Friday, February 27, 2015

one night in Monterrey

My first and only US Grand Prix was in Monterrey, California. After a long absence, the GP was coming back to our shores, and Monterrey was filled with bikes, and bikers, racers, and others who were seeking racing on US soil.  Four of us had ridden up, and then paired off, with Brett and I having reservations at a Travelodge, a huge motel just inside the city, and minutes from the track.  Laguna Seca, a beautiful track, with its well known corkscrew turn was our destination for the next two days, and pulling up, the motel was filled with bikes.  But something other than the race was the hot topic, it seemed some lowlifes had cruised the parking lot the night before, and stolen some bikes.  Causing quite a stir, as in some circles your motorcycle takes precedence over  your wife and family, and the atmosphere was tense.  We talked with two guys, one who had stopped a theft in progress, and was determined to catch, or at least protect his GSXR 1000, which was highly customized.  He was hot, and the manager and his friends tried to calm him down, but he wanted revenge.  After a few minutes of listening, and taking his advice to be careful, some had even had their race trailers taken, jokingly when checking in I mentioned to the desk clerk “can I take my motorcycle into my room?”  His answer surprised me, “of course, if it will fit.”  Whatta ya mean, if it will fit?  So we rode around the building, and entered a double door, and rode down the hallway to our room.  And “if they will fit,” they barely did, and after riding to dinner, then back, we, the four of us, Brett and his 750 Ninja, and me and my FJ1100 were safe and secure for the night.  With one parked between our beds, and the other barely in the room, logistics for the shower and bathroom took jumping over a bed, and climbing over the FJ, and the TV was partially obscured, but our bikes were safe.  And off to sleep we went, with dreams of the next days race filling our heads.
But something else filled our heads, and waking up to headaches we found that the AC couldn’t recycle the pungent smell of hi-test gas, and the smell was horrible.  Everything that next day tasted like premium, but the bikes were safe.  And right outside next to our room, was the guy with the GSXR, sleeping in blankets, his chain wrapped around the swing arm and then his leg.  And with a loaded .44 across his one had the courage to wake him, should he think we were burglars...and he was still sleeping in after we came back from breakfast.  We had all had a good night’s sleep, not so sure about the rest, and endured one last night of premium inhaling.  Such is the price you pay for the ones you love, and if you don’t ride you won’t get it.  By the way, no thefts were reported that night at the Travelodge, but down the road they had hit again.  The Travelodge policy of no pets, but allowing motorcycles just may have saved the night. 
Now I have been given discounts because I rode, been allowed to park in their garage, or on their front porch, but never the extreme courtesy that one night in Monterrey.  Long before the Internet and, this place would have been given 10 stars in a five star rating, these guys knew riders, and think of the reviews they would have gotten.  And how all bikers would seek them out...all they asked was no starting your bike in the building.  And for no extra charge, we slept with our bikes.  Biker friendly to the extreme, a far cry from Easy Rider just 20 years before...
Having had two cars stolen, and my garage broken into, I know the sick feeling of being robbed.  Of having your security violated, and property stolen.  Scripture tells us “the thief comes to rob and destroy,” and the scars that are left after the theft remain.  A lack of trust is gone, you become suspicious of anyone, and things that are once taken for granted, now are clung to.  Like bikes in a motel room, we hold onto what is dear, hoping to protect ourselves and our property, while some seek revenge.  Some forgive, but we don’t forget.  The “first time your fault, second time mine” theory in place.  But the one thing that we lose is our trust, and when later advised the bikes had been stolen by other riders, our little community of trust, our brotherhood had been violated.  Everyone became a suspect, and a bond among ourselves had been broken.  Nothing new, since the Garden of Eden a trust had been broken, a brotherhood violated, and many chose to seek revenge.  While God offered a better way, a just and loving way.  He offered Jesus to reunite us, to forgive our sins, and even those who sin against us.  It is hard to forgive those that violate you, but Jesus set the example forgiving us, so we can forgive others.  But what when we don’t forgive, we won’t forget and bitterness sets in?  We are told that bitterness is like yeast in a bread, it goes throughout the whole loaf, and all things in our life are tainted by bitterness.  From our rides, to who we ride with, to the dealer who we deal with, we lose something, suddenly everyone is out to get us, and we suffer the most.  A brotherhood is broken, relationships are shattered, and soon the joy of riding is gone.  Around every curve someone is just waiting to get us....and soon the joy of riding is gone.  All because we chose bitterness over forgiveness.
Jesus forgives all sins excepting for denying him.  Which means you deny his forgiveness, and think your way is better.  It can be a little thing said or done years ago, or some big thing recently, but soon you are overcome with bitterness, and all your decisions are jaundiced.  You become more bitter, and the things you once enjoyed now are a hindrance, you haven’t left the scene of the crime.  You want revenge, and sadly you may never get it, not realizing the revenge is killing you.  Forgive and go riding, get over it.  Let Jesus handle it, cast your cares on him.  He can handle it, he will show you how to forgive.  It is time to unchain your bike and go ride it, to get on with your life.  Peter understood getting on with his life, no matter how many times he fell, he never looked back.  And where your eyes go, your bike will follow.  You may be headed for a ditch, or in one, and wondering how you got there. 
One night in Monterrey a trust was violated among a brotherhood.  2000 years ago Jesus showed us the way back.  A way to have a brotherhood, a family relationship restored, and the antidote for bitterness.  Do not become overcome with evil, overcome evil with good.  Turn to Jesus, he is like the brother biker, he will be there with you in jail.   On the road, at the track, and everywhere.  It is us who turn from him, it is a self inflicted wound called bitterness that separates us.  Maybe the answer was found from the desk clerk, “if they will fit.”  Fit Jesus into your life and enjoy life again.  Restore riding to a fun place, and restore relationships that have been damaged.  A thief one night came to steal, but the destruction was far worse than the property taken.  Something that was unseen was taken, only Jesus can replace it.  For those of us who are forgiven and forgive, we know.  Follow our example today, be forgiven and forgive.  The ride becomes that much more sweeter, the air cleaner, and food taster.  The bike faster, and all it should be.  Forgiveness starts with you and Jesus today.  A lesson learned one night in Monterrey.
love with compassion,

