Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Perry Mason-The Case of the Peculiar Detail

I love to watch Perry Mason, to see the logic that he uses to not only clear his client, but to catch the guilty party.  I try to apply his logic to the current show I am watching, but his producers have an inside track, they know the ending, and can alter the lines to meet it.  I can’t.  But along the way, I learn lessons, little things by the examples and evidence, and apply it scripturally.  Perry Mason a Bible lesson?  He is a great counselor, do you remember another in man in scripture defined as one?  So why not, we all can use a little more Jesus, and a dose of Perry, and a few shots of Della never hurt anyone, either.  So here is a simple lesson, to be applied to our daily lives, via the ultimate attorney.  Who always wins...only Hamilton Burger would object to that. 
In yesterday’s story, an Italian immigrant was killed, after a battle over money.  He was a tight old man, and his will didn’t mention who would inherit his business.  Families that are tight can split apart over money and the death of a loved one in real life, too.  With only minutes left of the show, we all knew Perry would have the next witness be accused and confess, but this time with a twist.  The guy didn’t, because he didn’t do it.  But Perry had found out who via him, and some notes he had left behind, the old man who was murdered was his client for 30 years, ever since he came into the country.  And where Perry tripped him up was classic, a lesson to be learned by all, particularly Christians.  His attorney, the man on the stand, didn’t speak Italian, and the immigrant spoke very little English when arriving here.  And in early communications with him via telegrams, he tried to translate his English into the man’s native Italian, and that was where Mason tripped him up.  He translated the English to Italian word for word, as if looking each word up in a dictionary.  Not the way it would have been spoken by someone who knew Italian.  His attempt to translate the words, to give them a meaning, was his downfall, and when Perry pointed that out, he confessed to embezzlement, and the real murderer was cornered and confessed.  So what is the lesson to be  learned here?  The clues are there, let’s look at it from a Biblical point of view...still with me?
Of late I run into many Christians who can recite a scripture at the drop of a hat.  Note that “drop of a hat” is a slang term, they don’t really drop their hat as the euphenism implies.  And many of these scripture memory students have done just that.  From “a camel going through the eye of a needle,” to the disciples not knowing how Jesus would “rebuild his temple in three days,” or “how the body is a temple where the holy spirit dwells,”  they are taught literal, not spiritual meaning, and can miss the true meaning God intended.  Any comments on Nicodemus on being born again?  Literally quoting the Bible word for word, instead of catching the meaning of it, and being confused.  Worse yet, taking those words out of context, and not reading the preceding or the next verses to complete the thought.  They may know the word, but do they know Jesus, who is the word?  They may have the knowledge, but do they have the wisdom?  They may know the book, but do they know the author?  Do we take the time Perry does to study the case, and look for the evidence of the spirit in scripture?  Or has the word taken the place of the spirit in their trinity?
Knowledge puffs up, we are told, and I am not against study.  But I am for just study’s sake.  To know, but not apply.  For it is when we apply the things of the spirit to scripture that it comes alive, where we see Jesus as real and personal.  Where we go beyond the red words on the page, and into the heart of God, and his love and grace is revealed.  Tripping over words, or tripping out in the spirit?  Our souls may be saved, but our minds can still be a battleground.  Simple tests like Satan gave Eve are part of daily life, Satan didn’t use physical force, he appealed to her in knowledge, misquoting God so cleverly that when she fell back on her knowledge, it let her down.  Of course, that never happens to us, we all study to find ourselves approved...
So have you just studied it, or are you living it to find yourself approved?  The real test is daily life, our witness, what we show the world when we think no one is watching.  Our character, who we really are under pressure is revealed, and the truth was there all the time.  If Perry can figure it out, why can’t we?  Or are we so heavenly minded, we fail to represent Jesus Christ on earth?  Is your relationship with him so literal you can put it into words, or so deep and spiritual you cannot find the words to express his love?  So deep, only an action, a picture with a thousand words will do.  Are you still felling guilty, although Jesus proven you innocent by is death on the cross?  Have you been spiritually born again, or just religiously?  If you were on trial for being a Christian, is there enough evidence of Jesus in it to convict you?  Do you give the right answers, but don’t live them?  Perry would know, Jesus knows, but so does your accuser.  Do you know the words, but not the word?  Remember, when bragging on your knowledge, you may know all the answers, but not have heard all the questions yet.  When we fall back on what we have been taught alone, we fail.  When it is spiritually inspired, when we walk in his spirit, we are changed by him, and our lives reveal him and we see things through his eyes.  Not a lesson to fall back on or just a scripture to be quoted. 
Perry always catches his man in an hour, Jesus asks “could you have not waited just one more hour?”  Could you show some of my life in you instead of preaching and running others off?  Life has taught me, wear a Jesus shirt and you will be avoided by the same ones Jesus asks you to minister to.  If you have to remind me you are a Christian, maybe you are missing something.  And the world will judge you accordingly. Try showing love, let Jesus rule and reign in your heart, let him give you the words when you need them.  He has written his word on our heart, so you always have him with you, scriptural evidence the word is always in you.  So are you in the word or is the word in you?  I plead guilty by association with Jesus Christ.  Hopefully my words will match my actions.  In one short conversation Eve’s decision changed the course of history.  Say what you mean, and mean what you say.  Let your actions reflect Jesus Christ, and if necessary use words.  And remember, that wonderful counselor who is there to do just that, counsel.  I rest my case, you be the about your secretary Miss Street....
Do you have enough confidence to approach the bench?
love with compassion,