Wednesday, June 13, 2012

#1 with a Bullitt

One of my favorite scenes in the movie Bullitt-hey the whole movie is one great scene with the cars and Jacqueline Bisset-but my favorite part is the famous chase scene. But the scene within a scene is when the hit men are chasing Steve with their Charger. Suddenly Steve's Mustang is nowhere in sight. We see the two men looking-somewhere between scared and wondering, "where did he go?" when Steve and the Mustang appear in their rear view mirror. And in a single scene, the chaser goes from the hunter to the hunted. In a beautiful scene, with no words spoken, you get the whole idea, and you are left to your imagination to figure how each character felt. A great scene, and not in the original script, but added by McQueen, adding the element of surprise and adding an extra dose of tension to the chase.
How many times in life does this happen to us? Maybe when dating you just had to date that special blond, the one who was unapproachable. But after a few hours found there was nothing more to her than good looks, and the date ended. But she found you nice, and now was after you, you were so nice to her, but now you had no interest in her-the roles were reversed. Have you ever been lost at a fair, you can't find your car. And when you do, your friends are not there, but out looking for you. And they became the hunted! And how about Soylent Green, where you just have to know the secret ingredient-and then find out it is made from people! Ah, the ironies of life sometimes just go to show that the world has a sense of humor-a bizarre one with you as the punch line, but a sense of humor all the same. To quote the National Lampoon Radio Dinner, "whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back..."
I got saved a the end of the Jesus movement in 1975. I had many friends looking for God in sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Looking but never finding. With many ending up at a dead end, and a few dead. It seems what we all thought was God wasn't, it was just the opposite. But for those of us who came to the Lord, we were to find out that Jesus was looking for us the whole time. He sought us while we were still strangers, and sinners. Even in our pre-born again state He loved us. And was patient with us, something our search for love couldn't provide. We were searching for love in all the wrong places-just like the song said. But our prey was God, and through the prayers of many, we became the object of Jesus' affection for us. And He still does today...
Up until death do us part this earth, the Holy Spirit is telling the hearts of the unsaved "YOU NEED JESUS!" For God finds no joy in the death of the wicked, but is patient that all should come to repentance. A thought we need to remember, as if the rapture had occurred in 1974, I would have been lost-left behind. Keep that in mind next time you get impatient with this world, and want to go home to heaven. Set your sights on things on high, but remember why you are still here. And show the love of Jesus and His patience to all you meet.
While we were yet sinners...God sent His son Jesus to die. Now that's love. A chase scene to top all chase scenes. For I wasn't looking for God when I found Him, I am so glad He was looking for me. So keep the chase scene in mind when you are out and about. When you are tired and being chased, remember that God can change that scene in an instant. In a twinkling of an eye, we go from death to life, from hunted to saved. From Charger to Mustang, from hit man to being hit. Life will do that to you sometimes, so make sure you are in the right car. And no co-driver-give Jesus the seat time He needs in your life. You never know what is over the next hill...
Learn the lesson of Steve, who after he overshot a turn, not planned in the script, had Bud Ekins take over and do the rest of the driving. Maybe saving the star's life. So ride with Jesus, and if you come across some bad advice in your search for God, take Bullitt's advice, "you work your side of the street, and I'll work mine..." So make sure you are on God's side of the street. Another lesson in safe driving from the creator of the universe. A complete chase scene done at real speed-what you see is how it really was. And is, with Jesus.
love with compassion,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

