Wednesday, December 3, 2014

when the road ends, the adventure begins

Growing up, Princeton Avenue wasn’t paved yet.  Nor had it gone through yet, and ended after about six houses with a big wooden barrier warning drivers the road ended.  Sometime in the mid-sixties they paved the road, hard to imagine any subdivision without curbs and asphalt today, but the barrier remained for years until it was removed and new houses built.  But for us kids on our Schwinns, JC Higgins, or Rollfasts, just the other side of the barrier the fun began.  Over the years a dirt path had been established, and it was only passable on foot, or skillfully navigated by our bikes.  A wonderful land where no cars or adults interfered, a place where we built tree forts, climbed trees, and played pirate, pretending a huge downed weeping willow was our ship.  In summer the weeds grew high, and in winter the snow covered it, with each season providing new challenges for us. I wondered if many adults ever knew of all the fun to be had just the other side of the barrier, as none were ever seen there.  Where the road ended, we didn’t nor did the fun.  Cars and adults knew enough to stay out, and when their road ended, our adventures were just beginning.  A pathway to unexplored woods, to new neighborhoods on the other side, and new kids to meet.  Who shared a common path with us, just coming at it from a different angle.  Their beginning was our end, our our beginning was their end, and we all met in the middle and played together.  Unsupervised, with no rules, having fun and letting only our imaginations dictate the adventures for the day.  We didn’t need to be entertained, as we were entertaining, and life had not told us yet we couldn’t have fun.  But as we got older, and the older guys in their teens would cut through with their girl friends, we saw new adventures as they held hands, and sometimes even kissed.  YUK!  And we were chased more than once for spying on them in mid kiss, even though they were right out in the open.  And then the day came when the fence came down, the bulldozers arrived and built a street.  With houses to follow, and suddenly the playground of our youth was gone.  Progress they called it, and for awhile we missed it, until we came of age when we walked with girls, hand in hand, and tried to sneak a kiss, but had no woods to do it in.  The barrier had been removed, the land was now open to all, and the adventures ended.  Or at least took on a new meaning, with new adventures to come.
As kids we never realized that the barrier was for our benefit, as it kept the world out.  But later we came to regard gates, fences, and barriers as preventing us from going where we wanted to go, they impeded our progress.  If only we could see them in the eyes we once did as kids.  Maybe that is why adventure bikes are growing in popularity.  They enable to keep going when the road ends, or the pavement stops.  We can no longer wonder what is down the path, but wander down it and see.  And so for many who have ridden for years, a new road awaits us, one where only our imagination and fears limit us.  To travel down the roads of our youth, but now at higher speeds than our Schwinns would ever see.  Maybe they are called adventure bikes for reason, as those of us old enough and able to remember remember when they were called dual purpose, or enduros.  High pipes and knobby tread, whoever thought we would return to our roots on them today.  Allowing kids of all ages to never have to grow up, if only our parents knew what really went on beyond the fence.  Adults were limited, as kids we hadn’t acquired that trait yet.
Many come to Christ today and see the barriers removed.  We are free from sin, have a new life, and it is exciting.  We can go places, see things, and see them through Christ’s eyes as we go on in life.  Yet for many this is where the adventure ends, as denominational barriers are put up.  Some concentrate on laws and legalism, robbing us of our new found freedom.  Thou shalt not is echoed in their belief system.  Some are bound by the new life by never being discipled, and never growing in Christ.  Wondering why some are so blessed, yet their own lives are on of drudgery.  And eventually fall back into their pre-Jesus state, saved but not enjoying all the benefits.  A fence has been erected between them and God, and they don’t see it, and if they do, are afraid to go beyond it.  They stay safe and secure on this side of the barrier, telling themselves this is all there is.  But for those of us who want all the Jesus we can get, we find ways over and around the barriers man puts up.  We find that when scripture says “we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us,” we believe it.  We see the miracles because we trust God, we see healings because we know Jesus is the great physician.  We have hope because he gives us hope, and way beyond anything we can hope or imagine he provides.  A paved road just becomes the beginning, and doesn’t end when it turns to dirt.  We just lean on God more, and follow him down the path, knowing he has gone ahead.  And when the going gets rough, we adjust to his speed, the holy spirit becoming the suspension and smoothing out the bumps.  We may not know what lies ahead, but we know when God is in it we will be blessed.  And since he is everywhere, and ever present, we look forward to new roads and new challenges, where God can be God, and all the other lies told to us by liars become just that.  Losers make excuses, we make testimonies.
It doesn’t take an adventure bike to be adventurous, it takes trust in Jesus.  Seems we had more faith in our old two wheelers to take us places than we do God sometimes.  No kid ever wanted to be called a scaredy cat, or a wuss.  We need to have the same confidence in Christ today.  We need to see the fallen trees and wonder how they fell.   Keep our eyes on the path before us, and keep going when we encounter others using the path for their own purposes.  When chased out know that sometimes it is for our own good, and choose another path, knowing God is leading.  We don’t need fear to become a barrier from all the blessings of Jesus.  Take the attitude that if God presents it, then he will take us through it.  Not around or over, but through it. Encouraging those who are scared, and leading those who are lost or confused.  For when sin ends, a life in glory begins, and when God gets the all the glory, we get all the blessings. 
Life is an adventure, what you make of it depends on your choice on who you follow.  Stay bound to laws and never grow, and always wonder why.  Or live in the spirit, and see the places that others cannot only imagine.  It has been said that only those who can see the invisible will do the impossible, we trust a God who reveals himself by is spirit.  We have faith, become obedient, then fully trust.  I get excited about new roads, and where they lead.  But I know I never travel alone, and when the road ends, Jesus never does.  Trust him to take you down some new roads today, become a dual purpose person, living in the world but not of it, become an enduro, enduring when others turn back, and find that in Christ, when the road ends, the adventure is only beginning.  Remove all the barriers between you and Jesus today....I dare you!  What are you, a scaredy cat or something?
love with compassion,