Friday, September 30, 2011

"I'll hang up my cell phone when you have pried it from my cold, dead hand"

Question-how do you blind a woman driver? Put a cell phone in her hand while driving. And then hope that they don't aim at you while riding. Yesterday morning within my first 15 minutes I almost got hit five times-by rude women on cell phones. It seems these inconsiderate and rude people are the most important people in the world, so get out of their way-or else. Then after almost getting hit in a parking lot, I jokingly said "thanks for not hitting me," to which her passenger replied, "well it was your fault, you was going too fast." Standing still in neutral, I was going too fast. In a parking space! The driver apologized as she truly was going too fast, and I accepted while her friend rushed off-to Bible study. Cell phone still clutched in her hand. Note-men are just as bad, but at least show respect to bikers. They wave with the whole hand, not just one finger. Which also left me wondering, who would want to talk to someone like that? Maybe she is upset because no one calls!
It is not unusual to see Christian stickers on the freeways around here, but I question what is their witness when speeding past me on a cell phone, or just driving poorly while on the phone. I am cell phone free. That shouldn't make me a target. Now we all are guilty of rudeness sometimes, but I am highlighting those who have stickers all over their cars telling the world as the narrowly avoid getting hit by them what great Christians they are. But like one bumper sticker says, "I have no problem with Jesus, it's his fan club I can't stand." Sad, isn't it. And true about some. But Jesus died for all, good thing He didn't make some us pass a driving test.
T-shirts, stickers, and banners tell a lot about us. Who or what we believe in. And my wife, the preschool teacher, has a banner ministry with her four year olds. They are taught about Jesus and to pray, and they make banners for me to take to those I see in the hospital. They are usually 3'x5' with a simple message-"Jesus loves you!" and signed by their handprints dipped in paint. Fun to make, fun to give away, and fun for all who see them. A get well card from the great physician's littlest ones. Many rooms have had them, and patients will take them from room to room when they are moved, and I have seen them hanging at home when released. A card that stays with them-one of encouragement and love. With Theresa's kids showing the world that you are not too young to minister to others. Aren't the older supposed to teach the younger? What about that old CSN&Y song, Teach Your Children?
But one in particular stands out, and has become somewhat of a legend where we used to go to church in Escondido. The kids and Theresa made one for Judy who was in a care facility after knee surgery. I made her close her eyes, and when she opened them I had hung the banner. She started to cry and was touched by the fact someone had remembered her in the hospital. And as she commented on all the little blue and red handprints, we both noticed a larger set of handprints in the upper right corner. Noticeable for three reasons-they were adult sized hands and much larger, they were a dark red, not a color like the others, and they had holes in the middle of them. Large holes as if made by big nails. And as we looked at each other, we both got it at the same time. They were the handprints of Jesus, all the way down to the holes where He was nailed to the cross. Somehow He had added His handprints along with the kids, to show His love. A get well card from the King of Kings! Who is with the kids at school each day, and this day decided to paint with them. Truly a banner that still waves to show us how much He loves. Like the
scripture says, "His banner over me is love."
The scripture also tells us "as you go, make disciples of those you meet." You may get only one chance to share the gospel today. Make it a good one. Put down the phone, the attitudes, and put on love. If you are going to advertise Jesus via a sticker on your car, make sure the product inside is the same one on the label.
And let me know if you go to the hospital. The kids have many banners of love left in them. Use their example of love to others to show Jesus to a lost and dying world. He found the time to die for you, and to send Judy a card-imagine what He will do for you, if you only let Him!
No wonder the kids were all drawn to Him. He took the time to spend with them at their level. Finger painting that day. Handprints of Jesus beats fingerprints at a police station any day. Drive safe-the life you save may be my own!
love with compassion,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...

Not all marriages are made in heaven. Some are made in Detroit-about as far from heaven as you can get these days. On May 1, 1954, my birthday by the way, two great pioneering auto names joined forces-merged, to become American Motors. In a move to survive, Nash and Hudson joined forces. Sadly Hudson left us in 1958, Nash a year earlier, but AMC would survive into the 80's before being purchased by Chrysler, and finally merged-or raped as they would later discover, by Daimler Benz. What a long, strange trip that has been.
Studebaker and Packard also joined forces that year in another failed attempt. Studebaker would make it for another 12 years on life support, Packard, once the most prestigious luxury make went out in 1958. With no remnants left of either today except in museums, car shows, and a generation where they exist in their memories.
Some engagements never make it either, at least not as planned. In the 70's, where encounter groups were the new trend, the courts tried this in lieu of punishment. Rehabilitate they said, and education would be their mantra. Criminals were criminals because they weren't smart enough, and once they learn their evil ways, and why, they will become better citizens. But when car thieves were placed together, instead of repenting,they compared notes, and we had a better car thief. When people in drug rehab got together, they found better places to score drugs, ways to camouflage it, and how to beat the courts. And in the case of alcohol abuse, even got this self inflicted wound called a disease, of which when under the influence, they were not responsible for their actions. Never taking into consideration if there is no change of the heart, there will be no change in the person or his actions.
A change of heart, is what it takes. And all it takes. And is only found in Jesus, and represented by the church of His believers. If gathering or merging works for evil, imagine what it will do when God uses it for good. And when God has the bride ready for His only son, WOW! Party on! Last night we were reminded at our Feast of Trumpets celebration that Jesus is coming soon for His bride-us. It will be a surprise party, and none like the world has ever seen or ever will. A party so extravagant and incredible only one place can handle it-heaven. He even has been sending out invitations for 2000 years to all who will listen. A come as you are party-once you get there all the food, party clothes, and music will be provided. All He requires is you. And a changed heart.
And because it is a surprise party, it could happen at any time. So He has sent out teasers to let His church, the bride, know the season, but not the day or hour. An anticipation of great excitement-and the season is now. The closer it gets, the more we anticipate it. And we who are alive will be there, via an undertaking never yet seen. We will be taken out of the world, and into heaven via one major event, the rapture of the church. And as the bride, we will be with our husband for eternity, Jesus Christ. Clothed in majesty, perfect, forgiven, and in such awe that it will take 10,000 years just to celebrate, before we start the next 10,000. You say you like to party-this is one you don't want to miss.
Didn't get the invitation, well here it is. You must be born again. And it is not difficult, for God wants all to be there, no matter what you have done. No matter prior engagements or failed mergers. Simply you must realize your sin, believe Jesus to be your savior with your heart, and confess Him with your mouth. That's it. You'll then want to publicly confess Him before your friends, and so be baptized! Invitation accepted. RSVP noted and recognized in heaven. Your name is in the Book of Life, you're on the guest list! Just get ready, the party will soon begin.
And when God blows that last trumpet Himself, only believers will hear it, just before we are all changed in 1/240,000 of a second-the speed of light. And the eternal party begins. So fast you will not have time to drop what you are doing and accept Him-you must accept His invitation before it happens. Don't get left outside where you can only hear the party inside-trust God now. Don't be left knocking at the door wanting to get in.
Jesus is saving the best for last. Just like His first miracle of changing water into wine, when all else had run out, when He arrived He gave them the best the guests had ever had, and He is saving the best for heaven. No eye has seen it, no ear has heard about it, and no mind can imagine it. Better than any Super Bowl, royal wedding or coronation, and no expense spared. God opens the doors of heaven for His son and His bride of believers. This is one bouquet you want to catch. Not just the party of the year, or the century, but for all time! You don't want to miss it-and you don't have to. You have been invited. Make the decision with your heart today to be there.
And listen for that trumpet! The most beautiful song you will ever hear, a solo played by God himself.
love with compassion,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the would you fly in it if they made an airplane t-shirt saying test