a triumph by any standard

While up at Mickey's last week having new tires put on the Tiger for our annual trip, Harry-guitarist with the Darryl Mansfield Band and I got to talking about the Steve McQueen Special Edition Bonneville press bike up front. We had seen pictures of it in magazines, which didn't impress. But in person, the list of "custom" items looked way cool. It is a faded khaki, with Triumph stenciled on the tank, a single grey seat with luggage rack, and lots of blacked out chrome. Made to resemble the bike that was jumped in The Great Escape, this was #48 of 100. Which Steve didn't jump, Bud Ekins did. And we got to talking about Bonnevilles, the new ones in their 12th season, and still being made almost like the first ones in 2001. One noticeable change is fuel injection, but Triumph put the injectors in carb cases-way cool. And trying to find a used one is about impossible. The sales manager at NCY tells me when they hear of one being traded, it is usually resold before it is taken in trade. A rare bike that doesn't pretend to be anything but what it is-a Bonneville. A bike that ridden 100 yards puts a smile on your face. A bike that is fun to ride. Not the fastest, or best handling, just fun. Not a touring bike, but don't tell my friends at BA-Moto that-nine of them rode 1000 miles in a day last year! Many have over 60,000 on their daily rides. Take that Gold Wing rider! And Mickey built a motor last year that set a record at Bonneville-which is what the model in named after. Where it initially set records in the fifties. A bike that helped inspire the original Sportster-all the way to the Sporty shifting on the right, ala the Brit bikes at the time. It is an honest bike, which is way cool, guaranteed to draw crowds wherever you go, and is a hit among even the Harley crowd. It seems everyone had one growing up. It leaked oil, had lousy electrics, and your feet stunk of hi-test from tickling the cars-before you kick started it. But they all remember one thing-they loved that bike and wished thy had one again. And now many do, due to Triumph and the new Bonneville. The perfect tribute to cool, and the perfect model for Steve.
It's a tough market out there for men's souls also. So many want so much from God, and think they can earn extra blessings from Him. But it is the mature Christian who knows God's grace is sufficient, and that you cannot earn favor with Him, who is truly blessed. When we become like the Bonneville, not pretentious, and just ourselves, then we grow in God. It is when we are happy to sit in the back and let God get the credit that we grow. It is when we are comfortable in the spirit letting God lead, that we are more affective, and watch the blessings increase. It is when the fruit of the spirit becomes evident in our lives, and God draws people to us-not our colors, vests, t-shirts, or bumper stickers. It is when we realize how cool Jesus really is, and let it be all about Him that we mature. It is when we cut the world out of our ministries, and let Jesus be Lord, that we grow in grace. No programs in the Bible. When we depend on Jesus, and not our own understanding we see God grow, and our pride shrink. We can be ourselves in Christ, an individuality that many ministries deny us. A freedom only found in Jesus, and no back patch. Long before there were colors, the Holy spirit was at work-and still is today. Struggling in ministry-give it to God.
I am reminded how after a Billy Graham Crusade at the Rose Bowl one night, a woman with her grandchildren came up to us in the dark. Would we pray for her son who was a biker? We had no colors, it was the spirit who guided-and still does. God doesn't need our help, and when I try to assist I usually mess things up. Keep your only agenda Jesus!
A time is coming when Jesus will be as cool as riding a motorcycle. How about right now? Right now Hollywood and other celebrities are riding Bonnevilles. I put the break in miles on Christine Aguilera's Bonne. Dale, Jr. has a red Thruxton. House rides a Bonneville to work in real life. Ryan Reynolds rides a Bonneville bobber Mickey built for them. And as a new generation discovers how cool Triumphs are, it is refreshing to see cool endure.
NOW-if we can only wake up church, and spread the gospel as much as the motorcycle community is growing, imagine the impact. Imagine if we were as concerned for their souls as we are for what they ride. Imagine if we really showed we cared, and took the brotherhood found in motorcycling to the world via Jesus. Imagine if we let the spirit guide us, and is wasn't about us. If you are, you know the blessings. If not, I invite you to let Jesus be Lord in your life today. Follow Him, and never hear the words, "why do you call me Lord, but do not obey?" Who knows, you may even minister to bikers, or ride a motorcycle yourself. We can't all be pastors or teachers, but we can all love. We can all pray, and we can all ask God to show us how to minister in His name.
God is not looking for any special editions, or numbered series of peoples. He is looking for people like you and me to serve. To trust and obey. The harvest is great, the workers are few. Salvation doesn't make you a worker, for many are called, but few chosen. The unemployment rate among those who minister is 0%. Don't let the stories lead you astray, get to know Jesus personally today. His true beauty is seen the closer you get to Him. You've read the book-get to know the man. A Triumph by any standard.
love with compassion,

