Wednesday, March 20, 2013

it's not rocket science you know

New Mexico is a wonderful blend of cultures both old and new. On one hand you have the Anasazi, or the ancient ones, whose cliff dwellings go back thousands of years, and right down the road you have Sandia Labs where the A bomb was invented. Cave men and rocket scientists all sharing the same state, no wonder it is called the Land of Enchantment. It is where when selling motorcycles years ago, I tried to explain to a man that you didn’t have to change the oil on a two-stroke with CCI injection, you just kept adding it. As I explained it was very simple, not rocket science, he looked at me puzzled, and said “I am a rocket scientist.” And with foot in mouth I changed the subject. So when selling cars with Chambless years later, it didn’t surprise me to see a group of them looking for him. He had just sold a Concord to one, and he was coming in to sign some papers. And while he was, his six friends were cruising the showroom. Easy to spot by their white shirts, crew cuts and black rimmed glasses, and showing more white sock between pants cuff and oxford than today’s baseball players. With their pocket protectors filled with pencils, pens, and even the standard issue laser pointer, these men were ready for anything. Or so they thought. Somehow mystified by a dark maroon Concord four door, they were gathering around it, one who actually kicked the tires, another mystified by how an antenna could distinguish between AM and FM signals and send them to the right place, and one even bouncing up and down while behind the wheel. These were the grandfathers of the kids in the show “Big Bang Theory,” and these guys may actually be working on a big theory that would bang. And as Chambless approached them, they all introduced themselves as friends of his latest sales conquest. And it was show time...
As he shook hands with all of them, they were excited about this four door sedan, and how its dark paint would hold up in the harsh sun in the southwest. “American Motors has special paint on their cars just for that reason,” Chambless began. “And after each car is painted, they shoot it with electricity so the paint molecules line up, forming a bond against the rays from the sun. They are the only ones who have it. On some colors they are hard to see, but sometimes on darker colors like this you can see the molecules lined up.” And as he bent over the roof, looking for this imaginary line up of paint molecules, he waved to one of them, “look, here you can see them,” and pointed across the roof. At first he couldn’t, and being urged to look harder, exclaimed, “yeah I see them. Wow they really do line up!” And soon all six of these rocket scientists were proclaiming they saw the paint molecules lining up! WOW! Nodding, pointing, and squinting with one eye, they had seen what doesn’t exist to the naked eye, the had seen the invisible. What a leap of faith! Wait until they got back to the labs and told their friends. This really was rocket science. Wonder how it would work on a space shuttle? Had they stumbled onto some top secret coating?
And as we all dove for cover so as to not explode laughing at these men, I am reminded that there is a fine line between idiot and genius. And sometimes you can be on both sides of the fence, and not know it. Ernesto and I were discussing last night how so many seek Biblical knowledge, hoping that as they got smarter, they would find more favor with God. But how good teaching stresses the application in our lives, and as we get closer to God, He becomes more of our daily walk with Him. Not smart or cultured like the Pharisees were, or educated with a DD, Doctor of Divinity after their title of Most Reverent High Servant Minister of a Humble God, but simple like the child that Jesus asks us to come to Him as. Humble in that we turn it all over to Him, and childlike that we sit at His feet taking in every word, and marveling at Him. For the gospel is simple, and meant to be, so that anyone can get it. And it is not so much a matter of intelligence, although why would anyone wish to go to hell, but a matter of the heart, where soon the mind will catch up as you grow in grace. Titles mean nothing to God, Jesus was more impressed with being called friend, and calling you the same. Degrees, IQ’s, social prominence, and financial status had no impact on getting into heaven. It was all about Him, and us being born again. The only way to be saved. And we remarked how even the stupidest Christian who has chosen Jesus is much smarter than the smartest, most intelligent one who rejects Him. So smart, as the rocket scientists, yet so stupid. Having more faith to believe a lie than to trust the facts, and trust God. And it continues on today...
So maybe the smart ones do go to heaven. It is smart to choose Jesus over anything else. So easy to do that even a caveman could do it, or even a rocket scientist. But it is simple, so I ask, have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you believe He is God and died for your sins? Believe with your heart, confess with your mouth, and you are saved. No Big Bang Theory, no religious mantra or rules to follow. And much easier to find than paint molecules lining up on the roof of a car. That don’t exist. That’s blind faith.
Real faith used wisely produces many great things. Use it and turn to Jesus today. Watch as your life begins to line up with the Word, and you grow in grace. Watch as you discover things via the spirit that even the most intelligent mind cannot decipher. Watch as a joy overcomes you, and soon the blessings multiply. Faith, it only takes a little. Trust Jesus today, much easier than trying to see paint molecules line up. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that. Maybe God is right, it isn’t seeing that is believing, but believing that is seeing. And yes, I just had to look after they left. You know under the right light, they appear to line up...gotcha ya! Smart people don’t go to heaven, saved ones do. Be smart and saved, trust Jesus today.
love with compassion,