Thursday, September 13, 2018

store #1294 is no more

For more than 50 years it stood on the corner of Terrill Road and Route 22, once the busiest road in the US of A.  From an obscure corner in Plainfield, and moving to Route 22, it was the largest store in the New York Group, selling over $27 million in 1972 dollars, and it was where many of us worked after school and after graduation.  It was Sears, at the time the face of America in retailing, but today closing all its stores over a period of years because it cannot compete with online and cheaper Chinese made junk.  Sears was America, their flagship brands of J. C. Higgins, Kenmore and Craftsman known for quality.  It was Cheryl Tiegs, golfer Johnny Miller, and Ted Williams, it was America red, white, and blue. With service to back it up, while some were in college getting a degree, I was working there and earning one in life.  Working on the receiving platform, I learned about life from the drivers, mostly like Archie Bunker in this All in the Family era, 1972.  We were a cross section of ethnic groups, from my best boss ever, Dominic Iannucci, to Herman Reeder, the funniest black guy or any guy ever.  Hassan Hassan, “is that your first or last name?”  His answer, “yes.”  It was where I learned customer service, the importance of accuracy when checking in loads, the value of over time to the working man, and how life worked.  The first and last place we got paid by cash, how important you felt with all that $2.25/hour cash, and a big let down when they started with checks, and you had to make a trip to the bank, but still they would cash it for you there.  It was the first place I met people from other towns other than in sports, and opened up a whole new world for dating.  It was a job we liked to go to, we bragged on having, and where we got paid adult wages at teenager years.  Where a brotherhood of coworkers was formed, and even stopping in many years after I moved west, was still greeted, and introduced as “the ping pong table guy.”  An infamous story better told at another time.....
But when I got the news last week, oh boy, it made me feel bad.  To be replaced by yet another strip mall, I guess that is what it takes to replace this 150,000+ square foot store, but will not even come close to what Sears represented to us then, and I remember now.  To Dom, Basic, Herman, Hines, Busch, Big Fat Richie, PC, Zitsch Larson, Tiny, Small Change, Big and Little Karls, and Mike Naylor, you guys were friends, teachers, confidants, and role models to us Jersey guys.  So many who we spent so many working hours with, hanging at Charlie Browns, playing softball, or solving Jersey problems, thanks for the memories, but sadly when we tell the stories, when they look at yet another strip mall, who will ever appreciate what the store meant to us.  Or the stories we could tell.....but store #1294 is no more.
The Bible tells us that we walk by faith not by sight.  Seems we tell stories, and believe them by faith also.  We all know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but today there is no trace of them, for they are completely removed forever, just like God said.  Like the gate to the Garden of Eden, it is hidden, and no man can find it, what God hides he hides very well.  But what he reveals to man, he reveals even better.  His love for his creation so immense and unfathomable, that even centuries after Jesus, he still calls out to the lost in love.  The Bible although burned and banned in places like China, India, North Korea, and some African nations, still goes forth.  Very few reminders of where it was written and about who, yet when researched to prove or disprove, only reveals a loving God, whose truth cannot be denied.  He gives us faith to believe that we cannot see, to hear that which is inaudible, and to trust that which is not a secret.  Before printing he chose to write his words on our hearts, and still does today, try that technophobes.  He still provides a way to heaven for free,when the world offers self help course for big money.  He still deals in truth while so many deal in opinions, and he still loves and forgives, while others seek retribution, and intimidate.  All by faith...
So maybe when I tell the stories again of the ping pong table, of the blind customer in Customer Service, of Herman locking Phyllis in the candy lockup, some will doubt, some laugh, some be entertained, believing what they want.  But we, I was there, and know it to be true.  Just like the gospel today, God is still here, he never left, and he knows the truth, for he is truth.  Let all men be liars, he still is truth.  The only place to turn for the truth and the best advice.  And in the same faith we believe he raised Jesus from the dead, we know we will be resurrected too.  The stories of my times at Sears still resonate, but Jesus Christ in my life is even more real.  Like it was yesterday, except it is today, and every day.  
Some pay for an education, I got paid while getting mine.  Earn while you learn, or vice versa, it is only the application of our education that is important.  Applying God’s love to a lost and dying world is what he calls us to do. To love those unlovely, reach out to the less fortunate, and to tell the truth about him.  At work, play, and even at church.  I don’t go in for reunions, but the one in heaven I cannot wait to attend.  So many of my friends will be there, but many won’t.  It is to them I reach out daily, for if you had trouble with the first coming of Jesus, you really won’t like his next one.  But he is patient so that none shall perish.  Memories fade, photos are lost, buildings are torn down.  But God has prepared a special place in heaven for those that believe.  With the names of those saved written in the book of life.  Many sign yearbooks, we get to sign God’s.  We are in it.  What you remember will be based on what you do and know today.  Back then the tag line was “Sears has everything!”  Back then we thought they did, now we know they had everything except a future.  Don’t you go the same way.  Only in Christ will we have everything... and at prices you can afford.
No more Christmas Wishbook, but we still have the one of promise, the Bible.  Aren’t you glad God keeps his promises?  What does he mean to you?
love with compassion,