Monday, June 11, 2012

in living color

The subject of progress is an ongoing saga. What is new today in our ever changing world, will be obsolete tomorrow. With only two things for sure-it will be faster, and cost less. OK, three things. We will wish we had waited for the newer version. I can remember the first cell phones, at over $1200 each, big and unreliable. Now they give them away with your plan, and they can take pictures, access the internet, and text. But can still drop calls when you least expect it. So much for progress, but don't despair, within the next few weeks a newer version will be out, that the ads will remind you that you cannot live without. And the march of progress goes on...and on...and on...
My grandparents were the first ones I knew to have a color TV. Remember the NBC peacock? I remember trying to figure out the colors of the cars on My Three Sons-Pontiacs and hot rods, the Fords on Hazel, and the real colors of the Ponderosa on Bonanza. Little Joe's painted pony is still my favorite! And even in color, it was still black and white! But now they were colors, not just shades of gray. And the colors were bright, vivid, and seemed to not match anything in any house I had ever been in. No one I knew had bright green walls, with blue carpet, and gold trim. In brighter colors than I ever saw. But they showed up great in color, and since it was all about the color, you got, well...color! And so after all the pinks, mauves, and blues of the fifties-you had bright colors for the sixties. And I wholeheartedly approved-still due. And although Joe Friday only wore gray, it even looked better in color. A whole new world awaited us-color! Just the facts, mam.
But we had to endure black and white to get there, and today as we had Super HD, and 3D, and other visual enhanced sets, it still is about the colors-no one watches black and white shows on HD! There is no such thing! No one wants to return to the past, even though our memories of it can be fond, we look to the future for things to get better-and again, more progress.
When Father Al went in for new glasses, they told him he had cataracts, and had one eye done first. He could see things again, and colors were the most vivid and exciting. But it took awhile for the second eye, he needed the first to heal, and then his vision was complete. And like he exclaimed to me-"he once was blind, but now he could see!" And life became exciting again for him, as if it were ever not exciting-he could see! But what if he didn't get the second operation? What would his sight have been like? Would he only look out of the good eye? What would the combination of good eye and bad eye have shown to him? Fortunately after the first operation God wasn't done with him yet.
Jesus tells us of meeting a man who was blind, and was seeking healing. Jesus spat in some dirt, and rubbed it on his eyes-giving him sight, or at least what he thought was sight. The man commented that people looked like trees, or their outline, and didn't realize he wasn't fully healed. If he had left then, his blessing would not have been complete. But again Jesus touched his eyes, and they became clear-fully healed! Jesus had healed him in a two step process-giving him his sight, but teaching him grace and patience along with it. But what if the man had taken off thinking he was healed? Do people really look like trees to anyone except the Sierra Club?
We so often do the same thing. God isn't done, and wants to bless us more, but we are in a hurry. Life is interfering with our plans, and if God wants part of our life, He must make an appointment, or fit in where He can. We miss blessings, and when we encounter others who have patience wonder why them, and not us? What is so special they get blessed all the time? Perhaps we should consider the Old Testament advice found in Psalms, "they that WAIT upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me Lord to wait..." And there is the answer-waiting upon God. Babies take a full 36 weeks to be born, we all know about premies who come early. How many have left with the score tied in the 7th inning, only to miss the excitement in the ninth? And how many hurry to get somewhere, only to sit and do what? WAIT! Remember that when God tells you how He orders your steps! You may be done, but He isn't!
Try it God's way today. You may be having a Good Friday type of day, no hope at all, but remember there is no Easter without Good Friday. God knows what is ahead, and what is a detour for you, may be the right road God has for you. Be patient, as the bumper sticker says, God isn't done with me yet. It takes both eyes, along with a willing spirit to see all the grace of God. For God has great things for us, just like the blind man, and just like He did for Father Al. Don't leave the game early and miss the ending!
Patience leads to salvation. There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning. Get some rest, the harvest is great, the workers are few. Keep both eyes on God, and see things as He does. All the colors of the rainbow await you if you focus on Jesus. Trust God-now that's progress that anyone and everyone can benefit from.
And if anyone asks, I still want the 1965 Chevy Super Sport in Marina Blue, just like the one on Bewitched! And like the one Little Joe drove up the streets of Virginia City. If you missed that last one, too bad. A special 10 minute Chevrolet commercial on Bonanza for their 1965 car line. A little patience to this 11 year old's eyes gave me a clear vision 47 years ago! So give God a chance-for the things which are seen are temporal, the things not seen eternal. How will you know the difference if you never look?
love with compassion,

