Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Midnight Special

Some say the legend began in the deep South, while some versions say it came out of Texas.  Some words base it on a black man, some a Mexican, and some a white.  No matter, it has been around for over 120 years, a hit in many different music genres, it even gave name to a TV show, and the origin still remains a mystery, while many different variations of the lyrics appear, but they all have on thing in common.  A light shining out of the dark....
The song is called The Midnight Special, about a train racing by a prison in the night, and on certain occasions, when the headlight shines into a cell, the person will get a reprieve.  A true legend that no one has ever been able to verify, but the Midnight Special still “shines it light, or life down on me...”  More than an urban legend, or even a suburban legend, it is more than a prison or even a railroad legend, it sings of a man incarcerated and then let go by a divine providence when the light shines down on him.  Maybe even a hint of the gospel involved, such are the ways of a legend, maybe even might make a good Twilight Zone.  Add into it “People Get Ready,”  “you don’t need no ticket, you just get on board,” any aspiring Christian singers out there, this may be your next hit!  I can hear it in a bluesy background.
Now all lies are based on truth, in some cases becoming a truth, but varying from the truth of Jesus Christ.  Take freedom for instance, and many are trying to take it from you.  When Pearl sang “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” lack of taking care of yourself becomes another’s burden.  Ask Cain, we never did get an answer from him when God asked “are you your brother’s keeper?” We assume we should be and some are, but are we really?  Or is our love for one another just a truth, only when someone is looking, or do we really love on another?  Lock and load, let society take care of them, when God calls to us to take care of others, a major failing of the church today.  But when the church, the government, and even well meaning ministries fail, Jesus never does.  Anyone behind bars, or in a bind, or in a hopeless situation is looking for a way out.  Religion may last for awhile, like being on parole with certain rules, but only Jesus can save you, and change your situation, by changing you.  A quickie nirvana may feel good for a moment, but that train is still coming, and unless it is Jesus, look out.  It is his light that truly shines on us, showing us the way, through and not around.  A train must stay on its tracks, while we are often off track.  But whatever cell we find ourselves prisoner in, when Jesus’ light shines on us, we can find freedom, true freedom in him.  Where his spirit is there is liberty, available to all, no matter your sin against him.  Sin loves the darkness where it can hide, but Jesus will expose it and deal with it, but only if you let him. 
But first a few things about sin, if it wasn’t fun you wouldn’t do it, and until you realize it is sin, you won’t change.  Changing your habits will not get you saved, only Jesus will, and the change will come from within, shining out, to light the way.  Like when a door is opened in the rats scatter from the light, evil cannot stand in God’s light, and in Jesus there is found no darkness at all.  No sin found in Jesus, he was without sin, a train I like to ride on.  And it shines in brightest day light, not just in the darkest night, for God is light.  Imagine no light and you have no God.  No wonder evil likes the dark and avoids the light.
But your sin will find you out, Jesus is not on a campaign to smear you or to highlight your sin.  He has come to save us from the darkness, letting his light shine down on us, like the moon reflects the sun’s light, Jesus reflects the father’s love for us.  But with a day of reckoning coming, when the train will leave the statin for the last time, and darkness will have its way for awhile.  People get ready is more than a song, it is a call to Jesus, and he is the ticket to eternal life.  He is the Midnight Special, shining down on us, bringing light and life to those in darkness.  He is more than a legend, more than folklore, more than a hit song, he is the truth, he is the way, and in him is the life.  Without him you live a lie, going the wrong way, and dead in your sin.  There may be variations of the song’s words, but not of God’s word, Jesus.  We may not know the song’s origins, we know Jesus’ origins, and we can return there with him, heaven. 
So let the Midnight Special, Jesus Christ, shine down on you.  Let him light up your life, privately, publicly, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Let him save every aspect of your life, not just what shows.  There is debate about where the true Midnight Special originated, only one was found on an Illinois Central line in Mississippi, but the oldest origins go back to North Carolina.  We know the origins of Jesus, no debate there.  And only one version of the gospel.  Let his light shine down on you today, be set truly free by his spirit, know where you are going after death here, many claim the origins of the song, maybe that explains the different versions.  Jesus was a hit long before the song, and will be forever.  You don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord.  And let his every lovin’ light shine down on you!”
love with compassion,