Progress has been a good thing, except that it has gone on too long. We have created a people whose main talent is information retrieval, but still don't know their wife's phone number. We have children who can't add, but can manipulate a calculator. And we have adults who if you hide the remote can't watch TV-"I 'm not getting up and going over to change the channel." Like I said-way too long. Yet with all the electronic media available to us today, still the best way to say what you really mean is via the t-shirt you are wearing. Want to know what I ride? Watch the shirt. Where did I go last summer? The answer again lies in the shirt. Who is your favorite team? Who do you work for? Where do I eat? All of these things can be answered by just one look at the shirt on my back-and front.
But shirts also have become an offensive way to express yourself. Sadly, if you have a reputation of being a fool, why do you feel the need to remind us by wearing something stupid on your shirt? Exactly the answer I expected-"I dunno." So we must come up with a test to rate the validity of what your shirt says. I got the idea from a shirt I saw at Malcolm Smith's one afternoon. It had the Bar and Shield of Harley fame on it, with a one line question-"If they made a plane, would you fly in it?" In a simple one line joke, it made me think. And I have used this obvious question of wisdom to weigh in one various subjects. It is simple enough-and works!
Since there are no pull outs or rest areas while flying, the plane better be pretty good-or else. And most people seem to know what the what else is. Planes tend to be pretty reliable, so if you find one you choose not to fly on, it must be pretty bad. So let's apply this wisdom to real life. Let's see how it works.
If the restaurant is filthy inside, would you eat there?
If the gas station is known for water in the fuel would you fill up there?
If you know the road is dangerous, with no way out, would you ride it?
If your bike has gas enough for ten miles, and the station is 15, would you ride there? Note-some think that the low fuel light on means to fill up, it really means you still have fuel. It will go out when you run out. Not important how I know.
Would you buy a house if the rats greeted you at the door?
Would you buy a used t-shirt that smelled like BO?
Would you argue with an idiot knowing you will never win?
Would you accept cold, limp French fries that have been sitting since lunch when fresh, hot ones are available?
Did you ever buy a car leaking oil? Or a motorcycle after being told they all do that?
Would you want to put the dirty oil back in your engine to save a buck? Why change it then?
Would you trust a dentist with braces? Or a bald barber?
Do you trust a tailor that says "fitsa nice."
Does "they all do that comfort you when buying something?" When they all don't.
I think you see the point of my would you fly in it philosophy, so why when it comes to God do you not use the same sense you do when ordering a cheeseburger? Ask the question-will the things I worship get me to heaven when I die? Will monthly payments get me closer to God? Just because I wear a shirt with Christian sayings on it, does that make me a Christian? So why do you treat a relationship with God so lightly? Why do you have more faith in your cell phone, which drops calls, takes lousy pictures, goes off in church after you have been told to turn it off, and costs way too much? Every month? Why do you love the Chargers, but hate the way they play? Yet neglect the things of God.
Seems we are obsessed with the right now, and what it can do for me. A quickie nirvana. But God is looking ahead, and although He promises He is with you today, He wants to be with you for eternity. And you to be with Him. So gives the one way out of hell-and makes it a true/false, so the multiple choice options don't confuse you. A test that you have been given the answer to. So why do you not trust God? Would you fly in a plane He made? Yet, you won't give Him your life to fly you into eternity.
Progress has allowed us to trust things other than God. To not look to Jesus, but Google our problems. So, like I used to tell my customers when they tried to diagnose their car problems on the internet, "go ahead, and right click it. See if that fixes it." Maybe today is the day you take your life off of speed dial, you ditch the remote, don't Google for answers but turn to God. Ask Him, and watch as His spirit guides you. And take the guesswork out of where you will spend eternity.
Works in real life too. Take the stock market for instance. Based on rumor, innuendoes, and great expectations, it fluctuates wildly. Yet so many trust their savings to it. If Wall Street made a plane, would you fly in it?
Trust God. The only real answer. Only God can truly love you. He is the only way to heaven. And wants to show you how much right now. Why not trust someone who is 100% right all the time, doesn't lie, is trustworthy, patient, kind, and all knowing? So-trust God. NOW. Anything else is a gamble.
Do you trust the man who said He would resurrect Himself after three days? Wise men still seek Him. Now that would make a great t-shirt. If they made it, would you wear it?
Do you really need a t-shirt to show us you are a Christian?
love with compassion,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

happiness is...

I stopped in that bastion of higher learning yesterday, Barnes and Noble, to see if they had my friend Mitch Boehm's excellent magazine Moto Retro Illustrated, only to find they were out. But while noticing others treating this like the public library, I too caught up on reading the British motorcycle mags, for free, saving myself $10 in the process. And I might have read more, but the smell coming from the coffee shop reminded me of the odor that came from an old Mercury I once owned just before it lost first and third gears, and became a second gear only automatic trans. Noticing that the few who would endure that smell to read free magazines had no coffee cups in front of them, I can see why they are losing money, and may go bankrupt-their most enterprising value is free, with little enterprise! But not deterred, I walked through the cheap books, and noticed a whole section of self help books. Which made me think, if I could help myself, why would I need their book? And there were many titles and topics to choose from. Many ways that promise happiness, from keeping your dog happy with more cheese, to yoga and goofy New Age practices, to how to how to make more money-as if that would actually bring happiness? My experience is that you generally just want more-and are never happy. And when a great document like the Declaration of Independence can only promise the pursuit of happiness, why would all these so called happiness seekers try a lesser reading than the D of I?
Remember the old Peanuts cartoons from the sixties Happiness is a .....? Even good old Charlie Brown couldn't find it, and today you still can't. There is always some Lucy out there to move the football at the last moment. It is temporary at best, fleeting at least, and is based on your perception of if you get what you want you will attain it. It is transitional at best, situational, and once you get it, you fear losing it, and have lost it. Think of it as your favorite team is winning with 4 seconds left, you are already celebrating when the QB fumbles on the last play, the other team recovers and scores! Can't happen? Ask the Giants? Or the Cowboys? Truly happiness is temporary, so why seek it? Is there something better? Or will Lucy always appear to move the ball?
I'm glad you asked. Too often joy and happiness are confused with each other. Happiness with its temporal existence falls far short of joy. Limited to emotions. For true joy-is there any other, only comes from God. It can be emotional, but not based on emotions-God is much more loving than that. Trusting Jesus allows that joy to enter your life. And the best definition of joy is "Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God." It doesn't checkout when the going gets tough. For joy is not temporal, not based on situations, and yours when you accept the Lord. And it is listed as part of the Fruit of the Spirit-right there between love and peace. What a great place to be!
You see joy is not an emotion, for that would limit its success. It is based on a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is eternal, and cannot be stolen from you, although many times we give it up when we try to equate it with happiness, therefore limiting its potential. Now that's a good example of why self help doesn't work. Joy is there when you lose your job. When the doctor orders more tests. When your spouse says she doesn't love you anymore. Even when your car won't start. Joy is there, for it is the presence of God. Who states He will never leave you or forsake you-unlike happiness. It is trusting God when there is no evidence of Him, just because of who He is. Not based on Him acting on your behalf, but you acting in trust of Him. Not seeking a temporary emotional lift, but a satisfying of your soul.
And you can't help yourself. Like Bob Lutz once commented, "you can't put two #2's together to make a #1!? You must trust God! So don't rob yourself of the joy God promises you. Trust Him today, and get something way beyond the ordinary-or more than you could ever expect or ask for.
Because with it comes the love and peace of God which surrounds it, and also brings kindness, goodness, patience, meekness, and long suffering-endurance of the situation. There are no laws against these things, and with God in the midst of them, who can be against you? Maybe this is why the Bible again this year will be the worldwide best seller. It is the only book to offer you peace, a peace that surpasses understanding. And that requires only trusting God from you to enter into it.
God is more than emotions. And more than situations. All things work for glory to those who love Him, and are called to His purpose. Simple, like the gospel. he doesn't need our help. God doesn't help those who help themselves-but is ready, willing, and able to help all who call on Him. Mercy-not getting what you deserve, and grace-getting what you don't deserve. He is waiting patiently for you to ask Him into your life now.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Help yourself to it right now! Sure beats helping yourself any day! And leaves more time for riding! Now that's JOY!
love with compassion,