Friday, June 8, 2012


One of the first phrases we learned in Mrs. Weinberg's 7th grade Spanish class was "porque tenemos tantas pruebas?" Why do we have so many tests? And looking back, I don't remember the answer, which may have been one of the test questions. But life is full of tests. We test for jobs, in schools, for our licenses, and our love for our spouse is tested daily. We take the Pepsi challenge, really a test of our taste buds, and we test our patience with our lap tops. It seems Mickey D's is always testing some new McSomething on us, and if you are a parent, your kids will test everything you have, and some things you don't. See what I mean? That wasn't a test question.
And if we happen to pass the test before us, more advanced tests await us. Seems there is always someone who is willing to embarrass us, or at least prove to be superior to us. Another test. It's called pride. Just like the wise guy who told us "you're only as good as your last game." How many people have been robbed of the joy of victory by that lousy comment. " Back, back, back, back"-that's just where I wish he would go!
I have found the opposite of testing is trusting. I trust my motorcycle will start when I push the starter button. No one I know has ever tested the system by leaving the key on all night. Or maybe that is how Lucas tests their electrical components. We don't test our riding skills by riding way too fast for a situation-if you do you already know the results of that test. We don't test the accuracy of the cashier by mocking her when giving change, and we don't test the doctor by making him prove his diagnosis. We trust them, and when our trust is broken, take steps to see it doesn't happen again. Thus the phrase "first time your fault, second time mine " was born. No one ever asks about the third time. Tests are everywhere, and can be unexpected, and when we need them the least.
So the question is with God, is He testing you, or are you trusting Him? I get irritated anymore by those who are ready to place the blame for something they don't like on God, or even Satan. They look at every hardship or problem as a test, as if God if making them pass an exam before He will bless them. And they are wrong, and under the curse of a lie from Satan. Do you really want a simple answer to this? Can you handle the truth? Here goes-these situations are allowed by God because He loves you, and wants to show you His love in them. So for those who don't get it, it will be a test. But to those who walk with God, it is a chance to trust Him. To look to Jesus in the situation, and let Him handle it. Testing of the spirits is different, which is for another discussion. This is all about your relationship with Christ. Do you trust Him?
You see tests are all about us, and what we need to do. Trust is all about Jesus, and what He has done. It is His showing us the promises He made long ago, and then showing His love and truth by taking care of the situation. God doesn't need to be tested-base on being God should be enough. And if He can save our souls, cannot He deal with our finances? Our jobs? Our motorcycles? Even our relationship with Him is based on trust! And the more the trust, the more the blessings. The more the blessings, the closer to God you get. Didn't we all pray that at one time? And how better to know when a false teacher comes, than by knowing God, and His word. As I channel surfed the other night and listened to this preacher tell his audience if you only send him money, God will provide you a new car every year-for the rest of your life! Noticed he didn't say he would, he lied about God! So be as wise a this serpent, but gentle as a lamb-Jesus.
One final test-required of all who ever have been on earth. A simple question, and it is open book, with the question and the answer provided. The wonderful counselor even provides the answer. The question is the same one that Jesus asked His disciples-who do you say Jesus is? The correct answer is the messiah, the Christ, son of the living God-God Himself. Any other answer is wrong, and failing means hell. Even if you don't believe in it-so beware of Jehovah's Witnesses, they are neither of God, and are not a witness of Him. Jesus Christ is alive and well. They fail the test.
So why do we have so many tests? In English this time-an opportunity for God to show us His love in every situation we face. To allow us to trust Him, so He can bless us. So we can enjoy a deeper relationship with Him-forever. Did you ever think the reason you have so many tests is because you just don't trust Him?
love with compassion,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