Thursday, February 26, 2015

how will you be remembered?

He hung there with Jesus for almost the entire six hours.  We do not know his name, he is only identified as the thief on the cross, but his words, and the response of Jesus is taught worldwide in churches everywhere.  “Tonight you will be with me in paradise,” Jesus told him, when he asked to be remembered.  He recognized who Jesus was, his deity, and asked forgiveness.  No ceremony, no special prayer, he came face to face with God in his dying moments, and God saved him.  Today we see him as an example of the love of Jesus, offering and giving salvation to all who seek and ask, right up until his death, but to those who didn’t hear the conversation between the two he died a thief.  A criminal, an embarrassment to his family, and deserving of the punishment.  They never saw the transformation in the waning moments of his life, and forever knew him as a loser, a sinner.  No outward signs of change, there was no time for that.  The change came in the heart, the things not seen being eternal.  But in heaven he is known as a sinner saved by grace.  All of his life of sin forgiven by Jesus in his last hours, but his family unaware of who he had turned into, or who he had turned to.  No books to write, no testimony to share with his friends, he died anonymously, yet publicly in shame, while at the same time fully pardoned and forgiven by God.  God had saved the best for last in his life, all his other deeds would fade away someday, we know nothing else of him except he was a thief, but forever in the Bible he will be remembered and taught about.  With Jesus getting all the credit, while he enjoys all the glory.  Where is Hollywood with a story like this?
While young we plan things, we set goals, we want to make money be successful.  But meanwhile we are starting careers, starting families, and sometimes just trying to survive.  We dream of the future, but become trapped in today.  Many times guided by what others think, and what impact they will have on our reputation.  We are young, have energy, and yet go to bed tired each night.  We are busy building something that can be taken away very quickly, and when we least expect it.  No matter our walk with Christ, the best gospel we know and live is the one of ourselves.  And this is the one that others see, and remember.  It is popular at funerals, to share memories of the deceased, good times about them.  But the service is really for us, and our memories of the deceased.  To comfort us in a bad time, to give us consolation when a loved one dies, and to be reminded of how final death is.  We seek to make a peace within, so that we leave no guilt behind about things we said or did, that may have been taken wrong.  A time of confession for those who remain, the final lot of the deceased is done.  Tomorrow has arrived, and we find it is today.  With only yesterdays to remember.
We do not know the day we will die, we certainly didn’t know the day we were to be born.  Only God knows, and yet we live without regard of life in him.  While some build an inheritance, others wait to inherit it, and while some live penniless, some die that way too.  Yet we all have a value system, no matter how angelic, or demonic we live by. We live life based on what we believe, and often with us at the center.  Unaware, or worse yet aware of the consequences of our lives.  No thoughts of tomorrow except of how we will live in retirement, now if I can only get there.  If I don’t get old and burn out to quickly, and many in my generation have.  It is only by the grace of God that some of us are still here.  But it brings up the question, how will you be remembered?
Life happens when we least expect it.  We think we are prepared and ready, then God allows an event to show how much we need him.  When I was sick and needed to be life flighted, we weren’t prepared, but God had everything ready.  And as the helicopter warmed up in Durango, a group of 12-15 took me to the launch pad, my wife and Dal among them.  Neither was sure they would see me again, I was out of it, heavily sedated so I could make the flight.  But just as they were loading me, my wife tells the story, of how I said “stop, we need to pray.”  And as she wondered of who was going to pray, hurry up he needs to go, I began to pray for all there.  The spirit of the Lord falling upon me, and praying for others, while I was dying.  An event I don’t remember, but love to hear, giving all glory to God.  It was Jesus who gave me the desire and the words....and you know the rest of the story.
It was months later when considering what had happened when being loaded, that God explained to me why and what had happened.  He had given my wife a precious gift of remembrance, for if I had died in flight, this would be her last memory of me.  This would be first among all stories told, more than of raising kids, the many rides, and years of marriage.  It would all come down to my last words, just like it did for the thief on the cross.  I would be in heaven, but my family would be still here.  And a loving God would give them a memory, and a testimony to share with others to encourage and comfort.  You see, the whole scenario was never about me, although I was in the middle of it, it was always about Jesus, and his love.  And what a great way to be remembered, by giving Jesus all the glory. And even though my mind was asleep, my spirit was very much alive, and will be into eternity.  And whenever that day comes, I look forward to it, secure in the fact that Jesus saves, but what about those who are still here?
A simple children’s prayer, “now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul to keep,” has instructed many in early life about Jesus.  Maybe so simple we forget it as se get older.  And a children’s song, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so...” is the gospel of life in song.  Don’t wait until your last breath, you don’t know when it will be, the thief missed out on many years of blessings, but gained an eternal reward.  Heaven is real now, and is here now, on earth as it is in heaven.  Jesus is calling today, his spirit calling to you.  Sadly a thief’s family never knew of his final words before death, he died a sinner saved by grace, known only to God.  The best way to die, but also a good way to live. What will your last words be?  When will you say them?  Who will be listening?  Only God knows for sure, and he isn’t telling.  He offered my wife a great gift that day, based on a greater gift he had given us years ago, his son.  What you do with Jesus is up to you, but can have profound lasting effects.  How you will be remembered is important to those who remain, who remembers you in heaven makes all the difference.  For an unnamed thief, it took a cross.  Who without any teachings, prayers or good works is in heaven with Jesus.  Give it all to him today, be a testimony of his saving grace now and for future generations.  My words that day will be forgotten, never let the words Jesus spoke to you be.  How you will be remembered will be dependent on who you knew, and he will remember you forever.  For a thief, and for the rest of us, it all takes place at the cross.  The best is yet to come.
love with compassion,

