Thursday, June 17, 2010

MMD-still looking for the cure

The symptoms have been there for years, and in the past 24 months have risen to the surface for all to see. I have been informally diagnosed with MMD, a contagious, emotional and potentially physical affliction. It is not life threatening, but will affect every aspect of your life, and your family's. It shows no age or sexual preference, but is more proficient in men. And unless you are familiar with MMD, you know there is no cure, and only one treatment. MMD, in case you don't know, is Multiple Motorcycle Disorder. And with eight motorcycles currently in my garage, it is time to admit I have it and deal with it.
It started quite innocently, having owned over 34 motorcycles since getting my license in 1971. And only in the recent years has it begun to take me over. With bikes ranging from 1978 to 2008, it spans many years and riding models. And add into the mix riding NEW motorcycles for Triumph, about 10 each year, to any other mortal this would be life threatening, but to me and our household, it is business as usual. MMD doesn't dominate our life, but is definitely a strong influence. And a sure symptom, is when you sell a bike and wish you hadn't. And wish you could have it again, and the journey begins. And in the back of your mind you know that there is another just waiting to break your heart, and maybe your wallet. Like the song Officer Krupke, in West Side Story, "hey, I've got a social disease..." and I'm loving it!
But as many motorcycles try to dominate my life, I have found the Surf City chorus, "two girls for every boy.." to not fit into my life. I always believed that I would meet a girl, fall in love, and that would be it. And like Dick says, "divorce is not an option!." And Theresa has satisfied that desire for over 32 years. And she is also beginning to show the affects of MMD. In times when we had no food, and somehow could buy another bike, she stuck with me. And has gone from "you don't need another bike," to "we don't have the money or room," to "how are you going to fit them all in the garage-with my car?" And since having her own bike, she now is within the contagious area of catching MMD herself. At this point, garage space, and finances are keeping it in check. But we've overcome both those obstacles before. But the real blessing is one wife, for one life, and I am blessed it is Theresa. One girl for this boy, just can't say the same about motorcycles.
And in spite of one wife and many motorcycles, there has only been one desire, and one constant in my life since 1975-Jesus Christ. No matter how many, or what, or when-He has stayed with me, and been consistently faithful. No matter the brand-He still loves me. No matter the garage size-He still cares. And no matter how many Happy Meals we couldn't Super Size due to MMD, He still loves me-as I am, even in this semi-fallen condition. And I find that as long as I let nothing come between us-motorcycles, families, work, ministry, or anything else, He blesses me more than I can handle. It is called grace, and it does away with all laws except for the law of love. And truly, in my heart I want nothing to get between us.
The proper ratios in life are one God, one wife, and many motorcycles. I tell people all the time that Jesus, Theresa, and motorcycles-it just don't get any better! And I believe that with all my heart. And we can do them all together!
So get saved, get a believing wife, and get a motorcycle. Pray, love, and live together. And ride together, too. Heaven awaits, but the blessings start here and now!
By the way, does anyone know of a four car garage, with a bed and bath? Maybe room for my big screen? Call! I got the urge again, I hear there is this CB750 that needs a home...and is for sale-cheap! Can't put the Mustang on the street. Hmmmm....
MMD-you've been warned!
love with compassion,