Monday, November 28, 2016

expert or enthusiast?

Whenever I meet someone from the New York Metro area I always ask “Mets or Yankees?”  And if you grew up back there, you know of what I speak.  You either love one team and hate the other, and it has always been that way.  Except for a void formed when both the Giants and Dodgers moved west, and for those who worshipped the National League, and locals had no one to turn to.  Moods, attitudes, family decisions, and other important things were based on if the Dodgers or Giants won.  My father took his first and only job in Scotch Plains based on the fact he could get the Dodgers on channel 9.  Dinner may be burned or late, but if your team won, all was forgiven.  But for four seasons this void left many fans with no local New York team, and the Yankees didn’t fill the void.  The Yankees were from the other league, and tradition was the Yankees vs. who in the World Series.  So when the Mets were formed for the 1962 season, baseball was officially back in New York, and all was well with the world again.  Win or lose, baseball was back, and the 40-120 first year Mets soon outdrew the Yankees in attendance.  Yankee fans knew all about the Yankees, true baseball fans knew all about the baseball.  And never confuse the two....
With the proliferation of Harley Davidson and their marketing genius comeback after Reagan helped bail them out via a tariff on imported bikes over 700cc’s, many today know all about the brand they worship.  Even rookies can tell a Pan from a Knuckle from a TwinCam, from the new Milwaukee Eight.  They know all about Harleys, but little else about motorcycling.  I expect an argument here, to prove my point name some other brands exist, that were and are thriving today, who outperform them everywhere else but the sales floor?  The Yankees might have been good for baseball, but they weren’t baseball, just as Harley is good for motorcycling, but they aren’t all motorcycling has to offer.  Triumph is back for 30 years now, and a premium brand.  Indian is back, again and again and again, hopefully for good, check out their new 750cc flat tracker.  Despite corporate managers dumping Buell from Harley almost ten years ago, Buell is making his EBR, again.  I rode one, fast but crude, what would you expect from a V twin based on Harley?  Harley’s decision at the time, it is easier to sell $3000 worth of chrome than to sell a bike that isn’t a Harley.  But motorcycling is alive and well, even if sales are down, with great models available form all makes, a Golden Age if you will.  And if you think that Harley and other type customers cannot be converted, check out any metric dealer’s used bike section, almost totally devoted to Harley Davidson, recent years, low miles, and priced much lower.  Only the few like my departed friend Glen would agree, other bikes are better, but I will only ride a Harley.  I happen to like all motorcycles, I choose to ride Triumphs, but also own a vintage 1978 Suzuki, and have ridden the new Indian Scout, various Yamahas, and all but a recent Ducati.  Like Spud at the Harley store, I have this thing called motorcycles, and I love them all.  Harley and other, BMW and other.  I ride, what’s your excuse?  Now if a Harley rider can convert to a motorcycle, can a Yankee fan convert to baseball?
Now while these civil wars exist within baseball and motorcycle, and cars, Ford vs. Chevy, with MOPAR an honorable mention, they should never exist within the church.  Paul warns of this in Romans, about those who may even appear to be Christians, quote scripture, and their pastor, but have an agenda to create a schism within the body.  We see them in groups with churches, who think their doctrine is best, for everyone.  They argue over ideas and will misquote scripture to prove their point.  Even using the words of Jesus against the church, telling that their belief is the only one, all others are blasphemy.  Not quoting, but misquoting Jesus, for things he never said.  Their way is the mark of a true believer, the rest of us aren’t Christians in their view.  They say if you have their mark of belief, if you believe like they do, then you are saved.  Cults, and certain denominations are like this, they do not serve Christ, but their own selfish needs, boosting themselves up using flattering words, presenting an image, and an air of superiority if you believe like they do.  They take one aspect of Christianity and build a religion around it, they may talk and act spiritual, but inside are ravenous wolves, and need to be avoided. 