tank's a lot

Dear Tank,
I hope this letter finds you well, at least as well as you can be in your present situation. I hope you remember me, I am the friend of Kerry Lyn's who used to send you the weekly devotions. And at your request, quit sending them. We never have met, and I feel as though I owe you an explanation as to why I honored your request. I wanted you to know why I honored your request.
I admit my ego was hurt at first, when I received your request. I like others don't like to be rejected-it's that NO word that gets me. But God showed me to love you, and to respect you. Something that not too many people show you, and that by honoring your request, I was doing that. He showed me that no one ever asks you what you want, but always tells you when, where, and how to go. I do not wish to be part of that. But that doesn't mean that I quit praying for you, or forgot about you. As many others who receive this devotion still pray for you, friends you may not know you have, and may never meet. So I would like to tell you this story.
I do a lot of hospital ministry, and over the years only one person has ever denied me being allowed to pray with them. I always ask if I can pray with the person when with them, to me it sounds so impersonal saying "I'll keep you in my prayers," without taking the opportunity to do it. But this man I visited, had a very hard heart-not a medical condition. He was in long term for diabetes, and other complications. His wife was with him, and she was concerned who was going to take care of things while he was hospitalized. She was taking off work just to visit him, and that cost them more loss of income. So when I left, I asked if I could pray with him. She smiled, and he became angry-he didn't believe in that sissy stuff, and besides it doesn't work, he assured me. Denying the very God, the only one who could help him. I was taken aback at first, but answered, "how do you know that I haven't been praying for you while I was standing here, and that I'm not now?" He looked at me confused, I shook his hand and left-still praying. Silently-God knows the heart, He doesn't have to hear the voice.
But God knows our heart, and hears our prayers, even when we think he doesn't. Later that week my wife encountered this man's daughter, who was thrilled her dad was home. Home-wasn't he to be long term in the hospital?
The very next day after I prayed, all symptoms of diabetes, and all other illnesses associated with it were gone. They discharged him, because they could find no problems-God healed him. Despite his not believing in prayer, God healed him! You see God takes no pleasure in the death or discomfort of the lost. Jesus died for our sins long before we came to Him. He offers a peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding. That is how great his love and mercy for us are-and they are a free gift to us from him. And that is why I still pray for you. And why I can tell you honestly that Jesus loves me, and how I know He loves you too. You see where sin abounds, God's grace abounds even more.
I am enclosing the last week's devotions. I hope you enjoy them, I know how much mail is appreciated. I will not send any more, until I hear from you telling me it is OK. I wish to honor and respect your wishes, a way to show the love of Christ to you. Rest assured you will always have at least one person praying for you-Jesus. He will never leave you, or forsake you, but only love you. But you must let Him. I also will continue to pray for you, and hope someday you will come to know Jesus personally-not the religious guy who others espouse, but the living savior of the Bible. Who died for your sins. And loves you very much.
Until I hear from you, I will keep praying.
love with compassion,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Faith is the substance of things not seen, but believed. But what about faith when you do see something, but don't know what it is? Or you believe something with no evidence at all, yet can make a great case for something that's a lie. Too many people today just don't believe the gospel, but with incredible faith choose to believe in UFO's, ET's, reincarnation, and politicians. They exhibit a faith that is strong, but based on lies. Yet they believe it so vehemently that it dictates their lives, and keeps them from Christ, it is a type of the spirit of anti-Christ. Just as God warns.
While watching a TV show about secret government bases like Area 51, I was amazed to hear them talking about Dulce, and the "secret" base there. And watching the pictures, I knew just where the turn off was, I had been by it dozens of times. And suddenly things came to life I didn't know about, and led me to reflect on an incident I had there myself.
I was coming into town, and heard what could best be described as a plane crash, that was my first thought. Driving through town, which is only a few blocks, I came upon a plane, a Beech craft, on a small grassy area, in a neighborhood, nose down. Inside was what at first I thought was a black man, but when I got out to look, it wasn't-he was burned to a crisp! But his clothes were not burned or singed, and no other signs of fire were on the plane. It was just there. And from where it was, it was almost like it had fallen out of the sky, rather than landed. No place it could have landed, and the plane showed no damage, it was almost like it had been placed there. I waited a few minutes, no one had responded, so I went to my next account, Gomez Grocery.
I told Manual Gomez the owner, what I had seen, Manual, a serious guy who I had never seen smile, began to tell me stories of cattle mutilations on his ranch-a lot of them. Describing them in detail. And how there was a secret base his cousin worked on that took him 20 minutes on an elevator to reach-underground. He was not a man to tell tales, very serious, but this you could tell had affected him. And that he believed every word he was saying. But yet the plane crash story didn't phase him. Almost like he knew, and had said or knew too much.
Leaving his store, I went back to see if the police had shown up, and no one had-it was just as I had left it. And no spectators either. It was almost as if people had seen this so often it was no big deal, or they knew to stay away-and did. I am no UFO buff, or alien being believer, but this was strange. I knew what I had seen, but I am not sure what I saw! And watching this show brought it all back to me!
Which brings us back to faith. I know what I saw, I could describe it, and know what it looked like-but I am not sure what I saw. So I looked deeper, into FAA logs and for info on the crash. Nothing. Except two dates mentioning it, 3-30,1982, and 3-30, 1983. With no further info on either date! Yet a plane crash is listed for that date, but not what I saw. Yes it happened, but no further info is provided! Is seeing always believing?
As Christians we are warned of the spirit of anti-Christ, anything in place of Christ in our lives. And I can see how this could lead me astray, as interesting as it was. But I choose to follow Jesus, Him I know, not some unexplained phenomena. I choose to live by faith, knowing that is what it takes to please God. For the things seen are temporal, the things not seen are eternal. So don't let anything get between you and Christ-no matter how interesting or intriguing it seems. No sport, car, church, pastor, alien, politician, or motorcycle should ever come between us. And rather than thinking it is a test from God, trust Him instead. Too many see demons when they should be seeking Jesus.
At the tomb of Jesus that morning a angel explained what had happened. In detail, even leaving the burial clothes and Head cloth folded for all to see. Yet so many believe in the Shroud of Turin, which could never be true because there is no head cloth. You see, it pays to read your Bible, so as to not believe a lie. Just this simple ruse has led more people astray and away from Jesus, believing more in a suspect cloth than on His resurrection.
I know what I saw that March morning, I am not so sure what I saw. God gives us free reign to believe what we want, but provides us evidence that will provide a verdict of His truth. Walk by faith, it is much easier to believe a God we can't see than to believe in what we think we have seen. 30 years later I can still remember that scene, thankfully I will know Jesus into eternity. A lesson on seeing vs. believing-only one leads to heaven. I don't ever want to know where the other one leads. How about you?
love with compassion,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