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

motorcycles prove the existence of God

In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth.  6000 years later, he created motorcycles, and the world has been better off ever since.  But it also proves the existence of God, for men ride motorcycles, and God created man in his image, and women ride too, who were created as a help mate, a best friend and partner for man.  See how simple that is, so simple a Honda rider could get it...a direct tie in of God and man.  God and woman.  God and biker.  God and Honda, Harley and hundreds of others.  But today where a whole generation thinks cars when they hear the name Honda, how many know Soichiro Honda started making piston rings after WWII, and has sold over 300,000,000 motorcycles world wide since.  Think of one Honda for each US citizen....Suzuki started over 100 years ago making knitting machines, and actually built a small car before going 2-stroke in 1954.  And VW owns almost 20% of them today!  Kawasaki built shipyards and helped establish overseas routes for shipping, and only got into motorcycles late in life, merging with Meguro while working on a small car engine.  Yamaha started making musical instruments in 1887, hence the tuning fork logo.  Only making its mark on the motorcycle world in 1954, with the Akatomo, or the Red Dragonfly.  Meanwhile over in Europe, BSA was busy making rifles, hence the name Birmingham Small Arms and their cool logo of three rifles.  They got cool in 1910, and at one time was the most popular motorcycle sold in the world.  Norton, affectionately known as Pa made wheel parts until 1907 when he built his first bike, a single cylinder 650.  Triumph started by selling sewing machines made by Siegfried Bettman, called Bettmans, and started selling motorcycles in 1902, predating Harley.  Bettman, not Batman.  To the Speed Triple Robin.  Ducati is now Duc-Audi, started making vacuum tubes, then after WWII sold small engines to be mounted on bicycles.  The first true motorcycle coming in 1952, a scooter.  Moto Guzzi was the dream of two pilots and their mechanic, and in 1921 started building Guzzis.  And BMW, was started as an airplane company, forced after WWI to abandon that, and in 1923 started making motorcycles, cars in 1928.  The logo, a spinning airplane propellor.  Bavarian Motor Works for the purists, never a Beemer to anyone with cool.
Meanwhile in the colonies, Indian and Harley made news.  And Indian made motorcycles for a while.  Starting in 1902, they made their first V-twin in 1907, predating Harley, and were fierce competitors for years.  They died in 1953, but have been resurrected again, again, and again, and again. Hopefully to stay this time.  And of course Harley Davidson, since 1903 teaching mechanical skills to those along the side of the road.  In 1902 Bill Harley built a 116cc single cylinder, the next year incorporating with the Davidsons and since 1903, Milwaukee and motorcycles have been synonomous.  Proving the fact that long winters bring spring time rides, even if you have to invent them yourself.  And there you have it, a short history of motorcycles, proving the existence of God. 
But yet some argue God does not exist, or believe in evolution.  I believe Honda disproves that theory, as evolution is a theory, and also a Harley motor.  And the Second Law of Thermodynamics says all things are in a constant state of atrophy, and Honda going from motorcycles to cars proves it.  A giant step back for all who ride.  Some believe in a Big Bang Theory, again theory, not proven.  Where did the stuff to bang come from?  It had to be created by someone?  And no missing links have ever been found, except master links breaking on the highway, but even endless chains ended them.  Again proving the existence of a loving God.  Yet some cling to fantasy, fiction, superstition, tradition, and outright lies about where we all began.  The Bible makes it so simple, in the beginning, from nothing, the Hebrew word Bara, God created the heavens and the earth.  One line to explain the truth.  But where was Jesus?  In the beginning was the word, he was with God and is God.  He was there.  The ultimate historian, not created, but fully God.  Says so in the Bible.  No theory, no philosopher, no teacher, no revolutionary, but God himself.  Yet so many deny his deity, and face hell because of it.  His mission was simply to reunite us to his father in heaven after sinning in the garden.  A simple gospel, so I can get it, and free so I can afford it.  No fancy footwork or logos, no ad campaigns or product displays.  Just love, what we need, and what he gives freely.  And forgives us for being away from him so long.  Forgiving us like we never sinned.  A history I am proud to be a part of, for God so loved motorcyclists, he sent his only son.
Works with all sinners, and those who drive cars.  On both sides of the road.  Jesus forgives sin, and gives life.  And promises that where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.  And where better to be free than behind a set of bars riding down the highway.  But it takes the spirit to show us the way, for like the Harley shirt says, “if I have to explain it, you wouldn’t understand.”  But God calls it faith, the same faith it takes to push a starter button, an answer to prayer to those who grew up kick starting twins and have bruised ankles to show for it.  God hears all prayers, and answers with Jesus to save us. 
In a perfect world we would all ride motorcycles.  Maybe heaven will reveal that, I’m just glad I am going there someday.  But I am glad today I am along for the ride with Jesus.  Whereas it took 6000 years for man to ride, love has always been, and isn’t anything new to God.  Or his followers.  So why do some doubt, when others believe and enjoy life in Christ?  As with all the manufacturers, they built a testimony before they built a motorcycle.  Some are still building that testimony today, others are sharing theirs.  Wherever you are, Jesus loves you.  And is patient that you come to him.  Just think, if he had come back  100 years ago none of us would be riding?  I’m glad he is patient, and is patient with me.  So in the beginning God continues today fresh and new for us all, both old time believers, and new convert.  He is new every morning, great is his faithfulness. Turn to him today. And find life.  It took almost 100 years for Brit bikes to overcome the Prince of Darkness, Lucas electrics, Jesus overcame the Prince of Darkness in one afternoon.  Proving he was and is God. So motorcycles and bikers do prove the existence of God.  Even ask a road racer when he overshoots turn one-and sees God.  You don’t have to overshoot, just change your aim.  God’s aim is at your heart, where your eyes go your ride will follow.  Works for bikers, works for Christians too.  And that big bang, loud pipes may save lives, only Jesus saves souls. 
But maybe riding was an Old Testament thing we overlook, for David rode to triumph in battle, and even in the New, as Jesus will cause us to triumph over our enemies.  Jesus and motorcycles...maybe you still do meet the nicest people on them. In the beginning can start right now!  Right on and ride on...with Jesus.  Motorcycles once again proving the existence of God.
love with compassion,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

