Gone are the days of “no ice please” while waiting for your freshly cooked
Big Mac to come out from its heat lamp storage area. If you don’t know what I
am talking about, you show your generation, if not your age, as there was a time
when we didn’t have self service soda dispensers, and the freckle faced kid
behind the counter would fill your cup to the brim with ice, then add Coke. No
diet Coke yet. And because we were thirsty and didn’t want a cup of ice, we
would tell then “no ice” or “little ice,” and they knew of what we were
talking. And if you noticed on all paper cups a small line, looks more like a
dash about 1/3 from the bottom, an ice line, as a guide. But few obeyed its
guidance, or even knew of its existence, so we were at there mercy. And no free
refills either, you took your chances after paying your money. Now among the
multitude of surveys Coca Cola took, they found an interesting trend, if you
filled your cup yourself, you used more ice than if someone else did it for
you. Which made self serve a much easier sell to retailers, also the free
refill part. They just upped their prices, to cover guys like me who buy a
small and make many trips back, pocketing the extra profit from the other 99%.
And since soft drinks is big money, today you serve yourself, use more ice, and
they make more profit. Pretty neat huh, just when we think we have them figured
Now once upon a time, a 32 oz. cup was considered a large, with small and
medium 16 and 24 oz. respectively. Again those pesky penny pinchers at Mickey
D’s, they used what is called a cheater cup. with 14, 22, and 30 oz.
respectively. No big deal, 2 oz. you figure, but in a billion ounce month, do
the math. We could all retire nicely, and still add our own ice. As much as we
want. But with 42, 48, and now 64 oz. or bigger cups, they sell more soda, more
ice, and make more profit. All with our help. An unpaid employee of
McDonald’s. And for those of you who think only a few ounces are no big deal,
it’s only a Coke and a smile, soft drinks play such a big deal in their profits
that McDonalds has two soft drink set ups per store, should one go down. And if
no soft drinks at lunch hour, both are down, they have lost all their profit for
the day. And ice tea refills are even more profitable, it takes about 8 cents
to brew a gallon of tea, that will end up when water added making 9 gallons of
tea. No wonder they push the free refills. At a penny a gallon to make, to
them they lose money on soft drinks. Suddenly free refills takes on a new
definition, and having it your way is really their way. I’ll drink to that.
And I’ll bet you rethink your next soft drink purchase, and watch how much ice
you use. Maybe take an extra to go refill, just to level the field more. And
one last hint-never buy a medium, it is the most expensive per ounce.
Notice your cereal box the same size with less contents? Same with chips?
Subway lost a law suit over its 12” subs that were only 11’. So all things are
not what they seem. I have run out of gas with a 4.2 tank, and took 4.8 to
fill. Maybe a suspect gas pump? And why does my speedo say 75, when really I
am only going 68? We live in a world of illusions, and when confronted with the
truth, we are ready to argue against it. We are bitter when someone mentions
free, and immediately think “how much will it cost?” So here are some real life
bargains, and observations. Salvation is free via Jesus Christ. He paid for
it, and it is a gift. No cheater cups, or fine print on the bag. You cannot
earn it, like Reward points, you don’t get extra credit for being saved. Jesus
gets all the credit, and when he does, you get all the blessings. No medium or
small sizes of salvation, you get it all. Forever. I like that. With free
refills. Because we need him everyday, we don’t lose our salvation, but we work
everyday at it, staying close to him. The ultimate reward is eternal life in
heaven, without storing up points. No extra Bible reading, extra prayer, or
tithing will help God love you more. They re good things, but God’s love is
already infinite. But do them anyway as the spirit leads, and you will be an
example to others. And see them blessed. By the spirit, in the spirit.
And I have endured too many long sermons that fill the hour appropriated
for church. Why can Billy Graham speak 15 minutes and hundreds come to Christ,
when some preachers talk all day and no one is saved? The gospel is simple so I
can get it, and free so I can afford it. And we have Martin Luther to thank for
11am services. He liked to sleep in. Maybe one too many long sermons did him
in. What a rebel! So keep the gospel simple. Show love at all times, and when
you screw up, God gives us mercy. Only obtainable after we sin. He has all the
bases covered. Now it is up to you?
No more intermediary needed for a Coke, you can fill it yourself. Add ice
if desired. All you want. And we can go to Jesus the same way. He is open
24/7, no waiting at the counter, and he knows if we want ice, and just how
much. He meets all our needs with no trickery. And still makes a profit.
Remember that, as we all want to come out ahead, to make a profit. Self serve
may get you what you want, only Jesus will get you what you need. With plenty
of free refills, you will never thirst. You will never have to wait in line.
And you can have it all in him right now. Fresh, without the heat lamp. Just
the way you like it. If only you could order a meal like you can get salvation,
imagine how you would never thirst, but still hunger for more. Overflowing.
Abundant. Free. A gift. You cannot pay more and get it supersized. So keep
the refills coming. To go. And on the 8th day God created cup
love with compassion,