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mena, food, love and other four letter words

I first met Fr. Al's sister Mena on 9-11-2006. It was my first time to the Chapel, but not the first to Shanksville. God had put some special things on my heart, but in His own way, only let me know some of them. Like in Scrabble, He gave me the letters, the words would come. But He had also prepared me long before we went.
It was the 2006 Torches Across America ride, and we were planning on being in Shanksville for 9-11 this year. Fr. Al and I had been corresponding by e-mail about the day's events, when God put on my heart to ask about food. Shanksville has no places to eat, the Chapel is even farther from Somerset, and the Impact Site another 4 miles. They had some basic food available at the chapel for donation, but not what they wanted. So God placed on my heart to send money, and with help from a few other CMA chapters, we sent him a check-not big to us, but overwhelming when you have nothing. And so food would be available. Two loaves and five fish in today's terms. On to Shanksville.
Per custom, it rained, and after I spoke, and we had the bell ringing ceremony, I went down to the tents where the food was. There were hot dogs, donuts, hulaska, and sausage, onions, and pepper sandwiches-Mena's. As I stood in line, I heard the women talking about some Christian bikers who had provided money for food-they were blown away how someone they had never met, over 3000 miles away would do this, but of course this was another miracle of the Chapel. As I stood there, I didn't want to call attention to myself, this was God's plan, I just obeyed Him, but I wanted them to have a face for what was done, so I identified myself. And the tears started to flow. They were so glad to meet me, and soon I had introduced others to them. One of them Shirley, would be very special to Theresa.
It took hours until the families from Flight 93 arrived from the impact site, along with them the employees of UAL from Newark-friends of the heroes. And they were starved, and were able to eat! Mena's sausage and peppers! Over 500 ate that day based on the simple gift God told us to give. With some left over, sound like a Bible story? Soon the word spread because the servers shared about our gift, and we were able to show them love among the hugs and kisses. Some stewardesses even were in tears that anyone would care about them, our cheeks were wet with the tears of joy. One man, Leroy Homer's brother in law came up, Nattily attired, he looked like Neon Deion, he embraced us in tears, the love had touched him too. Maybe there was more to the loaves and fishes that day with Jesus, just like there was for us. Such appreciation, for such a simple gift of love via obedience. Leave it to God to bless many with very little. And to me, the sausage and peppers would always remind me of that special time.
Remember Shirley, the lady special to Theresa? Seems her son had been killed in a car accident, and was buried across from the chapel. As she and Theresa talked, Shirley said he had died on August 20th, my son's birthday. And she took her over to the grave, and got to minister with her, I will never forget the sight of them praying together at his headstone. And I was so glad I introduced myself when in line getting food. All credit and glory be to God.
Two weeks ago Mena made her last trip to the Chapel. Her body full of cancer and in pain, she wanted one last trip to the chapel to make her sausage and peppers. Her last act of love for the heroes, on the tenth anniversary of their heroism. Her two sons did most of the cooking, and when they were done, she wanted to go home. She knew God had kept her alive for this one last trip, and now He was calling her home. His house. Heaven was closer the day she died than her home on earth, and God told her "come, let's go to mine. No more cancer, no more pain. Your job is complete here. It's time to rest." And she knew, and that was why she wanted to go home, God was calling. Mena then knew her job was done. She was at Shanksville as a surprise to her brother, and against the doctor's advice. But not God's calling. And the next week she passed into eternity-home at last!
I was the last e-mail Fr. Al sent before he took off for Downingtown to have her funeral. He said Mena was appreciative of all the love, support, and prayers. So thanks to all who prayed. You will see her in heaven.
So after a short period of grief, I wanted to do something to support my friend and to honor her. I went out and had a sausage and pepper sandwich. Not as good as hers, and it took longer to eat through the tears. It seems it had a salty taste to it. Strange, I thought. But then I realized it was laced with tears. Mine. Tears of sadness for my friend. And how hers was laced with love. That was the difference. As in life, as in cooking, Jesus' love still makes a difference. The one ingredient only He can add to any food, occasion, or relationship. Love.
"Just another sandwich," you ask. And I suppose your God is just another God. Make sure it is a special relationship based on Jesus. For just like Mena's sandwiches, He fills them with love. And just like life, He makes it worth the living-just because He lives!
Another Chapel miracle, and another reason to visit there-soon. I can smell the peppers already. Tell Fr. Al "Mena's friend Mike sent ya."
love with compassion,

Friday, September 23, 2011

manna-what is it?

