Friday, April 7, 2017

the world's best who dunnit mystery-with a surprise ending

I love watching the old detective TV shows on Me TV.  From Perry Mason, lawyer yet a detective of sorts, to Mannix, Jim Rockford, Ironside, Perry’s alter ego, and 77 Sunset Strip, I love trying to figure out who dunnit.  Based on the clues provided, many of us who watch are surprised at the ending that the writer had in mind, cleverly hiding key clues.  Some revealed in the last 10 minutes, some fabricated, some you wonder “where did that come from?” but all keeping you interested until the end.  And guessing.  Only one show from the seventies, Ellery Queen, did he go over all the clues at the end before revealing the who that dunnit, giving us one more chance to see what he saw.  And still guessing wrong.  But common to all is the unwritten rule of client confidentiality, a sacred trust between client and employer, which always seems to get Mannix or Perry into trouble. 
In one episode where Mannix is trying to help his client, she gives evasive answers, and he tells her if she doesn’t trust him, he cannot help her anymore.  “But I’ve told you everything I know,” she explains, his answer made me think.  “But to every illogical question you provided a logical answer.”  In other words, it all sounds fake or made up.  Which to me is one of the most important things when sharing the gospel, or answering questions.  We think we have to provide a logical answer to each question, when many come from an illogical situation.  Maybe the way I look at it is “don’t try to explain an irrational situation using rational terms, or ideas.”  It won’t and don’t work.  Yet we all try to be Mannix, to find out what Perry knew, what was in Rockford’s files, and what clues were cleverly hidden from us by the writers to keep us in suspense.  So get over it and enjoy the show...when it is in reruns later next month you’ll have a head start on the competition.  Even Spock would say that is logical....
But we think we need to study, to have an answer for everything because we are Christians.  Somewhere we were taught that, heard that, and believed that.  But too often the correct answer is “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”  While other times the scripture comes alive instantly, as the spirit gives us the words we need instantly, just like it promises, when called before judges you will be given the words to say by the holy spirit.  These words, rhema, verse needed just when they are needed, come from only the holy spirit, and without them we lean on our own understanding.  Or lie a little....for effect.  But the truth is the rhema, and it takes us on a scriptural journey through out the Bible, taking us places we may or may not know about, and never thought of.  That judge may be a judge, a cellie, a family member, or co-worker.  Someone at church who knows all the answers but hasn’t heard all the questions.  I think you know what I mean without naming names.
One of the men in my inmate family, in Corcoran, was being harassed by some so-called Christians who were really cultists.  He felt beaten down, and wrote me for help.  And I didn’t know the answer, a common fault around here.  So I asked God, and he provided the rhema I needed.  The studying to find myself approved part came in the fact I had to verify his answer, which took me deeper into the word.  But it was the spirit who gave me the words in the words, and gave them meaning.  And when I heard back from this inmate, it had opened his eyes, and when he addressed the cultists with it, they backed off and left him alone.  They don’t bother him anymore.  One illogical question with a seemingly logical answer had escaped us all, but in it by his spirit, Jesus was able to minister to me, him, and hopefully the cultists.  And to the guards who read each letter, and this one too.  Without the spirit giving me the rhema I needed, all memorization, study, reading, and note taking was in vain.  Emphasizing once again the importance of the holy spirit in our lives.  Whose job it is to point us to Jesus, who points us to his father, giving him all the glory.  Now like with Ellery, you have been given all the clues again, who dunnit in your life?  Jesus or religion? 
Reading more and enjoying less?  You need the spirit to open your eyes to the truth.  For it makes no sense that God would come down, sacrifice his own son for a bunch of people who hated him, and forgive us because he loved us enough he wants us to spend eternity with him , and not in hell.  Without the spirit, you may provide scriptural evidence, but lose your audience.  You may provide a correct answer, but not the right answer.  The things of the spirit are foolishness to the natural man, saved or unsaved.  Maybe we need to refer to Mannix’s quote and trust the spirit more.  Do you try to provide a logical answer to every illogical situation?  Or do you trust God?  Do you read the Bible as a who dunnit, wondering who wins in the end?
So don’t be like the guy who fast forwards to the end, or reads the last chapter and even though he knows how it ends, and who dunnit, has missed how the final answer was arrived at.  As Christians we know how it will end, we just don’t know how every day will unfold.  Which should keep us hungry for the spirit, for my life at best is illogical, but to God makes perfect sense.  Perry Mason will agree that any good lawyer knows the answer before he asks the witness, we all know Jimmy lives at 29 Cove Road in Malibu, been there, Mannix drove Barris Kustoms, Ironside rode a wheelchair, and Kookie, Kookie never lent anyone his comb.   We know these things to be true but only make sense if you watch the show they are associated with.  Would Perry live in an old trailer at the beach?  Would Stu Bailey let anyone but Kookie park his car?  Were Charlie’s Angels really angels?  When the end is revealed, somehow it will all make sense, as for now, it all may seem illogical, I’m just going to trust God.  Which makes perfect sense, just don’t ask me to explain it....I just gave you the clues. 
Jesus done it!  By his spirit.  And he’ll be right back...
love with compassion