don't be a Bob

Somehow we endure despite all the so called blessings we are surrounded with. Back in the 80's when the cola wars were going hot and heavy, I was a salesman for Coca Cola. When Pepsi started their challenge, we responded "if there wasn't a champion, there wouldn't be a challenger." And as the cola wars heated up, a funny thing happened-both Coke and Pepsi showed sales increases, it seemed the competition was good for both of them, but not the lesser brands.
I worked for a man called Don, who was described once as "the only man who could screw up Coca Cola." And perhaps the worst people handler of all times. No people skills at all. And a manager from Circle K once told me "any mistake you make isn't your fault, it's the jerk you work for," while he was standing next to me. But the salesman at Pepsi who I sold against was a guy named Bob. If you were to run an ad looking for an idiot for your village, Bob would be the best choice. He was a nice enough guy, but drove his customers crazy. And anyone else who came in contact with him-he never shut up. And was incredibly ignorant in so many areas, he was the opposite of the jack of all trades-he was an idiot of all trades. But we ran the same routes on the same days, on Tuesdays we went to Dulce on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, about 110 miles from Durango. Then through the Gobernador Natural Gas Fields, the second largest in the world at the time-this was wide open space, with little traffic, and during a time where the speed limit was 55mph, we ran at over 100!
I had seen Bob in Dulce, and after my last stop, took off for Gobernador. About 25 miles from town, or anything, I saw his blue pickup on the side of the road, but no Bob. I kept going, and on the horizon I saw Bob walking, as if he would get anywhere in the 90 degree sun, with 20 miles to the next phone. So coming up on him, he turned when he heard the truck, and starting waving, then a smile broke out on his face when he saw it was me. But looking ahead, not making eye contact, I kept going! The last view of him was all the joy leaving his face as I looked in my rear view mirror-not stopping! I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist-but after the next bend, went back to get him. And for the next 45 minutes wished I hadn't as he drove me nuts. For Bob never shut up! And I wonder to this day, did I make the right decision?
We call them "one-uppers," if you have a new car, they have a better one. Your TV is 52 inches, theirs is 60. You have a 1000cc motorcycle, they have a 1500. You go on vacation, they've already been there. And just like Bob, they never shut up. Says all, knows nothin'. And they never listen because they never shut up! They know it all, and like a shirt I saw Sunday says, "You who think you know it all bother those of us who really do!" They not only have an opinion on everything you do, but if only they had been there you would be in better shape. To which Mark Twain once said," if you have the reputation for being a fool, don't open your mouth and prove it!" But they don't listen, and some even give God advice. Proving Mark, and God correct.
But God is forgiving, and loves them anyway. Hey, He loves us, right? But when He made man, He gave us some unique characteristics. Among them was one mouth, which we can control, but two ears, which we can't. And even until death, your hearing is the last to go. Just maybe is He trying to tell us something, if only we would shut up?
Jesus is called wonderful counselor. I like that, and I need Him more and more each day. He is truth, and not an opinion to influence you. He loves you so much He will give you the best advice, and the only advice you should take. So He tells us to be "doers of the word, not just hearers." He expects you to listen. Before you act. And self control, including of the tongue, is a fruit of the spirit. And you didn't make Jesus up, like some claim, but were told abut Him by the Holy Spirit-again a great case for listening! Remember that next time you pray, it is possible you don't receive because you don't listen! You ask, but then never let God answer.
So don't be a Bob. You may be stuck someday and no one will respond to your call for help. But thank God He will. He will provide a way through your situation, but only if you listen to what He says. By faith. And then do it, by obedience. Ask and you shall receive. But obey, and it will be given unto you. Are you listening? We will only know by the fruit you produce. Like I said, if there wasn't a champion, there would be no challenger.
love with compassion,

