Wednesday, November 3, 2010

election day

DATELINE:Troy, Illinois, September, 2006. Minutes after Torches Across America Rally-a ride across America to honor those who died on 9-11, and those whose serve, and first responders.
The ceremony had just ended, the bagpipe player disappearing into the dark night, until you couldn't see him any longer, and the sounds of Amazing Grace disappeared into the distance. I had been part of the evening festivities, being the spokesman for us, and a German lady with a local TV station wanted to interview me. Amongst all the American flags, and underneath the 50 foot one hanging from two fire engine ladders, her opening line was, "what do you think of George Bush's mishandling of the war in Iraq?" Taken a bit off guard, I replied that this is apolitical, this is a rally for patriotism, not of politics. But she wasn't done. She kept probing, probably at the insistence of her editor, to get me to say something anti-American, and inflammatory. I kept my cool, but she finally asked the defining question-and got an inflammatory answer-just not one she was looking for, and one I'm sure didn't make the news the next day.
"With all the unrest in the world, aren't you afraid to die?"
"No," I explained. "I am a Christian man who gave his life to Jesus. And when I die I go to heaven, I am definitely not afraid to die. In fact-I look forward to it!" And that was the end of the interview. Although the camera man behind her gave me the alright motion, and the thumbs up. And she can never say she didn't hear the gospel.
Last night, while we were asleep, the final vote tallies of an election were finished up. And one group of people will rejoice, while the others mourn. And the truth is, although the parties in charge may change, nothing will change. You see, politics, and Christianity will always run opposite of each other. Christianity is all about Jesus, and politics is all about man. And until there is a change of heart, there will be no change of actions. And perhaps the most telling voter count, is those that didn't. Somewhere between 35-45%, depending on where you live. So before you go celebrating, remember almost half the country just doesn't care. While you regroup and mourn your loss, remember-half the country just doesn't care. They are sick of politics, and looking for the truth-something no politician on any level can offer. For anytime you compromise, you are compromising your values. Do not ever buy into the lie of disagreeing to agree-you both lose. And when you start compromising, to get your way, when do you stop?
Do you remember when the US of A was states of red, white, and blue? Now we have blue dog and red states. And from what I can see, all are really black and blue-beat up by each other, and rotting away from within.
If you really care about yourself, your fellow man, and your country-take heed of the following. It states, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, I will hear their voice from heaven, and heal their land." 2Chronicles 7:14. Does anybody ask God anymore what He wants-His will? Or are we so self serving, either we are happy when we get our way, or mad at Him when we don't.
Election day is over until next year, but today you can still make a choice-while there is still time. You can turn to God, and face eternity knowing that it will be heavenly. Or you can stick to your politics, and face an evil and painful eternity in hell. Jesus is not driven by any party. He is God. Shouldn't that be enough to choose Him? You see, even going back one generation, it doesn't matter who was in charge, or what party. But in eternity it will. No politics in heaven-just love. Your faith won't save you, as the evangelists say, but only the one-Jesus, in which you place that faith. Faith alone is useless without Him.
Hope-we all have it, is yours in God, or man? Love-God is love. And loves you so much He sent His son Jesus to die for your sins.
Has anyone from any party given you an offer like that, that they will die for your sins? Can they guarantee heaven? Let God be true, and all men liars.
So once again, today, I choose Jesus. His grace and mercy far outweigh any entitlement program, and His kingdom will endure forever. You don't have to wait another four years, while murmuring to decide. Today is the day of salvation-vote with your heart. Jesus and patriotism go hand in hand. Do you love your country? If we have any chance of healing, they need to go heart in heart.
love with compassion,