the rides you don't remember

I was impressed when an old friend told me he had just gone over 100,000 miles on his motorcycle.  I didn’t realize he rode so much, or his bike was so old.  But when I asked about all the places he has ridden, his expression changed.  “I only used it to commute, it has never been out of So Cal.”  And as he explained his 90+ mile commute each day, the math in my head told me the mileage was true, and that he hadn’t gone anywhere.  He had gone on an endless supply of rides that he didn’t remember, he may as well have been commuting in a Prius for all the joy of the road he had.  It would have gained him access to the HOV lane, and gotten the same mileage.  Maintenance may have even been cheaper, as the HD in his bikes brand was now soon needing a top end, soon to be followed by a bottom end rebuild.  All those miles, all those cold mornings, and yet he had gone nowhere.  I compare that to another friend, whose latest Gold Wing is just under 200,000 miles, and will pass that mark this summer, the third Wing he has done it on.  We don’t see him much, and when we do he tells of all the rides and roads he has been on in the past year.  He has taken rides with his wife, met people and made new friends, and when mentioning a state, he has been there.  He has seen the US of A from behind bars, and the memories are exciting to listen to.  My other friend has memories of mile posts on I-15, reminding him how much farther he has to work.  Both ride a lot, but not all have the same memories to look back on.  You can only go where the road takes you, and it is OK to change the road you are on.
I currently have almost 300,000 miles on the bikes in my garage.  Even my low mileage bike, the 1978 Suzuki with 30,000 has been places, I bought it in Seattle and rode it home in two days-only 1400 miles of I-5, but still a ride I remember.  My Bonneville is over 71,000, yet most of its miles are local, with a ride to Phoenix with Dick standing out.  But it is the Tiger, with over 92,000 miles that has the miles I remember most.  Until I got sick and had open heart surgery, this was our touring bike, and saw limited duty, 4-6 weeks a year, but was ridden almost 14,000 miles each year.  Never a commuter, it did commute us to 48 states, and Canada, and most rides can be remembered for one thing or another.  It seems each bike and its owner has a different story to tell, of places gone, places missed, people met and people missed, and dreams come true, and dreams yet only found on a wish list.  How many times have we been asked “how did you get your motorcycle here?” when in Maine, Michigan, Florida, or Texas.  It amazes people we actually ride, yet the mileage doesn’t impress as much as the places we have been.  We have found the road many times to be the destination, the ride the antidote for mediocrity, and the world a beautiful place once we escape our own back yard.  It is not the same everywhere, as some have told us, even each freeway is different, as is each bridge.  Only restaurant chains remind us of home, which we avoid, we are trying to get away.  Not travel the same route, eating the same food.  And life doesn’t have to be the same either, whether you ride or not.  High miles doesn’t mean a full log book of memories, it can just mean a worn out life or motorcycle.  It can be as exciting as a Tex-Mex burrito in Amarillo, or the same old slop in Taco Bell.  Both are food, and will fill you up, but one is worth the ride.  But only if you will take it.
A man once explained to a crowd of young people that a rut is only a grave, but with both ends open as a way of escape.  And while some are caught in the ruts of life, some see the light at both ends, and wonder where it leads.  God is like that, he offers us a way out, but some only see the same rut, they don’t see his light offering an escape, and the life that goes with it.  I see men and women studying the Bible for years, but never applying what they learned, or what it says.  Their daily walk is like a commute, arriving the same place each morning, taking the same route, and when they are told Jesus offers life and more abundantly, they can only see a road with less traffic, not a new way to get there.  The seven dying words of the church just may be “we’ve never done it this way before.”  And I am reminded of a story of one Peter, sitting in jail for preaching the gospel. 
The other disciples were upset about their friend being in jail, and were at a home praying fervently, when a knock came on the door.  They tried to ignore it, they thought it was rude someone interrupting their prayer time, and finally answered it.  It was Peter, God had miraculously set him free, he had answered the prayers of those praying, yet they were too lazy, or had too little faith to answer the door and see their prayers answered.  Although they had seen the miracles with Jesus for 3 1/2 years, they still had little faith.  Sound familiar?  Sound like maybe a road you are stuck on?  Have you accumulated the miles, but not the testimonies?  Or have they stopped, because life interfered with your plans?  Or have you just quit riding altogether for whatever reason.  Just like some get old because they quit riding, some quit riding because they get old.  Old in their relationship with God, and travel the same old road, putting on miles, but without testimonies. 
But life like that rut provides an escape route.  A person who will guide you, and you don’t have to be on the USS Enterprise to go boldly where no man has gone before.  When you let Jesus be the Captain Kirk of your Enterprise, the whole universe is yours, and the possibilities are endless.  While some collect only miles, you can collect precious memories, and be an encouragement to others.  Life is not necessarily how far you go, but how far you have come.
God knows exactly where you are right now.  Behind bars, or behind handlebars, he will change your life if you let him.  Paul wrote much of the New Testament in chains, telling of a freedom while chained to a guard.  His surrounding didn’t hinder him, but Jesus encouraged him in his situation.  He wrote not only of the tough times, but emphasized his Lord that took him through them.  How many were saved because of one man’s testimony behind bars?  How many are in a prison of their own with no bars but their lack of faith?  Their lack of Jesus?  A lady once came in while I was working at Mercedes Benz in La Jolla.  She was planning a big trip up north she told us, and wanted her  car checked out.  While talking we thought maybe San Francisco, or Monterrey, but we were surprised by her answer.  “Del Mar,” some 15 miles north.  We checked the car out the same way as if she was heading cross country, she went 15 miles.  Life is like that, don’t fall into the trap.  When God promises life abundant, he means overflowing.  In ways you cannot imagine.  Some will take us on freeways, some on back roads, some not even paved.  Some just a driveway that tests our riding abilities  like Guy’s, but on all rides go with God.  Too much of life is routine, just getting from here to there.  Enjoy the road you are on, explore new roads, and see a side of God the disciples almost missed.  Maybe the ride you are praying about is behind the door, the knocking is Jesus asking to be let in and show you.  Expect more out of your God and let him lead the way.  Or you can always drive a Prius-it will at least get you on the commuter lane.  At least they get out of So Cal sometimes.  It’s the rides you don’t remember that could have been the rides you do.
love with compassion,