Now unlike supporting your favorite team, or motorcycle, we tend to be competitive in what we believe.  Yet Paul tells us do not take them on from the pulpit or one on one.  Avoid them, and if anyone who has tried to change their evil destructive ways knows, they will change you long before you change them.  It is the spirit’s job to change, not us, we are simply messengers of the gospel, good news about Jesus Christ.  We are to avoid them, God will deal with them and preserve the peace within the body, all other ways invite dissension, and split churches.  Sadly it goes on to many ways today, just mention building or upgrading your church, and watch as the sides divide against each other.  If you cannot choose carpet and get along, what makes you think you can change another’s heart?  We need to know that the same God who saved us, who preserves the peace he gave us, will also crush Satan under your feet.  These groups will split off and seek another place to spread their poison, without warfare or dissension.  Jesus changes lives, sometimes despite us.  A message we need to consider if we are to grow in him and our church also.
How would you describe your church?  One of prophecy, teaching, spiritual gifts, one that emphasizes the word above all else, or one of love?  One that is spirit driven?  How do you describe yourself in your church?  Do you follow doctrine or Jesus?  Do you see these groups of dissension within your body, are you part of one?  Have you based your life on Jesus or religion?  Would you rather argue your point than minister to those who need love?  Is God at work in your life? Do you know all about Jesus, but never met him?  Are you a Yankee fan who doesn’t like baseball, maybe a Harley owner who doesn’t ride?  Too many garages have them in the corner under a cover, owned never ridden, is your light shining for Christ?  What you ride or who you cheer for is important, but will not get you into heaven.  Only Jesus will.  Some things are worth arguing about, salvation is not one of them.  It is God’s business left best to him.  And yes Harley owners and Yankee fans get saved, just like Honda and Triumph owners do.  By Jesus, for there is no other name under heaven or earth that can save.  What is on your heart is what will come out of your mouth, sure you want to say what you are about to say? 
Seek Jesus first, then all other things will be added unto us.  Motorcycle and sports teams.  As true Christians we should stand out in the dark world of today, by our love, not by winning an argument.  Not by being superior, but by humbling ourselves and being like Jesus.  Serving not demanding to be served.  Today many ride Harleys who would never ride anything else, it is good for motorcycling.  Many are Yankee fans, it is good for baseball.  As Christians we need to unit in the spirit instead of denominations or teachings or pastors or religion.  Only in the spirit will we truly be free, to ride or choose who we want to cheer for.  God lets the decision up to us.....we are all slaves to something, we only become a bond slave to Christ by choice. 
The Mets filled a void in 1962, National League baseball was back in the Big Apple.  Harley is back and causing many others to think motorcycle.  When you hear the name of Jesus what do you think?  Church, doctrines, religion, maybe unity?  Only in the spirit will we be united as one, one in Christ.  By his spirit, not ours.  He changes lives, we interfere.  Are you a fan of Jesus or do you know him?  Are his colors on your heart?  An old Triumph ad attacked Honda, are you an expert or an enthusiast?  The expert knew his bike, the enthusiast rode.  The expert knew the part numbers, the history, the enthusiast rode.  Are you religious or enthusiastic?  Which means God inspired?  Next time someone asks is are you in the word, respond is the word in you? If they have to ask....maybe you need some enthusiasm in your life.  Let the spirit free again and enjoy the game.  Enjoy the ride.  Enjoy being a Christian.  What good is fun if you don’t enjoy it?  Avoid quarrels within the church, all you have to do is argue and you have already lost.  Paul knew this, for the spirit guided him.  Jesus never argued.....can we say the same?  Enthusiast or expert, are you in the word or is it it you?  If it is not all about Jesus it is religion....take it up with him.  I did and it made all the difference.  And I have love, joy, and peace to prove it.  Against which there is no law, so no argument.  Jesus loves me this I know, do you?  Quit bragging about what a great Christian you are and show me.  And watch as God changes lives, maybe even you!
love with compassion,