Monday, June 4, 2012

signs and wanderers

I saw an interesting sign the other day while riding in a neighborhood. It warned of a deaf child living there. Big letters that could even be seen while talking or texting. But yet I was the only one who slowed, almost getting rear ended. Her dirty look said it all. For years, we have had the sign that says "Slow children," and I have always wondered what makes them children slow? But since it is ignored, I soon expect a politically correct sign to take it's place, much in the vein of the deaf child warning. It will say "Special education children," and we will all react different to it. At least at first, for we don't want to hit anyone. We can't have no slow children here. Remember that when driving too fast where kids are next time, they may be slow, but some grow up into slow adults. I won't mention any names here, the list would be too long.
For some it is just the lack of the sense of common. Or the inability to think for themselves. When my neighbor got a new truck, his wife was upset because she had to put the key in the door to open it, but was ok after being shown how. And her son had to learn, like a nephew of mine, how to open windows. "What are these handles for Auntie?" he asked Theresa when he couldn't find the switches. But our neighbors kid had already figured them out, the salesman had explained them, and he showed them off to his friends as a novelty. "Check this out, the windows go down with these handles..." And of course, all the kids had to try.
Still don't believe the signs? When about 10, we are at my Grandparent's house, and Christopher wants to use the phone. Only he can't figure it out-it has a dial instead of buttons. But with a little instruction he mastered it, and a whole generation was saved. And of course progress had taught us it is easier to change phones yearly than keep the one given to us for life that never broke years ago. But the latest one really scares me, and these kids must be really slow. You've seen the dishwasher soap that comes in a capsule, looking like hard candy? It seems many kids are being rushed to the ER after eating it, thinking it is candy. My question is, what kind of stupid kid after putting it in his mouth, cannot immediately tell it is not candy? How much chewing, and then swallowing of this soap must he endure before he realizes it isn't candy? Maybe the radiation from cell phones does effect your brain-or at least your taste buds. Rest assured it will have a warning on it soon-do not eat. I wonder does he have a slow children marker in front of his house? So here is the newest entrepreneurial opportunity-Start a fad-make the first slow adult sign! Sell them in packs of 10! But change the graphics-why is it the slow children are seen running on the sign? Put someone on it who can't dial a phone, or roll down a window. Nostalgia and safety-hope the government isn't listening.
The Apostle Paul in Galatians was writing to some slow Christians. People who had come to Jesus, but immediately fell into religion, or went back to their own ways. They had "Jesus and do this" added to the gospel, or you must follow these rules, or pay this, or whatever. Straying under the influence to other Gods. Instead of being rooted in the gospel via teachings and good fellowship, they chose to listen to false teachers, and then followed them. To which Paul's heart broke, and after issuing a warning tells them they never knew Jesus, and sadly He never knew them. He speaks of a personal relationship, that born again instant where you are saved, and wish to know Jesus better. You truly wish to know God, but go on living like before. Listening to those no smarter than you. "Just go to church, follow a family tradition and you will be fine." Like so many are told today. And sadly the so many are wrong-as Matthew 25 tells us. Here they are bragging to Jesus what they have done for Him-not ever knowing it is what He has done for us! "We cast out demons in your name, prophesied, had book sales, special programs. We even had mission days, or sold out altogether and now we are only a missions church. Just look at our programs, and the list of good men who are our elders. We met all of our financial goals last year, we are great!" And Jesus replied, "be gone from me, I never knew you." For there is no relationship there with Him. For it is not about us and what we can do for Him, but about who He is and what He has done for us. And as I am out and talking to many others who attend these churches, maybe a "deaf Christian" sign should be placed in front of their building. They don't listen to the gospel. Or more accurately-"Slow Christians!" For they just don't get it. They have chosen to follow a religion just as dangerous as eating dishwasher soap. And are stuck with a phone and no way to call out! They can't even open their windows to call for help! Beware these people and do not fall into the same trap they did.
The truth will set you free, and is a person-Jesus Christ. He is the door, He is the one to call in times of need. Let no person, church, religion, or habit stand between you and Him. He only wants the best for you, for there are no slow Christians in heaven-just Christians. We are warned that some seek signs and wonders, yet some ignore the signs and wander. Jesus is ready to accept you right now, as you are. Tear down the signs, and get to know Him personally. Get ready to hear "well done my good and faithful servant."
God travels at the speed of light, maybe we are slow. But we don't have to be. Trust God today, and watch as your whole world brightens. God didn't send a text message, He sent His son. He made it personal. Don't you think it's about time you do too?
love with compassion,

Friday, June 1, 2012

are you a statistic for the minute you were born?

