my license, she handed it back to me with my VISA card. It made me think, and I commented that when I was her age, thirtyish, when asked for an ID they required a credit card, and how things have changed. A questionable look went with it, and this moment of history was wasted on her. Preoccupied with right now, the past didn't matter, and her future was what time she got off, as she was tired from a long day. So I let it go, no longer wishing to discuss the irony of it, knowing my words would be wasted on her. For next to my AAA card-not for ID purposes, and license in my wallet is my Social Security Card, which from time to time I am asked for to show as identification. You know the one, with red letters printed across it stating "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES." And instead of increasing the irony, it woke me up. Not from physical sleep, but one in which I found myself wandering in a dense fog of lies, which we have substituted for truth.
A common saying we hear on talk radio is "if we say it enough, it becomes truth." And as I watch leaders in government, business, and religion twist words for their benefit, and not for yours, it is true-we finally give up, and just go with it. It isn't worth the fight anymore, and we won't win anyway is our final gasp. Defeated we go on to tackle the next obstacle before it tackles us, and leads us astray, unaware that once the above formula is in place, it effects all aspects of our lives.
Words mean something. My Grandma used to tell me over and over when I asked for something the difference between may I and can I? Yes, you can, you are able, but no you may not, no permission granted. But being my Grandma, the lesson was longer than the wait period, a characteristic well honed by grandparents everywhere. But that lesson has remained with me, so I try to ask correctly. So I can get an answer more favorable to me. But it seems the importance of words can be used against you, as certain cults as the Jehovah Witnesses do, changing God's word by adding a word, as in the word was a God, then lying about it to keep the lie alive. When it says correctly the word was God. Not a god-BUT GOD! Big difference! And so the subtlety of lying goes on, and the unaware are its prime target and captives. Read 2Thessalonians 2:7-12. We have been warned!
Our Constitution tells us we have freedom to choose the way we wish to worship God, who they refer to as THE Creator, much different than A creator. It tells us we can worship as we want, with the government not imposing how or what we choose to worship. In other words, the church is free from the state. But wily evil men, have changed the wording, with only a few mentioning it, who are quickly drowned out in their moment of truth. WE cannot have the church influence government, but we can certainly have government influence the church. The creation trying to control the creator. We have freedom of religion, not dictated by them! And so they cleverly talk about what we hear today as the separation of church and state. Which when given a choice, as the division causes, so many choose the state. After all the government is here to protect me, take care of me in my old age, and give me freedom. But in changing the truth, we are forced to choose between man or God? And the evil forces continue on, right in front of us, subtle but dangerous, and deadly for those who don't choose God. No wonder we no longer are the land of the free!
It is as if the devil put the choice right there, but we refused to see his signature on it. And as we watch God taken out of our daily lives, we see the erosion of morals, then families, and finally our once great country-all because we allowed a lie to be perpetrated. They said it enough, and some believe it.
We have fallen asleep much as Peter did while waiting for Jesus. Many churches, and those in them are deaf to His words of His return, and discount the world events playing out every day-words prophesied hundreds of years ago. So I ask, just like Jesus asked Peter, "could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so you don't fall into temptation, for the spirit is willing, and the flesh is weak." Perhaps if there is an opportunity to write the history of the US 100 years from now, this will be the title.
Are you asleep? Do you know Jesus? If not, you are asleep. Do you believe the Bible? If not, you're asleep. Do you trust the government more than God? If yes, then you're asleep. And you don't even know it. And waking up a sleepwalker can be dangerous! And lifesaving!
Jesus tells us the truth will set us free. Lies, religion, and governments bind. They control us, and lead us where they wish us to go, not where we want to. Stop and pray-ask God who you really believe in? You may not like the answer-remember the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Don't fall into the trap of trusting anyone but God. For true freedom is found in Jesus Christ, not from Him. He demands a choice, for Him or against Him? Separating the wheat from the chaff of life, and making you make a choice of salvation, a choice you never realized the government was involved in. Just another free service courtesy of your government. Just don't tell them. The law kills-the spirit gives life. So don't be afraid of those who can control your life, but trust Him who can keep it out of Hell!
Yes, Jesus can keep you soul out of hell. All you need to ask Him is "May I be forgiven? Will you save me?" May I or can I? Just words? Or do they tell us more about the person of Jesus than we ever realized? Your choice-and freedom is only found in the spirit.
God or government? One is the creator, and one was a system created by Him. and perverted by the devil. Ask Eve is words mean something? Better yet, ask God.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Thankful that we still live in the US of A while we still can. Whose words from the Star Spangled Banner have been adopted from God. For as citizens of heaven we are truly from the land of the free, and the home of the brave! America-BLESS GOD!
love with compassion,