I like to eat. One glance will confirm that. But I have specific tastes, and will eat just about anything if it tastes good. So I like the idea of man sized portions. On platters. Food that fills the platter. I actually get embarrassed for these so-called gourmet restaurants that serve you a bite sized morsel, with some stringy veggies, some dressing sprinkled around it, and a flower. And over charge you like they are doing you a favor. How unmanly? What kind of real man would actually sit down and eat a half a sissy meal like this? One time-we all make mistakes, aren't you glad God forgives? I've had appetizers that were more filling-and then the main event. Portions count-as in big. Food should taste like food. Lumps OK in mashies. Butter on those green beans. Extra gravy on the side. Sizzle that steak. Enough to get filled, so much that you skip desert. Ride a few miles, then hit the Coldstones. So here are a few places where portions count, the food is good, service good, and the meal is an event.
For breakfast you can't beat the Original Pantry. Downtown LA on 9th and Figueroa, free parking for motorcycles. Sounds good already. My standard there is bacon-6 crispy, thick pieces, eggs, and buckwheat pancakes. With potatoes. Which takes three plates to serve you. BIG pancakes, three 11" manhole covers, not those sissy sized ones at IHOP, and real potatoes from the grill, there again not the frozen ones like chains serve. All in an atmosphere where when you can sit at the counter, maybe next to a bum, a lawyer, or a businessman-who are all harder to tell apart these days. CASH only, but they do have an ATM. And you may have to stand in line, and they are open 24 hours-they have never closed since 1924, the legend is there are no keys to the door. Breakfast all the time! Bring your appetite, you are gonna love those buckwheats!
For a good sandwich you must leave California. And go back east. The left coasters just don't get it-you must put stuff between the bread. Lots of it. And for me, it is Primonti Bros. in Pittsburgh. Now a chain, for the real experience you must go downtown to the original in the Strip District. Following the directions on their web page, they actually take you down an alley-follow them if you want to park. In an old neighborhood, where at first you wonder how safe you are, going inside all is forgiven. And although the list of sandwiches is long, I favor the cheese steak, there all-time #2 best seller-no indication of what #1 is. And they are all served the same. Thick cut, hand sliced Italian bread. Then the meat. Then a handful of hand cut French fries, then finally a handful of Italian slaw-the kind with vinegar instead of mayo. Cut in half, open wide and let the games begin. After Primonti Bros., anything is just a meal. Here it is an event! No sissy designer food here. Just mention them to anyone in the Pittsburg area, and they'll agree. Hint-for your own safety do not mention the Chargers. There are the Steelers, and the rest are others. Just like any other sandwich you will ever have.
For dinner, let's go to El Cholo. Since 1923 serving the best Mexican food in So Cal. New Mexican food is its own category. Great service, large portions, and a festive atmosphere, you will wonder how do they get all that flavor from the food? Fajitas as they should be, although lately I have been gorging on the chicken chimichangas. If you think Alberto's is Mexican food, stay away. Mexican Alpo. You won't get it. This is the way the old Mamacitas cooked it, and still do. Only an hour to Irvine from home, we also eat at the one in Pasadena. And recently found the one on Figueroa just down the street from the Pantry. Great way to get in a ride and a good meal, along with friends. WARNING-do not attempt to eat at both on the same day. Death from food overload could occur. Besides it may take all day to recover from breakfast. Spread out the joy of eating over a few trips. Almost makes the traffic bearable. Lane splitting advised.
Seems we have come a long way from manna. Food that God provided every morning-except Saturdays, so they could observe the Sabbath, and it was fresh and tasted sweet. But the Israelites got tired of it, and soon desired to go back into captivity in Egypt, where at least the food was good. And ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years-while God still fed them and listened to their complaining. He then reminded them that man does live by bread alone, but truly lives by obeying the words from God-true manna. A truth that still exists today. So why don't you trust God? As a people we are well fed, for a reminder read above. God has given in abundance, and even sent His son, Jesus to die for our sins. So why don't you trust God? Where do I start?
Ever notice how the food tastes better after asking God's blessing? Good place to start. And soon you find other reasons to thank Him for-because you are looking for reasons to. So don't grumble like the Israelites did-captivity is not where it is at. Choose God. Let Him lead. Let Him forgive. And get out and tell others. While at lunch, or between bites of buckwheats. Sit at the counter and visit, not preach. Spread the gospel through good food, and learn also why Jesus liked to fellowship with others-both believers and non, while eating. So pass the salt with a smile, pass the syrup to the man next to you, offer to move down a seat so both guys can sit together at the counter, and start a conversation by being nice. Good food has a habit of making good friends. Be nice, kindness the Bible calls it, the fruit of the spirit. Now that's being a witness!
And leave a big tip. Be known for your graciousness. Jesus is. Sharing Jesus never tasted so good. And feel safe in knowing that man doesn't live by bread alone-it needs something between the pieces to make it a sandwich. Grace-it adds flavor to any meal-and to every life.
love with compassion,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

strait, not straight

We learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line in Mrs. Parks seventh grade math class. And for years as a motorcycle rider, I had trouble with the scripture of Matthew 7:13-14, for much of my riding, although between two points, is not always the shortest distance. I can turn a 20 mile commute into a 45 mile back road journey. I love curves, isn't that why God created motorcycles? But Jesus talks about the straight and narrow, and to be careful not to stray. Good advice on any road, including the road of life, riding or not. So I would skip over it when reading, as if it were personally meant for me to not enjoy curves. Sort of an old wife's tale I made up, or an urban legend no one cared about but me. Superstitious-maybe. And although Jesus said it, which makes it true, I used my own select theology when I came to these two verses.
While studying one day, I read a commentary that the word was originally strait, not straight as we use the word today. Both have similar meaning, but in the King James of the 1600's, this was the word used. It meant a tight fit, or a path that may be hard to navigate due to its size, or confining, hence it is a "strait" jacket, not a "straight" jacket. And as you can see, both meanings can be applicable here, but I tend to lean on strait, allowing my mind and conscience to be free when I ride roads like the Snake. Or any road that allows me to use all the tread on the tires.
Now Jesus knew a few things about roads, he spent most of His time on the road. He had no home, so He was a true traveler. And I notice today, that many of the Christians I admire for their ministry and walk with Christ do so outside of the four church walls. Not to say pastors are not important, or don't do God's work, but the pastors I know who venture outside of the pulpit, via writing, visiting, teaching and following Christ's example, find an additional freedom in the spirit-doing what Jesus did, and advised. And as an example to their flocks-and this is their true witness. And also an encouragement for us to get out among the lost.
Sadly some only get out within their own denomination via seminars or conferences, not seeing how God is working in others. Keeping within a party line-staying safe within the lines. This is where they may become strait and narrow-confined and legalistic. But Christians who operate in the spirit go anywhere God leads them. Which is why we see Mother Theresa in hospitals in India, when she could go on a book tour. Or Franklin Graham with Samaritan's Purse, who could rest on his dad's reputation. I see our Pastor Ray out among the people, when he could easily defend staying home because his flock is so big. It takes courage to walk the strait road, and you need Jesus to guide you.
God explained to me once the reason that the path and gate are straight and narrow is that the straightest way to Him is direct-a straight line. Narrow, so you cannot do it without Him. Straight, so that nothing gets between you and Him-the shortest distance. Only God wants no interference in His relationship with you. But it can also be strait and narrow-confining and rough, like some roads I travel on. And you need Him even more. Stay in the spirit, avoid legalism. Make it personal. And there again, Jesus is with you. Helping you navigate, so that you see that the only way is Him. One way with Jesus the old bumper stickers say, and it is still true today.
Those who walk with God do not avoid the company of other people. In fact they look for others to share the gospel and love of Jesus with. Don't keep that light of yours under a basket. Get out and let it shine. Talk with sinners-just don't be one. Weep with those that weep, just like Jesus did. But stay on the course He has for you. And if like mine, it is strait, I know my God will take me through to where He wants me to be. And if it is straight, like the freeway, I choose to ride with Him too. Free from fear, for I know that He rides with me. And I now enjoy all the curves I can handle-not confined by legalism, but riding free in the spirit. Just like He promised. And if the road you happen to be on is rough, you probably are on the right road. Stay the course with Jesus. He'll get you where you are going.
Strait or straight, the difference one little letter, G can make. And the difference that G, as in God will make in your life when you follow Him. Be one of the few that find Him-and when you come to a fork in the road take it. Bring on the curves Lord, we have a lot of riding yet to do! Use all of the tire on your bike, not just the middle of them! Strait-and straight! Good advice on life from the one who is the way, the truth, and the life. And a road you won't find on any GPS-only in the spirit!
love with compassion,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the human race