Monday, February 23, 2015

tugging at Superman's cape-the story of two Mr. K's

Yutaka Katayama died last week at the age of 105.  Big deal, to most no deal at all, but to thousands of sports car fans around the world, he was well known.  Probably the most recognized man in Japanese auto history, you may have even lusted after his signature creation at one time in your life.  Born in Japan, but with time spent in the US of A, he helped put a struggling Datsun on the map, and with insight into what American buyers wanted, sold the concept of a sports car to his company in Japan.  The relationship between horse and rider helped him bring the Datsun Fairlady to our shores, renamed the 240Z, changing the world of sports cars.  From the concept, to the marketing, even the name, were his idea, and his insight put Datsun on the map, even establishing the 510, a staple still in Vintage Racing.  The Japanese answer to BMW’s 2002, another car that changed the course of a company.  I have owned a 2002, but never a 240Z, and still lust over them today.  A far cry from the 4000 pound Z car of today, after 45 years we all put on weight and change.  Mr. K, as he is affectionately known worldwide, knew what we wanted, and was patient and persistent enough to see it through.
Clark Kent to those who knew him, was just an unassuming reporter for a great Metropolitan newspaper.  But his true strength was he was Superman, from another planet.  Who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.  Whose mission, if no more than to rescue Jimmy and Lois kept him busy.  And watching the original TV series in reruns over the weekend, I saw some amusing things about S-man, and his friends.  In one shot, you can see where his costume ripped, and was sewn together using a dark thread, and never repaired properly.  Which made me wonder, if it is impervious to acid, bullets, and other nasties, how did his mom ever sew it together?  How did she ever cut it apart from his blanket?  I have always been impressed by how bullets bounce off, but have never seen why the crook didn’t aim at his head.  Was it his uniform, or him that was bulletproof?  And why if bullets bounced off, did he duck when a gun was thrown at him?  Maybe I am just tugging at Superman’s cape, but I always wondered about that.  Why not just assume things to be as they are, and go with it.  But where would Lois and Jimmy be today if he hadn’t been in their lives.  And how old would Clark be today, and would he still be able to leap tall buildings at a single leap?  Would those x-ray eyes need contacts, a young Clark already did.  And would his uniform last the tests of time?  Would he have ever married Lois, and would the little Kentettes have super power?  Just picture him at an AARP meeting?  Maybe that is why you don’t tug on Superman’s cape, because of who he is, and what he represents.  Truth, justice, and the American way.
Mr. K understood the American way, and without him, Nissan, aka Datsun, might still be a second rate company around the world.  But his vision, his living among the people like Clark Kent did, allowed him to see things first hand, and after seeing what made us tick, they both adapted their special gifts to American buyers, and became well known around the world.  One Jesus of Nazareth was the same way.  After 30 years of growing up, starting a career, and becoming a successful carpenter, he went into ministry, the same age Jewish priests entered it.  Being fully God, he would not have needed training, but being fully man also did.  He learned all about the human conditions, and when confronted with them I ministry, had been there and even had the t-shirt to prove it. Jesus walked among us, to some just Joe and Mary’s kid, to others a fined finishing carpenter, and finally when of age, our savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.  