Tuesday, September 13, 2011

classic is in the heart of the beholder

Add to your list the fact that no one really knows how old or what an old car is. Some shows advertise "classic," meaning old, but the Classic Car Club of America has fine lines of definition for this incorrectly, oft used term. Some shows cut them off at 25 years old, 35 years old, or 1975, 1973, or whatever. It even gets broken down by specific years and models with brands, and the question remains-what is an old car? I have an old 1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria LX-for sale by the way, which although at 21 years old is not considered an old car. It is to me. I even took my 1978 Suzuki GS1000e to a show for old cars and motorcycles last summer, only to find it wasn't old enough at 33 years of age, 35 years was old that day. Told to me by a guy still in his twenties. And old can mean different times to different folks, my own criteria is before I started to drive. Cars meant different things to me after I got a license, so for me I pick 1971. You may have your own ideas, but they matter little-it is up to the show that is sponsoring it. Too which I quote my distinguished Long Island resident, Mary FNY. "Whatever."
But as cars get older, and cars from the 70's and 80's are included by the 25 and 35 year old mark, I don't see them at car shows. Where are all the Pintos and Vegas? They made millions of them? Remember those cool T-birds from the late 70's? Seemed everyone had one then, where are they now? Where has all the fine Corinthian leather gone? GM"s X-car, we even had an '81 Citation X-11, the hi-performance one with 135hp! How about the down sized 1977 Cadillacs? Millions of Chevettes, but does anyone born in the 80's even know what one is? And the list goes on and on, with only one thing in common-they have become throw away cars. Use them up, and recycle them. And true, some should be recycled, some the day they were sold were bad, but as a vintage they are all gone. Cars I drove from 1971 to 1990, cars like the first Rabbit in 1975, Mazda 626, the X-11, Escorts, Probes, and T-birds, all gone. Only in my memory are they alive, and at the time many were great cars. But now uncollectable, or maybe more correctly unavailable. Used up, thrown away. Recycled like today cans and bottles. Hey, even BMW boasts how much of their car is recyclable. Have cars gone the way of a returnable Coke bottle? Just pay for the deposit, then throw it away, you own it, or recycle them. And sadly history, culture, and a lot of memories for our society have gone with them.
Theresa tells me of a church that did a big 9-11 ceremony, and I was impressed. Until I thought. "Isn't that the same church that is for abortion? That marries gays? That takes stands on social issues, but now claims they know better than God?" They claim Jesus isn't the only way to God, or heaven. Just be good. How about a person seeking salvation, what do they say to him? When the streets of the south are lined with Baptist churches, each with just a bit of a different doctrine, when synods don't agree, and people aren't comfortable with religion, or its rules of code or dress, what do they do? Who have we become? Sadly like the criteria for car shows, they have gone their own way. Following their own ways, choosing to follow their own religion, rather than trust God. Calvary Chapel Escondido even does an "Are You a Good Person Test?" showing the fallacies of not following the Bible-check out their web site and take it. The truth of Jesus is the only thing that will set you free.
Today there is a new class of throw away people, those who are seeking God, but not finding Him in religion or denominations. Feeling useless, but still admired in society's eyes. Successes in business, in their careers. They aren't poor, homeless, or destitute. They have tangible assets. But getting theories, ideas, and doctrinal views from religion, but not the truth. They even contribute more than they take, but are spiritually dead. They may feel good, for awhile, but who is there to tell them the truth? What is their criteria? Is there a baseline for beliefs? How can I know God? I already know about Him. HELP!
And the truth remains in only one person-Jesus Christ. They need something intangible-for that is what the soul desires. The Holy Spirit. Jesus was not a religious person-the religious hated Him, when He pointed out their lies. And rather than be His own religion with His own set of laws, incorporated by man and not Him, He offers mercy and grace via forgiveness. Above any law! For free-no deposit. It is called love, and it is a gift-it cannot be earned. No one can be that good. Hey-we're all born into sin, ever seen a baby that needed to be taught to demand his own way? Or not cry when he didn't get it? Jesus says He is the way-one way, the only way to God. Aren't you glad it is not multiple choice? Simple enough. He is the truth-compare anything else to Him and you decide. And He is the life-life itself. Not a life style, or a way to live. He eliminates all the in-between men and rules, so you can deal with Him direct. No misinterpretations-just ask Him, and He will give the answer-then you decide. No other religion or person offers what He does, and lets you make the choice.
Classic is an overused word today. Lay's makes classic chips, we have classic cars, and of course the original brought back to life, Classic Coke. Jesus Christ is not only classic, He is today, and tomorrow. None other like Him. No need to box Him in with rules. And you will never be turned away, unlike some car shows. Take Him at His word, it is that easy!
In a society today that prides itself on recycling old items, and being "green," God understood this from the beginning. Long before it was trendy to recycle, Jesus was already changing lives. For the better, taking something old and dirty, and turning it into something new and fresh. He forgives you, will you ask Him today to forgive you today?
Jesus made it simple, change the heart, and you don't need the rules. Got morals? You don't need rules. It is called love. A Classic for over 2000 years. No deposit-and He will return! A "who" ever not a whatever.
love with compassion,