I first met NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson in 1994 when I was one of his sponsors through Nelson and Nelson Racing. He used to call me sir. Through him I met his dad Gary, who worked an off-road support trailer for BFG. Gary was also a very nice man, one of the good guys, and when he asked us to help him out for the 1996 Baja 1000, we readily agreed. He would be set up in Ojos Negros, and needed help when the racers would be coming through between 1am until 6am the next morning. They would be about 800 miles into the 1000 mile race at that time, and we would fuel them, change tires as needed, and do quick safety checks and mechanical repairs.
Working the BFG trailer was definitely first class. I had helped before, but mostly spent time with the Simon and Simon team, they had won the 1992 Baja 1000, or Nelson and Nelson, whose racer Larry Ragland had won the 1000, and the 500. He was Jimmie's teammate. So I was used to doing things right, just not in the numbers we would be faced with. In preparation we had to fill 10 gallon dump cans from a drum with a hand crank. Label all the tires and have them ready when the cars arrived. We had a full on kitchen, so food and drink was no problem, but sleep was. We had to sleep on tires or wherever we could find until our time came. Just be ready-and have the fuel and tires ready. Be safe above all! And with spotters along the way, we would know when the cars we would service were close, so we could be ready. Lack of sleep can be overcome by adrenalin, and commitment to service, which in this day before energy drinks was all we had to go on. And the love of racing. You didn't want to disappoint anyone after they had raced 20 hours, or miss them after your preparations-you had to stay alert and be patient.
Jesus tells in a parable about 10 bridesmaids, virgins, who are to be ready for the bridegroom to call for his bride. According to Jewish tradition, it could happen at any time, even midnight. And to have their lamps filled with oil, to light the torches to lead the way to the celebration. And to carry extra oil, for the torches would only last about 15 minutes, then had to be refilled. But sadly, some were not ready, and forgot the extra oil-they were asleep. And when they didn't make it to the wedding, could not get in-the door was locked. The parable telling us to be ready for the return of Christ, which is imminent, and don't miss out. Be watchful. A warning to those who think that religion gets them there, but it takes a relationship with Jesus Christ to get into the party. The oil representing the Holy Spirit, and if it is not in you, then you are not saved-for only through salvation does the spirit dwell in you. So sad to live expecting Jesus, but not go, because you were not ready. Because you followed a lie. So make sure you are ready-trust God. Waiting can be tough, but the rewards are unequalled.
At the end of our shift that year we had fueled 110 cars. I had lifted 110 dump cans at 75 pounds each. I can't tell you how many tires I had lifted or moved. And my body felt like it. I had been up all day, slept for a few hours on the floor in the trailer, but was ready when they called. I didn't miss what I had waited for, nor had my team mates. We were ready, and because of our service, the racers got what they needed when they needed it. A simple lesson in being prepared, of being watchful. Just like Jesus tells His church. Be watchful. We had some idea of when the racers would arrive, but didn't know times or the hours, just like we don't know the time of His return. But the signs were there, we had to look for them and be ready.
Are you ready? Is there oil in your lamp? How sad to be like a racer who wasn't prepared by leaving gas and tires. And how sad to be part of his race team and not deliver what had been promised. Jesus is coming-the time is short. And like in racing, to finish first , first you must finish. Stay true to the end, be watchful, and you'll have a podium finish-unlike any race has ever had. A finish for the human race, the only race you never want to DNF. And Jesus is the way. A crew chief for humanity. Make Him your Lord and crew chief today-and I'll see you on the podium-in heaven. I peeked at the end of the book-WE WIN!
love with compassion,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

such a deal I have for you

I used to be a pretty good negotiator. When it came to price when buying a new car, I was downright nasty. And only Andrew would go with me, and he would giggle. But when it came time to buy Theresa a new car, she had to go with me. As did Andrew and his friend. So as she test drove it, and the salesman went into his act, I was crunching numbers in my head. After the proverbial "what will it take to put you into this car today?" Theresa already owned it in her mind, just like the salesman had planned. But when we sat at the little table, to talk price, I found myself alone with the salesman. Who offered me a fair deal for the car. We negotiated a little more, and reached a price, which include 0% financing. Wash it up, let's sign the papers, and we would be off. We thought.
Until the sales manager told us that at the price it didn't include the chrome wheels on the car. Sorry. So I told him we had a deal with them, but he disagreed, his mistake. The wheels were a $1000 extra! So I left him with a choice-sell the car with the wheels as priced, or I would walk. So we did! He was so sure of himself his mouth fell open. And Theresa was disappointed, while Paul and Andrew were still looking at cars. As we all walked to our old car, the boys started giggling-here comes the salesman! Begging to make a deal. My only answer was-we had one, are you going to honor it?
And he did! We had won the negotiation! We got our price! They had underestimated just how important that car was to us. It wasn't. Sadly it had taken more negotiation to get there, but we won. Persistence had won out. And yes, we would have found another red Mustang that day-other dealers would love to meet or beat his deal. Says so right in their ads. So the manager did the right thing-he just didn't want to. We forced his hand, and in an age where the customer is always right, we were-he was wrong. But he had sold a car, the salesman made a small commission, and Theresa had her red Mustang-at a great price. And all was well with the world.
Just because it works in business, some think they can negotiate with God. Make a deal with Him. Maybe get Him to overlook a few things, or better yet, include more in the deal. And I wonder, would you trust a God you could negotiate with? What if the next guy got a better deal? I thought God was supposed to be fair. Fortunately I just don't find this in the Bible. Although it is true that God will test us, His promises are yes and amen. You can depend on them. And unlike buying a car, His salvation is not negotiable. It is a simple yes or no answer. Accept Jesus, believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth He is lord, and you are saved. No additional works, memberships, classes, programs, seminars, or works are needed. No special finances or additional payments. It is that simple, and it is available to everyone. And some day, everyone on earth will be faced with a decision-to say yes to Jesus or deny Him. Two thieves, both guilty were faced with that same question. One denied and went to hell. The other confessed who Jesus was, and while they hung on crosses together, Jesus promised the thief he would be in paradise with Him tonight. Which he did. Down to His last dying act, Jesus still saved. And still does today.
His offer still stands today-accept Him and live, deny Him and die. A simple equation for heaven, so simple a thief nailed to a cross can get it. But it still takes a decision based on faith-just a little. And saying nothing is the same as saying no. Don't let your silence condemn you.
It would have been easy for us to buy the car without the wheels, or better yet to pay the extra $1000 for them. But a deal had been struck, and it needed to be adhered to. Today the deal offered you by Jesus is the same as yesterday, and the same as tomorrow. Only you aren't promised tomorrow, if you walk out on Him today, situations change in your life, and you may forget. Thankfully God never does, but reminds you that TODAY is the day of salvation. And is patient-but don't wait too long. If we had waited till the next day, the Mustang may have been gone. And all the negotiations would not have mattered-the car was gone. Game over. Don't face eternity without God. Trust Him today-accept Jesus!
And live your life knowing you made the best decision on the most incredible deal you will ever be offered-welcome to eternal life in Christ! Now, what will it take you to be saved today?
love with compassion,