But it was out among the people where we find him, and much like Mr. K and Mr. Kent, both Mr. K’s made an impact after getting to know the people, seeing a need, and fulfilling it.  Like Clark, Superman was right their with the Daily Planet reporters, yet they never saw who he really was.  Mr. K worked behind the scenes, and was Datsun for its growth period, but who would recognize him without his signature cowboy hat?  Same with Jesus, his robe looked like any other, yet was worn by the only person born a virgin, and who would die for our sins.  When not in uniform Clark wasn’t so super, without his hat Mr. K was just another face in the crowd, and without going to the cross, Jesus was just another missionary.  Today we can look back at him in the scriptures and wonder why didn’t the public see him for who he was?  And find we are guilty of the same thing.  While some tug at Superman’s cape, many still look for God, when he is right here with us, he left and returned for three days, and will again call his church home.  A true superman, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.  And he offers them to us, the entry fee our lives, so he can save us and change us. 
The afternoon Clark walked into Perry White’s penthouse office via the window, life in Metropolis changed.  When Mr. K entered the Datsun boardroom that day, the auto world changed forever.  And the night Jesus entered the world, the heavens rejoiced, time on earth would never be the same.  Has Jesus walked into your life yet?  Ho w has he changed you?  Or are you still tugging at Superman’s cape, wondering if his claims are real?  All three men knew the importance of relationships.  Mr. K cars and drivers, Clark, Metropolis and danger, and Jesus and sin.  Only Jesus saves, the others making a mark, but only Jesus saves.  He is the Son of God, he is God, and he is our savior.  And even those who tugged at his cape when he was on earth were changed, imagine what he can do for you today.  But you must tug, you must desire him.  And the spirit is telling you “you need Jesus,” and saying nothing is saying no.  To some they pick at him like I did when I saw the dark thread repairing his outfit.  Some doubted Mr. K and his insight, yet both Mr. K’s left their mark on us today.  It takes faith and a vision to bring a sports car from concept to market, it takes faith and vision to believe a man can fly, and it takes faith to believe Jesus died for our sins. Vision...from above.   Faith, just a little...and we all have been given the same amount.  What are you using yours for?  Who do you say Jesus is?  Are you still looking for him, or do you not understand he is tugging at your heart?  Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane....someday it will be a final trumpet from heaven, and we will all be called to heaven, those who Jesus changed.  Is he changing you?  Has he changed you?  Do you wish him to?  Some still swing a dull ax, working harder than they should, and denying Jesus.  Some are known by their arrows, yet a true marksmen is known by his aim, and not his arrows.  Some work for salvation, some fight for it, only Jesus aims his arrow of love right at your heart.  A free gift you could never earn, so why try?  Give in to Jesus today, let him change your life.  Be assured of heaven, and immortality.  Forever.  Which is a long, long time.  Wise men still seek him, how wise are you? 
From Datsun to Nissan, from Clark to Superman, men change.  How your life changes will tell us all how much Jesus changed you.  And is changing you.  Only Jesus stays the same, the one and only.  The begotten, unique son of God.  Worldwide known as our savior, the universe cries it out, do you?  Will you?  Some read the Daily Planet, I prefer to let Jesus lead my life, to plan it daily.  Amen.
love with compassion,