P.T. Barnum is quoted as saying "there is sucker born every minute." Say to fill a city the size of New York with 8 million people, it would take almost 20 years, not counting abortions. So...theoretically every twenty years you could have a new set of suckers completely replacing the suckers before it. A perpetual sucker machine if you will. And they said it couldn't be done!
Los Angeles would only take 6+ years to regenerate its population/sucker base. California every 60 years would have completely recycled its population, replacing old suckers like us with new ones-who just can't wait to be lied to, led astray, overtaxed, underpaid, and then re-elected all over again. And we are the good guys! What about the bad guys, who suck us in and rip us off? Thanks to the Internet, they have become a worldwide source now. Ever called on a credit card problem, and had the phone answered by a man in India? Or Viet Nam? Are you licensed to do business in that country? Well then why do you have to call there when you have a problem? We have more Buicks made and sold in China than the US, and Chevy trucks come from Mexico, Nissans from Tennessee, Hondas from Ohio, and Chryslers from Canada. But how many of us know all these facts? Yet we know who what wore to Whitney's funeral, and you need more evidence? Doesn't anyone read books anymore? Texters are already proving they can't spell.
I refer you to Boss Tweed and his group of scoundrels back in the 1870's in New York City. In today's dollars he embezzled over one billion dollars, yet still wasn't in jail-the public loved him. And when he was finally arrested, they couldn't understand why. Until he started protesting the political cartoons being drawn against him. "Stop them!" he said, "you're hurting my public image. Most of my constituents can't read, but they understand pictures!" Remember that thing about repeating history if you don't learn from it-sometimes it just carries on. "As seen on TV!" seems to give credit to anything. "Oprah says..." now there's truth. Quote Jerry Springer, and any other cretin let loose on TV, and stand by as the media is so biased that both sides don't tell the truth, yet refer to themselves as authorities, trusted, and fair and balanced. And this year, 2012, they all are coming out of the closet for the end of the world. It seems more planning is taking place for the end of it than there was in creating it, and definitely more than in maintaining it. 2012-Year of the Sucker.
Yet most try to avoid the truth of the Bible. They rather believe Elvis' tomb is empty rather than Jesus'. They rather believe that just because the Mayan calendar ran out, so will the world. Unfortunately no Mayans are here to comment, they were eliminated centuries ago. Alien beings from other planets, talking to ghosts on TV, and whatever plays for money has become the norm. "We don't need truth, it is too narrow," yet reality shows are the norm from repos to picking. From buying storage lockers to dating. I guess you can have it both ways if you insist upon being wrong all the time!
Even Agent Mulder knew the truth was out there. Do you? Or are you a statistic for the minute you were born? THE truth is the world is not ending, but will go through birth pangs. Not death. But God will have a new, reborn earth for those who follow Him, in truth and spirit. Not by denomination, sorry. His church of believers is called the bride of Christ, and soon, just like in Jewish tradition, He will come calling for His bride, and we will be raptured off this earth. Then the worst 7 years in the history of earth will begin. Something Buddha, Oprah, Joseph Smith, the JW's, or the Democrats will be able to save you from. But look at it like this, you will all be a common people at that time-suckers who refused to believe the truth! Just like the bumper sticker says-COEXIST! Now that's TOLERANCE! Really it is spelled compromise, or believing a lie.
God puts it like this-believing is seeing. It takes faith. It doesn't take a follower of Boss Tweed to see that. So don't be like one of his followers, failing to read and not believe about coming events in the Bible. Don't be a scoffer like those who question why isn't He here yet? Be glad He isn't, or else you would be left behind! Be glad He is as patient as you are impatient. It's your choice-stay or go? Smoking or non-smoking? Saved or lost? Wonder what the polls will say about that!
And only suckers will be left, the rest of us who were foolish enough to trust God will be gone. Like Cheers, a place where everyone knows your name-sucker. Now if that isn't wealth redistribution, I don't know what is! What if what God says is right? Can you afford to be wrong?
love with compassion,