Monday, September 19, 2011

eat to ride, ride to eat

A friend of mine who is an OTR-an over the road trucker, pointed out to me years ago that just because a diner has a lot full of trucks doesn't mean the food is any good-it just means the lot is big enough for him to park his rig. Dispelling the myth about truck drivers knowing all the good spots to eat. But-if you see a diner with the lot filled with motorcycles, it probably means the food is good, the portions are big, and you get to eat with a better class of people-bikers. For we are the proud bearers of the saying "eat to ride, and ride to eat." And it is safe to say you will never see any of us in a weight loss ad. Our idea of a lap band are vest extenders. And we take both parts-both riding and eating, of the saying very seriously.
As a Christian biker, I also am able to see Jesus and His parables in many of our riding and eating situations. He fed the 5000 with just two loaves and five fish after blessing them, I have been in food lines that have no end, but always some left over. He turns away no one, they all leave full, and their is always some left for the late arrivals. Because some don't ride quite as fast as they eat. Or eat as fast as they ride.
This last weekend our friends from the Black Sheep invited us to help again serve at the Biggs Chapter of HOG annual event. This year Maggie and crew outdid themselves again in so many ways, and showed the example of scripture where Jesus says it is more blessed to give than receive. Rather than the old stand by of burgers and tube steak-hot dogs to you rookies, they had tri-tip, seasoned to perfection. 200 pounds of it for 400 hungry bikers, do the math. Just like God's portions, they were bigger than expected. I watched as the server next to me put on 5-6 slices. Then I gave them a big spoonful of both potato salad and cole slaw. As I then watched them have to hold the plate with both hands, it was beans, a roll, and a drink. And NO one went away hungry. Perhaps one rider said it best-"I was expecting a hamburger, you guys gave me a feast!"
And we all had a real good time! An example set by Jesus at His first public miracle. The wedding was winding down and they were out of wine. At that point He turned water into wine-the best they had ever tasted! Wine representing joy, He saved the best for them at the end. And they left with more joy than they had entered with. A point we should remember. The joy of the Lord! More than wine, tri-tip, and all the fixings-Jesus is that joy. And we can share in it everyday-not just at the end of it! And His joy is never ending. Sadly, no matter how much we eat, we will hunger again. The joy Jesus gives goes on forever. Into heaven!
So next time you are hungry, look for a place filled with motorcycles. Stop in and eat with a better class of people. Sit and enjoy more than enough food, and probably done well. Say hi in response when someone says hi to you. We forgive you for not riding, but you are still welcome to eat with us.
And if that church has motorcycles parked out front, stop in. For like the gospel, we have a simple message. For eating to ride also means being fed at church-spiritually. Then we ride to feed others, showing the love of Jesus. And we have learned to show it by our actions, rather than our words. After all, it is rude to talk with your mouth full. But you can share the gospel of love no matter what.
Just leave room for dessert-for like Jesus, no matter how good the meal, the best is yet to come.
love with compassion,

Friday, September 16, 2011

her heart, her home, and her wallet

The legend began during the 4th of July weekend in 1947. I say legend, because due to so many false reports, the "posed" picture for the cover of Life magazine , the movie the Wild One, and so many other stories told, the truth is in there somewhere, but that's a story for another time. What I am referring to is Hollister, California, and the weekend that bikers supposedly took over the town. But for me it started in 1997, when the city decided to hold a rally, the Hollister Independence Day Motorcycle Rally, to celebrate what they refer to as the "birthplace of the American Biker." And for ten years, before the politicians finally won out, this is where you would find me, and up to 120,000 other bikers. Celebrating our freedom, both on two wheels and that of our great US of A.
Imagine if you can, San Benito St. closed for five blocks, and lined four wide with motorcycles. And for two blocks on each side the same thing. Just enough space to cruise both ways, then turn around and do it again. Food courts, live bands, vendors, and lots of police. So many that in fact the one year it was referred to as the police rally in Hollister. No freedom mentioned. No celebration either. But as much as Hollister is about bikes and bikers, and those who dropped their kickstands at Johnny's, those who partied at Bolado Park, or hung out at Corbin's, it was about the people. Bikers, wanna-bes, posers, townspeople, and anyone who was there. And we all had a real good time! Incredible memories, crime was virtually non-existent, we were all welcome, and it made money-so much that they used to give it away to charities.
Then somehow the accounting system got changed, and it lost money. And whereas it was the safest town in California for the weekend, it became dangerous-although no reports were ever given. And when the rumor began we may lose our rally, a lot of us got upset. When in line at the Methodist Church all you can eat breakfast, it was priced reasonable, and they learned quickly how much ALL you can eat to a biker really meant. ALL means ALL! So while standing in line one year, I was talking about how sad the politics were, a server said "talk to the mayor, he's right behind you." And so the mayor and I had breakfast together that morning. He is a biker, was pro-rally, but certain forces above his political control were out to cancel the rally. No reason given, but too many bikers on any weekend can be too many. No one asked the storekeepers, who loved the business. No one asked the cops who got paid triple time. Mr. Sherriff, where was all the crime you told us about? And no one asked the bikers. I guess we were not politically correct enough-a compliment I'll take any day. And so Hollister went into the history books, quietly and without a battle. Unlike the legend that started it all. As bikers we won't stay where we aren't wanted, so we took us, our friends, and our money elsewhere. Loving the town, but not its politics-or its politicians. Only the mayor was with us still.
A key component among the biker community is respect. We may not agree with your viewpoint, but respect us and we will respect you. And the churches, two in particular were there showing respect, and love to the bikers. Like the Bible advises them to do. The Methodist church had the awesome breakfast, and also let CMA have services there. But Hollister Christian Fellowship is one that stood out. For a few years, they opened their doors to bikers, and let Pastor Fred hold services there. Right at the entrance to Corbin's, we sang, worshipped, and shared Jesus. To all who came by, and the memories are precious. Reaching out to the community,which just happened to be two wheels that weekend, they showed the same kind of respect that the bikers do, but with the love of Jesus. Outside of the walls of the church, putting the gospel into action. City counsel, aka Pharisees, take note.
But the First Presbyterian Church raised the bar. Not only opening the church to bikers on Sunday, the pastor encouraged the congregation to open their homes and house bikers-Bikers for Christ in particular. And so many did, and were so blessed by their actions. Taking in strangers, and loving on them. Showing respect, without laws or bounds. Grace God calls it. But within the church was a real gem of a lady, whose name escapes me-help me Fred. When all the bikers were housed, she had no one to stay with her. So instead she opened up her home on Saturday afternoon and fed all BFC and friends who came. About 40 of us would show up, and she would feed us roast beef, Mexican food, salads, desserts, and so much home cooking that this all you could eat love feast made the Methodist breakfast pale by comparison. This little lady-in her 70's, showed us more of the love of Jesus by feeding us than many churches did in a year of sermons-she opened her heart, her home, and her wallet, and trusted God. Showing true respect, and we are proud to have her as part of our brotherhood, bikers and Jesus.
Trust God today when the opportunity to minister to someone. Outside of the church building, remembering that we are the church. Show some love and respect to someone short on both. When Jesus addressed the church, He asked them where they were when He was hungry, alone, in jail, sick, thirsty, or naked. They didn't realize He was referring to anyone in need, and missed the point. Don't you. For by neglecting these things He told them He never knew Him, and be gone. Words I would never want anyone in my church to hear.
The best definition of teamwork I ever heard was if it needs to be done, do it. Words for the church to live by. Showing love, respect, compassion, and meeting the needs of others. Without the government, fund raisers, or charging for it. Give, so that others may hear the gospel. And when needed, add words.
I still miss Hollister. But the work of the church goes on. There will always be a biker who is hungry or needs a place to rest. By doing so you just may welcome someone I know into your home. Or it may even be me. Either way, take Jesus with you after the church service. Hollister may just be another name for wherever you are, and whatever the need is. Be the gospel, the witness the world needs. Watch the world rally to you when you show them the love of Jesus.
Your actions of love may be the best sermon anyone ever hears. One that is even heard over the loud pipes. Thanks Hollister for your love and respect over the years. Loud pipes may save lives, only Jesus Christ can save souls. What do your actions say about Him?
love with compassion,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

does the B in BMW stand for Buick and does Honda make motorcycles anymore?