Friday, February 20, 2015

going topless

The 1956 Lincoln Continental Mark II was supposed to be the ultimate luxury car.  Based on the legendary design by Edsel Ford, it was to have all the latest, and advanced luxury found anywhere.  At any price, and after a two year run went away and today is highly collectible.  Selling fro $10,000, when you could buy 5 new Chevies for the same price, it is reported that Ford lost $3000+ on each one sold.  Although never designed to be a money maker, one thing they left off was a retractable roof, a hardtop that disappeared into the trunk at the push of a button.  Topless motoring, sportiness defined in the auto world.  Probably for quality concerns more than cost at that point, it showed up in production in 1957-59 as the Ford Skyliner, the high end Ford for those years.  At a glance the Skyliner looked like the normal Fairlane, but its rear flanks were wider and longer, the rear seat narrower, and only limited access to the trunk, which was only accessible when the top was up, and only a small box where luggage could be stored when accessed.  With over 600 feet of wire, various relays, solenoids and screw jacks holding it in place, you may have thought it was a problem just waiting to happen, but few were found.  Not a volume seller, many who preferred open air motoring went with the Sunliner, the convertible, for less money, less hassle and a full trunk, that cold be opened like any other car.  But for those who enjoy the rare and collectible, they bring big bucks at auctions today, and still draw interest when the top is in mid-stage, going up or down.  Almost 60 years ago Ford made it happen.
Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sun, it has all been done before, maybe those who write auto ads should be such informed.  In 1998 Mercedes Benz came out with the SLK, a small roadster with the same type of top.  The trunk opened clamshell wise, and the top disappeared in it, with no convertible boot to show, smooth lines like the Skyliner, and the appearance of no top at all.  And the public loved this new concept, forgetting that Ford made it happen 40 years earlier, and it was a hit.  But at first my techs and the service department were shaking their heads.  We could see all the potential problems and figured they would be a nightmare to fix.  We were wrong on both counts, with very few top problems, just as long as you followed the directions.   Like make sure the cargo cover over the small luggage area in the trunk was pulled forward, or the top wouldn’t work.  An easy fix, open the trunk, pull back the cover, and it worked.  Many who hadn’t read the owner’s manual, or listened upon delivery never came back once instructed, sometimes out of embarrassment, yet a few were regular customer when it came time to go topless.  But in 2003 when the new SL500 came out with a similar top, we had problems.  Not with the top, but with customers, who could invent more ways to foul it up.  They would pull covers off in mid-operation, the top freezing in place.  Some would then try to force it, breaking tabs, or bending structures operating in a tiny area.  Some still forgot to fasten the cover over the trunk area, and sometimes the genius owner would try to open the trunk, he was going to fix the top stuck in place, and then the real problems began.  And of course these things all happened the farther from home, the later at night, and the bigger the crowd.  But when it worked, which was almost always, the operation which took 29 seconds was a joy to watch.  And one night while test driving an SL 55 in Mars Red, we parked in front of a restaurant with a glass front and putting the top up, all faces were pasted to the glass watching...never did tell them it wasn’t mine, that was our secret.  Today top operations like this are no big deal, but 60 years ago, and even 20 years ago they were, and I still marvel that they work at all.  Not the technology of the top, but the technology of the user. Which unfortunately still doesn’t come with a warranty.  And just like the cars then and now, stupidity is not a factory defect.  Just make sure the cover is secure....
