Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the real treatment for heart burn

There is an old song about LA being a great big freeway, but really all southern Cal is, most people just think of LA as the only city here. But 120 miles south lies San Diego, which is becoming a great big freeway. Twenty two years ago when we moved here from New Mexico, where we were only 120 miles to the closest freeway, it took us awhile to get used to traveling on them. My father in law gave me directions one time to get to a mall just three miles away, but took me on two freeways to get there. When I suggested surface streets, I got a look of why would I do that? And today although I travel freeways a lot, I still can make good time via surface streets. Now for the uninitiated, surface streets are what we would call local roads, like Country Club Lane, Hetfield Avenue, or Florida Road in Durango. But for those that live here, freeways are the only way to many.
You can make better time, they say. But did you know the average speed on LA freeways in 17mph? And that stop and go traffic can be so bad you will wear out your clutch leg? This is the only place I have lived where an automatic is not only preferred, but almost mandatory. Giving those of us who ride an advantage of lane splitting-advocated by the CHP. Maybe that is why when asked for directions, locals always quote freeways. For example, to get to Christopher's work in Commerce, just south of LA, we go on the 78 west, 5 north, 405 north, 710 north, to the 5 north. And because freeway use is so common I could easily have said the 78 to the San Diego freeway, to the Long Beach freeway to the Golden State-and we would know exactly where you were going-maybe they are surface streets after all-just grown up. We don't quote trips in mileage either, but in time. 60 miles per hour doesn't always equal 60 miles in one hour! Main Street USA they ain't.
And driving on these roads can be an eye opening experience. And just ask my friends Dick and Sherry who work for Cal Trans, they find more stuff tossed, lost, or abandoned along them. In Luke, we are told of two men traveling on the road to Emmaus, not Pennsylvania, and have a chance meeting with a man, who turns out to be Jesus. He never identifies himself, but reveals all scripture to them about the messiah. And after He leaves them, they admit that their hearts were burning while He talked with them about scripture.
Does your heart burn when talking about Jesus, and the Word? Not heartburn from too many tacos, but a yearning for the Lord? Or are you like the things discarded along the freeways-are you tossed about because your walk is weak, and you've turned away from the things of God? Are you lost-losing your way, and trying every other way but Jesus, knowing full well He is the way? Or do you feel abandoned by God-where is He when I need Him? Why doesn't He answer my prayers like I want? Perhaps you have been traveling the same road too long, and it is so familiar that you can't imagine, nor want to explore another road. Today Jesus gives that opportunity to follow Him, to get on the road He is on. But you have to make the decision, and if you pass your exit, even make a u-turn. He allows them.
And your heart will burn, with heavenly heat, when you do. You will know you are on the right road because of a peace and comfort that overcomes you. And although this road may have more curves and bumps, you do not ride it alone. You have an escort the whole way.
Heartburn, or a burning heart? Your choice. You will eventually get where you are going, but it helps if you know your destination. And the best set of maps you can find is written in the Bible. Endorsed by God, and delivered by Jesus. Experience a burning heart- an eye opening/heart opening with the Lord today-then no matter what road He takes you on, you are going the right direction.
And yes, when the song asks do I know the way to San Jose, I can get there on surface streets or freeways. My choice. Make your choice Jesus today. Many roads, but only one way-to heaven!
love with compassion,