40 years ago when I started riding motorcycle touring was much simpler. It still took the three components that it does today-the road, the rider, and the motorcycle, but it seems today that this trinity has become distorted. Somehow it has lost its way, become misunderstood, and redefined, but not necessarily improved. As I recall the guys I rode with, none of us had windshields. But our cars did. Here's a note for you Gold Wing riders, neither did the first Wings! They too were motorcycles at one time. We rode anything from a Mach III, to a CB450, a Honda 750, and my R90S. Size didn't matter-riding did. And we went everywhere, and anywhere, with only time and finances the determining or more precisely the limiting factors. Sadly some things don't ever change. But as I look at today's modern touring bikes, so called sport tourers that weigh 700 pounds, and$25,000+ rides, I think we may have confused motorcycles with cars. Some have crossed over, and not realized it. Your rides are more car like than motorcycle like. Wait a minute, does the B in BMW stand for Buick? Think about it, and be honest. Gold Wingers, you are also included here. As are anyone who rides a motorcycle that weighs over 500 pounds!
Buicks have windshields, floorboards, stereos, cruise control, suspension controls, reverse, trunks, trailer towing packages, cup holders, and even little dolls perched on the back? Sound familiar? Does your ride have armrests, backrests, air vents, and air bags? Can you still throw a leg over your seat, or is the rider's backrest in the way? How many ways does your seat adjust? Does your GPS mount interfere with your cup holders? Is it possible that you are really driving a Buick, and someone told you it was a motorcycle? Do you spend more money on chrome than motels? Are you more interested in the handling while pulling a trailer than scraping pegs? Which scrape far too easily because of all the weight? Does your Honda Civic get better gas mileage, and have all the same amenities?
How far have we really fallen from bungeeing a pack on the back and riding off into the sunset? And how many times has your GPS gotten you lost, whereas before you and your friends would have map stops? And talk over maps, wondering where that twisty line went, and finding a great road, instead of looking at a 3x5 screen-at 60mph? Telling you what the map company thinks is a great road. While wearing your safety course patch? Someone, or something has perverted the holy trinity of touring-we have met the enemy and it is us! By adding more, we have actually ended up with less! Only less time and money to do it stay the same.
The best description of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is from a Keith Green song. "Thank you oh my Father, for giving us your Son, and leaving your Spirit here until the work is done." Simple, too the point, and without unneeded baggage. Very few ever just set out to find God, and if they did ended up in a cult or on drugs-living a lie. It took the Holy Spirit to urge you and tell you that you need Jesus. In a loving and caring way-the Spirit directs, but since He is a gentleman, never forces Himself upon you. He points you to Jesus. Who is the only way to the Father. Not a multiple choice test to confuse you, just a simple yes or no question. He saves you from the world of sin, and then you have access to God, the Father. The Creator, and it is one on one. Personal, intimate, and wonderful. But some denominations have tried to add to it, taking away the simplicity of the gospel, and many who think they are Christians because they joined a church, signed a card, or were baptized as a child have been led astray. Jesus refers to it as religion. And was not a fan of it-in fact they hated Him. They have neglected the urgings of the Spirit, ignored Jesus, and missed the Father. And just like owning a Gold Wing doesn't make you a touring rider, going to church doesn't mean you are saved. You need the rider-you, to get on the bike, and head out on the road. You need to participate. Any one of the three is ok by them self, but only an incomplete equation. It takes the Trinity! No Jesus, you miss God. You need the Trinity! A mystery only revealed to you in the Spirit! By a God who loves you so much He sent His son to die for you.
Tired of reading about all the great places to ride-do it. Tired of riding the same roads-get off the highway. Tired of the same old religion-try Jesus. That urging is proof of the Holy Spirit desiring you to know God. And whether on my 450 pound Bonneville, or your half ton Ultra Glide, they only serve their primary function when ridden.
Lose the weight of religion, shed the pounds of chrome, and go for a simple ride with God. Enjoy leaning in corners you only thought sport bike riders could enjoy. Turn off the radio and listen to life. Do you really need a weather report to tell you its raining? Ditch the windshield, and feel the wind in your face. No communicators, spend time with God. And watch as the religion you have bought into fades away and the reason you started riding in the first place returns-because it was FUN!
And get back to Jesus. True, He rides all types of bikes. But the secret is having Him aboard the one you are on. Jesus, motorcycles, and the road. A trinity few ever explore, but for those who do see God in a whole, new, and refreshing way.
Buicks? We don't need no stinkin' Buicks! Maybe there is a reason we refer to cars as cages. As for me and my house-we ride! Motorcycles! I hope yours does too-with Jesus!
love with compassion,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