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting a different result.  Many today are seeking something fresh and new, I have two friends who always end up with a flat tire when trying to reinvent the wheel. But in truth God tells us nothing is new under the sun, it has all been tried before, and even variations on the theme are not original.  Did you know the simple calculator is based on Egyptian mathematics formulas, just sped up by electronics?  And the formula is simple enough any 5 year old could use it?  So much for the new math we learned in elementary school.  And so from cars to calculators, it is up to the ad men make it sell, to make it all new and improved enough so you cannot live without one.  Sadly it works in religion too, as many claim a new gospel, a new revelation from God.  A new and better way to find peace and contentment, all better than the way God provided in Jesus.  Some will even use his name in vain in their name, later claiming he is not deity, but a created being, and rewriting their own book, to be used instead of the Bible.  Updated they say.  Another denies Jesus is the son of God, taking words out, changing the to an “a” changing the meaning, even denying hell exists, although Jesus talked of it three times as many times as he did heaven.  His words, “if it were not true, I would not tell you so,” forgotten in their religion.  And sending all to hell who deny Jesus, simply put Jesus said “you are either for me or against me.”  Since he is the way, not a way, denial means hell.  Yes means heaven, a simple gospel for all to embrace.  No works needed, the only law is love, and forgiveness is free and available to all.  Yet like the Skyliner, some just won’t follow the book, and end up with a broken car.  Long ago we decided we were in the job of not only fixing cars, but people too.  And once shown the way, many wouldn’t stray from it.  At least not until out of warranty, then of course it was the car’s fault, and it should be fixed for free. 
The warranty Jesus offers on forgiveness is forever.  No end dates, no deductibles, and no up front charges.  Forever, for all, for all sins.  The only unforgivable one is denying him, and you get none for the above.  That simple, and you can live your life knowing heaven awaits.  No worries, he doesn’t change his mind about you.  His love is not like ours, and you cannot make him love you any more, and he will never love you any less.  If any questions about a religious doctrine, ask them who do they say Jesus is?  If I only had a few hours to live, how will I be assured of heaven?  The thief on the cross was faced with that situation, with no time to do good works, to be baptized, or to study to be found approved.  Yet Jesus promised him paradise that night.  And being God since the beginning, he was, he is, and he will forever be.  Do you trust religion on your eternal destiny or trust God?  Do you take Jesus at his word, or those who deny his deity?  Your choice-top up or top down, you need Jesus, and he is the only way.
Going topless, like going without Jesus may be OK until the rains come.  You need him now, so he will be there in the storm, and not get caught trying to help put up the top.  He doesn’t need your help, he doesn’t even request it, his only orders are love him first, then your neighbor as yourself.  Loving him and then you, because he loved you first.  Don’t be like the curious buyer, just wanting the latest and greatest.  Fads come and go, so do religions. Only Jesus remains, form alpha to omega, from beginning to end.  And is with us in the middle too, where we spend all our time.  Heaven awaits, enjoy the benefits now before the final trip.  It has been said and rightly so, only one loose nut behind the wheel an destroy all the others functions, bringing the car to a halt.  Don’t be that nut, trust Jesus today, avoid all substitutes, and have nothing to do with them.  Read 2 John, a short book, less than 20 verses, and see why God so loved the world he sent Jesus.  And will not tolerate any substitutes.  Nothing new under the sun, find all you need in the Son.  He loves you now as you are, and forever.  Love, joy, peace, patience.  And at prices you can afford.....
love with compassion,