Thursday, July 9, 2015

the statute of liberty

There she stands in all her majesty, the Statue of Liberty, telling all the world to send your downtrodden, and she will welcome them.  And welcome them we did and do, for except for some who were already here, and had to emigrate from somewhere east of here after the flood of Noah, we are all immigrants.  And maybe that is what makes this great US of A so great, we have so many cultures that have been molded into one, that of an American citizen.  But to be one, as you gain something you also give up something.  You bring your heritage, but mold it into being an American, and even Rough Rider, then President Teddy Roosevelt, who spoke softly and carried a big stick, denounced hyphenated Americans.  No Afro-Americans, who were brought here as slaves by other blacks-Muslim traders, no Indian Americans, no Italian Americans, no German Americans, or even English Americans.  We are Americans, and despite our differences, we are still Americans first.  E Pluribus Unum, from many one.  Yet today as the Gay colors are promoted at the White House, as many bemoan the Confederate flag, and bring dishonor to Robert E. Lee, whose wife’s family owned Arlington National Cemetery and donated it, to Indians in Cleveland, Redskins in Washington, Yankees in New York, and Devils in New Jersey, we are all Americans.  But whose very existence is being destroyed from within.  Unconquerable as a military might, except for weak presidents, we are rotting from within, and like no other great nation in history, will not be conquered, but fall from within from sin.  When God shed his grace on thee, it made us the richest and strongest and at one time the most moral nation in history, and also the longest.  But today as our morals crumble, as sin becomes legal, and freedom of religion has become freedom from religion, our very nation is threatened.  No nation, no might, no power can undo to us what our lack of morals is and is doing.  The huddled masses once welcomed legally now over run our nation, mocking those who become citizens legally, bringing their heritage, and expecting us to change to it.  My first question is, if your country is so great, your heritage so valuable, why do you flee it and come here illegally?  Is yours an heritage of breaking laws?  Is that what you bring to us?  To your future generations?  And the results are there for all to see.  And make no doubt about it, this is not a political statement, nor a racist one, but one based on morals.  Biblical values, and the Word of God.
Studied theologists will tell you that America nowhere is mentioned in the Bible.  And in particular in the last days we are in, America will not exist.  Where and how we will be is never mentioned.  But the greatest nation in the history of the earth will have vanished...because of moral ruin.  We will never be conquered, but will fall prey to sin.  When the statute of liberty is sin, and sin rules, and Godly folks do nothing, we are done.  Finished.  And sadly no one will be left after the final Armageddon to read of us.  For a new heaven and a new earth will be created by God, the original creator of heaven and earth, and all past will be gone.  It won’t matter if there even was a US of A.  Behold, all things will be made new.  Including us, if you have believed in Jesus Christ.  For the rest, you get your wish.  Ruled by morals, God will honor your request.  All the laws you once made to have freedom will end up taking it away.  Scripture tells us “where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty,” and denying Christ means denying liberty.  No freedom in any other spirit than the Lord’s.  So beware, when God tells it is “not by might, not by power, but by my spirit,” he knows of what he talks.  Are you listening? 
A Persian woman new to America once wanted to know my ancestry.  She wasn’t satisfied with American, she wanted to know where my family was from.  And she didn’t like my answer.  I told her if she insists, it is where I am going, and my name is written in the Book of Life, declaring my citizenship in heaven, making me a Heaven-American.  Emphasis on heaven, for we are told we are sojourners, travelers here but for a short time, passing through.  Long life here pales in contrast to eternity, but the decisions we make here have eternal consequences. 
There is no freedom in the law, it only exposes our weakness and our sins.  You cannot have a statute of liberty.  It comes from within, only from Jesus Christ and cannot be taken from you.  And men have tried, to the point of his death on the cross, and for three days, the original 3 day weekend, they partied.  But when his grave was found empty, and he had risen, and was seen by over 500, the truth was there to see.  Some denied it, and even deny him today, but the truth is still the truth, even if you fail to recognize it.  And so we live in the US of A, E Pluribus Unum, from many one.  And we still have time to turn to Christ, God is that patient.  But we need to turn to the eternal E Unum Pluribus, from one many.  And that one is Jesus Christ.  From one many will be saved.  A great nation based in heaven, but recruited here on earth.  Are you listening?  Or are you still bound by sin, claiming your actions are legal under the law?  But still sin to God.  And the wages of sin will always be death.  There is no statute of liberty, only Jesus will take in the homeless, the poor, the downtrodden.  No statue can bring hope, no icon bring liberty.  Only in Jesus will you really be set free.  As the Black folks a generation used to sing, an old Black negro spiritual, “my God, my God, free at last, free at  last.”  Not based on where you are from, but where you are going.  Based on the freedom only found in Jesus.  And you can be set free today.
Maybe my friend Frank said it best.  From the US of A, the Union of South Africa, he and his family came here legally years ago.  Leaving a country divided by color and laws, and became an American citizen.  And was proud to tell everyone at a party we had.  His statement still sticks with me.  “Mike, I’m really an African American.  I have papers to prove it.  Those others, they really aren’t.”  By the way, Frank is redheaded and freckled.  And loves the Lord.  Now I ask you, are you free?  What is your freedom based on?
Today is the day of salvation.  Where you go after death is your choice.  Live like hell, you’ll go there.  But live for Christ, heaven awaits.  Time is running out...and no classes involved.  No government dictates, just a recognition of the deity of Jesus Christ.  Pilate saw no sin in him, but gave in to politics.  Heaven awaits those that believe.  What do you believe?  What are you waiting for?  My license may say I am an organ donor, but in truth I gave my heart to Jesus years ago.  Be an organ donor today, give your heart to Jesus.  From one many will be saved.  Be that one of many today. 
love with compassion,