valet sermons

While touring the River Rouge Plant last summer, we were amazed and impressed by the size and scope of it. At one time it was the largest industrial complex in the world, with raw materials coming in one end, and finished Ford cars rolling out the other-today the build F150's. Amazing that it takes many things, and then builds one thing out of them. Finished products drive out on their own, after having been bought into the factory in boxes, bags, stacked on pallets, and in railroad cars. So many raw materials, that by themselves have no use, but when combined with just the right instructions, have a purpose. We all laughed as they showed us the employee parking lots, the biggest one and more convenient was for Fords only, the farther lot, and I mean way out there was for other brands driven by employees. For parking rights, it paid to drive a Ford. A fact not unnoticed by the bosses, managers, and supervisors. Late again from the hike? Shoulda bought a Ford. Down to the car you drove, they knew all about you, and you were treated accordingly. At least when parking.
Ford tried to have total control over you. You might say that they were trying to keep the world out, and did a pretty fair job of doing it. For awhile, but with the inconvenient parking of other brands, I am sure that many were influenced to buy a Ford. And just like the old Ford ad prophesied, every time they walked the half mile to work, past the employees' Fords, they were reminded "there is a Ford in your future!" Dale Carnegie was half right-they were influencing people, but probably not making friends.
Ford did its best to keep the world out. To run things their way. According to their belief system and rules. The building said Ford right on it-it was theirs, and if you didn't like it, try GM, Chrysler, or American Motors. The door swings both ways...
I used to believe that the world invaded the church. That it had somehow in some type of anti-church crusade laid hold of the people, the rights, their beliefs, and even their pastors, and that this was part of being a Christian-the eternal battle between good and evil. But I was wrong. And too many things remind me of this-one would be plenty, thanks. I get ads all the time like you do. Today an ad got my attention, and really personifies what I believe. The world didn't have to invade the church-they sent out invitations, opened the doors, and welcomed it in. Then quickly shut the door behind it-so it couldn't leave! The ad stated simply "Are you looking for fresh sermons?" Go to for today's freshest and best new inspirational sermon ideas! Even comes with a FREE 30 day trial before you subscribe. Valet sermons-someone else does all the work, you just show up for the event. And it doesn't matter where you park, or preach-someone else is doing it for you. You may as well take the bus, or have someone read it for you. Bet we never hear about how it is a personal relationship with Christ, when yours isn't?
Pastors take note-remember when the Holy Spirit guided you? Are you so far from God that you have to buy books, by subscription, written by men, to do what you have the Holy spirit for? The moneychangers are in the church-remember Jesus turning over the tables and chasing them out? Quick-what man knows more or could possibly be a better instructor, teacher, guide, counselor, or savior than Jesus Christ? Yet you lead your flock by following men's ideas? The scripture tells us what is in your heart will come out of your mouth? Does this give us a fair picture of what is in your heart?
Maybe this is a good deal, for after the 30 day trial it is only $21.95 month! How can we as men of God, chosen by Him to lead others, fall into the trap of letting others guide us? Is Jesus out of fresh ideas? Would you sell your soul for $21.95/month? Or would you rather follow Jesus, who paid the price in full, and knows exactly what you need, and not only has the answers, but the way out also. And provides them via mercy and grace! In love-should anyone not have the $21.95! Are you so far from God you need help from the Internet? Proverbs tells us not to listen to gossip because we may not like what we hear? Are you listening? We don't like what we are hearing. The spirit has never stopped speaking!
At least Ford promised a future if a Ford was in it. What is your future for leading little ones-your congregation astray? Something about a millstone around your neck, and a deep ocean...all for only $21.95/month.
Turn to Jesus today. Let Him forgive you and inject life into your messages that no source other than God could supply. Seek Him first, then as everything else is added watch your congregation grow. And you will too! In ways no other book could ever foretell. Jesus is the way. He made it simple enough. It is all about Jesus-anything else is first loser.
Now, about that personalized parking space right in front of the entrance, why don't you park far away, pretend you work for Ford and drive an other, and show some hospitality to your guests? Might even meet some of them as you walk the parking lot to your car? Seems Jesus also was out among the people...but be careful-someone may recognize you.
As always, it is better to seek God. Trust God! Hey, there's a subject for a sermon-and I'll even give the first one free! Now all you have to do is trust Him. And not me.
By the way, they are also advertising for sermon submittals. Wonder what they would think of this one?
love with compassion,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

classic is in the heart of the beholder

Add to your list the fact that no one really knows how old or what an old car is. Some shows advertise "classic," meaning old, but the Classic Car Club of America has fine lines of definition for this incorrectly, oft used term. Some shows cut them off at 25 years old, 35 years old, or 1975, 1973, or whatever. It even gets broken down by specific years and models with brands, and the question remains-what is an old car? I have an old 1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria LX-for sale by the way, which although at 21 years old is not considered an old car. It is to me. I even took my 1978 Suzuki GS1000e to a show for old cars and motorcycles last summer, only to find it wasn't old enough at 33 years of age, 35 years was old that day. Told to me by a guy still in his twenties. And old can mean different times to different folks, my own criteria is before I started to drive. Cars meant different things to me after I got a license, so for me I pick 1971. You may have your own ideas, but they matter little-it is up to the show that is sponsoring it. Too which I quote my distinguished Long Island resident, Mary FNY. "Whatever."
But as cars get older, and cars from the 70's and 80's are included by the 25 and 35 year old mark, I don't see them at car shows. Where are all the Pintos and Vegas? They made millions of them? Remember those cool T-birds from the late 70's? Seemed everyone had one then, where are they now? Where has all the fine Corinthian leather gone? GM"s X-car, we even had an '81 Citation X-11, the hi-performance one with 135hp! How about the down sized 1977 Cadillacs? Millions of Chevettes, but does anyone born in the 80's even know what one is? And the list goes on and on, with only one thing in common-they have become throw away cars. Use them up, and recycle them. And true, some should be recycled, some the day they were sold were bad, but as a vintage they are all gone. Cars I drove from 1971 to 1990, cars like the first Rabbit in 1975, Mazda 626, the X-11, Escorts, Probes, and T-birds, all gone. Only in my memory are they alive, and at the time many were great cars. But now uncollectable, or maybe more correctly unavailable. Used up, thrown away. Recycled like today cans and bottles. Hey, even BMW boasts how much of their car is recyclable. Have cars gone the way of a returnable Coke bottle? Just pay for the deposit, then throw it away, you own it, or recycle them. And sadly history, culture, and a lot of memories for our society have gone with them.
Theresa tells me of a church that did a big 9-11 ceremony, and I was impressed. Until I thought. "Isn't that the same church that is for abortion? That marries gays? That takes stands on social issues, but now claims they know better than God?" They claim Jesus isn't the only way to God, or heaven. Just be good. How about a person seeking salvation, what do they say to him? When the streets of the south are lined with Baptist churches, each with just a bit of a different doctrine, when synods don't agree, and people aren't comfortable with religion, or its rules of code or dress, what do they do? Who have we become? Sadly like the criteria for car shows, they have gone their own way. Following their own ways, choosing to follow their own religion, rather than trust God. Calvary Chapel Escondido even does an "Are You a Good Person Test?" showing the fallacies of not following the Bible-check out their web site and take it. The truth of Jesus is the only thing that will set you free.
Today there is a new class of throw away people, those who are seeking God, but not finding Him in religion or denominations. Feeling useless, but still admired in society's eyes. Successes in business, in their careers. They aren't poor, homeless, or destitute. They have tangible assets. But getting theories, ideas, and doctrinal views from religion, but not the truth. They even contribute more than they take, but are spiritually dead. They may feel good, for awhile, but who is there to tell them the truth? What is their criteria? Is there a baseline for beliefs? How can I know God? I already know about Him. HELP!
And the truth remains in only one person-Jesus Christ. They need something intangible-for that is what the soul desires. The Holy Spirit. Jesus was not a religious person-the religious hated Him, when He pointed out their lies. And rather than be His own religion with His own set of laws, incorporated by man and not Him, He offers mercy and grace via forgiveness. Above any law! For free-no deposit. It is called love, and it is a gift-it cannot be earned. No one can be that good. Hey-we're all born into sin, ever seen a baby that needed to be taught to demand his own way? Or not cry when he didn't get it? Jesus says He is the way-one way, the only way to God. Aren't you glad it is not multiple choice? Simple enough. He is the truth-compare anything else to Him and you decide. And He is the life-life itself. Not a life style, or a way to live. He eliminates all the in-between men and rules, so you can deal with Him direct. No misinterpretations-just ask Him, and He will give the answer-then you decide. No other religion or person offers what He does, and lets you make the choice.
Classic is an overused word today. Lay's makes classic chips, we have classic cars, and of course the original brought back to life, Classic Coke. Jesus Christ is not only classic, He is today, and tomorrow. None other like Him. No need to box Him in with rules. And you will never be turned away, unlike some car shows. Take Him at His word, it is that easy!
In a society today that prides itself on recycling old items, and being "green," God understood this from the beginning. Long before it was trendy to recycle, Jesus was already changing lives. For the better, taking something old and dirty, and turning it into something new and fresh. He forgives you, will you ask Him today to forgive you today?
Jesus made it simple, change the heart, and you don't need the rules. Got morals? You don't need rules. It is called love. A Classic for over 2000 years. No deposit-and He will return! A "who" ever not a whatever.
love with compassion,