Thursday, May 20, 2010

the hands on your watch

Once a month, Theresa and some of her friends go to Maranatha for the Wednesday night service. They always meet first for dinner, so that leaves me to fend for myself. Hmmm, which burger joint do I get to grace with my presence tonight? But tonight would be different, I was in the mood for Chinese, so I went to Panda Express, arriving just before the dinner crowd. Now behind me in line was this young, blond girl. Stereotypical California girl, who after I paid for my food finally made her decision. "Can you step it up here honey, people are starving behind you!" Taking the fast out of fast food. When she got to the cashier, she was asked did she want a large soda? During a spell which took about two forkfuls of food in length, she decided yes. She walked by me on the way out, balancing her huge set of keys, her bag of food, and her empty cup. As I watched, she got across the parking lot and stopped, and looked into the cup-something was wrong-what was it? And she finally realized the cup was empty-she hadn't gotten her drink. So returning to the restaurant, she placed the bag of food down next to me, filled her drink and walked out.
And at about the same point, stopped, realizing something was wrong-again. She had forgotten her food. Soooo-she went back and got it, and finally on the third attempt made it top her car. And the story ends here at least for me, who knows when she made it home-or even if!
To which a man sitting next to me commented, "even a broken watch is right two times a day."
Now I have been known to be a creature of habit, but sometimes more creature than habit. Once a year we all panic when I can't find the keys to a bike. And after searching the house, and being reminded of how does it feel to be so stupid, look in the bike-which was the last place I saw them. And they are always there-not lost, just waiting for me to return. And I have gotten better, as the gaps between losing my sunglasses is increasing. Generally, they are found on my head-duh, which someone after 10 minutes of looking at me notices. Double duh! Which is an improvement. It seems for years whenever I would go to my grandparents, I would lose my glasses, and only find them after sitting on them. Which was always followed by "I told you not to put them on a chair-again!" Stupid hurts.
Josh and I had lunch yesterday, and were talking about missed opportunities to minister, and how we know when God presents them. How it takes a sensitive spirit, and a willingness to follow it. Theresa told me a story recently about a friend of hers who is involved in ministry. And when a chance to minister outside her organization came up, that would have been perfect for her, had to say no. They had their meeting that day, sorry, she would have to pass. Ministry-getting into the way of ministering. A missed blessing for all parties. Gotta have those meetings, though, so we can talk about ministering. Just in case we ever get the chance. Good thing Jesus forgives, and gives another chance. And tells us to get over it and go on.
After Peter denied Jesus three times in the garden, he felt miserable. But we find the next story in the gospel, is when John and he come across a man who cannot walk-and we all know the children's song-in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth-rise up and walk! Just like he was told, and he did! It took a failure for Peter to draw closer to God, and then to have more of a ministering heart.
Blown a chance? Get over it. God knows you would, and wants you to seek Him-and He wants to bless you in these encounters. And whether that stumbling block is a meeting, or a little girl, He wants you to get over it, and get on with life! We all know the story of Peter's denial, maybe we should concentrate on his comeback, if you will.
Don't fall for the excuse either, saying "well they'll outgrow it." Always blond, always leaving glasses on head, and age doesn't seem to matter. Just ask Jed Clampett, when his nephew Jethro came home with a new Mickey Mouse watch. Proud of the little mouse on it, "the hands move Uncle Jed, "he showed it to Granny, who berates him-"you dern fool, it's defective, the hands aren't even the same size! One is smaller than the other!"
Here's hoping your watch hands are a different size, your keys are in your pocket, glasses on your face, and your cup filled, and your dinner is warm by the time you get it home. But most important that you have Jesus in your heart. You never know when the next blessing is about to come your way. Be sensitive to the spirit. It's nice to be right more than twice a day.
love with compassion,