Monday, November 14, 2011

brother, can you help a vet?

The Kennedy's were known for playing touch football games in their younger, pre-political days. And one of the rules was, you play by their rules. One time when challenged on this point, and asked "who said they were your rules?" they responded, "because it's our ball. And if you don't like it we'll take it home." And when backed up by Barney Fife's first rule in the Mayberry jail, "first rule is obey all rules," it kinda makes sense. In a 1960's way. At least in a Kennedy way.
I have been blessed over the past few years to be involved in numerous Veterans events. From Torches Across America, to meeting vets at various biker rallies, to meeting them on the street, I always try to thank them and honor them for their service. I was 364 of 365 in the last lottery-no way I was getting drafted! But my heart still goes out to those who have served, and whose families served along with them.
A common theme when I am able to minister is that Jesus and veterans go hand in hand. I may not know about their personal walk with God, but I have never been refused a chance to pray with them, and they are the first to take off their hats and bow their heads when we do. alone or in a crowd-it doesn't matter. Being patriotic to them goes far beyond name, rank, and serial number-it extends to a personal level, based on being a citizen of the US of A, and also a brotherhood that unless you have served you don't get-and wouldn't if explained to you. I can bear witness to that. I don't get it, but love to watch it in action. And while so many served faithfully, and have precious memories, many don't. They came back like my friend Frank-a beaten and drug addicted infantryman. Too much blood and death for a 19 year old to take, they could train him to fight, but not how to react later. And sadly many homeless, mentally ill, poverty stricken, and sick have been incarcerated or hospitalized-some for their own good. And sadly, left to be forgotten, until it is time to remember them for one day a year-to show them off for certain politicians, for personal gain-again at the expense of the Veteran. Give them a wreath to be recognized, when really they need love, and to be remembered.
A few years ago there was a run to get money for a veteran's cause. The ride was nationally advertised, and was to go nationwide, and the last leg from Paso Robles to San Marcos. It ended in San Marcos alright, but never was in Paso. The motel never even heard of it, and except for me, no other bikes were there-so I rode back home-a 750 mile day on my Bonneville. Ken please note-no windshield.
At the rally the next night, one of the organizers came up to me and wanted me to get involved. Seems my "connections" nationwide within the biking community made me a good potential source for revenue. He was shocked when I refused, simply put I told him a would not prostitute myself for money, and that if I did I would lose all respect from those who do know me-I am known as a giver rather than a taker. "But Mike, we might even be able to get you on Oprah, she is part of this!" So I did my Kennedy thing-thanked him, and got on my bike and left. Beware of those who appear to do good-at this level he had to pay staffs, fund raisers, and travelling expenses out of donations. And I wonder, how much really ever go to the needs of the vets?
Jesus tells us to feed those who hunger-ride through any park, they're there. Buy them a burger and share a meal with them. If thirsty, give them drink-not alcohol, but sit and share over a Coke. Naked-offer them a trip to Wal-Mart, and buy them some clothes. Did you know that one of the most desired items in Vet's homes are socks? Visit them in jails, and in hospitals. LISTEN to them. No one else does. They have stories to tell that will bless you, and them. And lastly-take them into your heart, as friends. You may be strangers when you first meet, but that person may also be a friend you had never met. Treat them with honor and respect, the best gospel they may ever see. For we were all strangers until we met Jesus, and He takes us all in-no matter who or what we have been.
Go to them-don't flake out and just invite them to church-go to them! Don't preach-just show love and respect! True ministry that comes from the heart.
And as for those who only fund raise-we need you too. But do it with the love of Jesus. Many give out of love-don't take advantage of them. For if you do you are fighting a battle with God that you will not win! He defends His own.
So a hearty thanks to all veterans, from all wars. Thanks for your sacrifice of service for all of us. And to my dad, SSgt. Jack L. Mohn, USAF, thanks for your service, patriotism, and your continued giving to your fellow vets. Only Jesus and the American soldier know the true price of freedom-add some love to it and share it with someone today.
Jesus and America-a country that truly God has shed His grace on thee....a price no one else could have paid. At the cross...
love with compassion,