Monday, September 14, 2009

oh baby I love your way-everyday

I made a sales call once on a man who I knew at his business. While waiting for him in the lobby, the receptionist and I got to sharing Christ. When I mentioned the man I was meeting was a believer, she said she had trouble believing that-his words, actions, and attitudes led her to believe different. Once again I had walked in after a man claimed to be a Christian-just not like the ones in the Bible. And I hoped they didn't think I was like that. I have enough trouble defending myself sometimes without taking on a subscription service. His life was not as advertised-or maybe it was.
Recently I have had three events happen to me, not as advertised. One was a ride, nationwide, but also coming in from Paso Robles. Stu and I met the people, and were going to ride, but when he had work, I went anyway, alone. No big deal, except when I arrived in Paso, the national hotel chain that was a sponsor knew nothing of it, and no one showed up. So I came home, the Bonneville showing 711 more miles than when I had left that morning. The next one was a patriotic ride, that only a few showed up for. After two stops to cover the 34 miles-one was because the guy leading it missed the exit, his excuse was he thought he was on his daily commute, which might have been ok except that the group reminded him he passed six other bikes-them-to miss the exit. Arriving at the ceremony, they all parked and went to eat, showing up after the event was over. Again, not as advertised. And the last one was a free meal-the flyer said so-and a silent auction for a slain officer, good idea. But when we arrived, it turns out it was a mandatory donation, a good cause, but I didn't travel 150 miles to be misled. Again, not as advertised. But I hope it did well, as I had hoped all these events did.
After spending time with Jesus, Thomas asked Him where are we going and how will we know the way? Jesus answered "I am the way, the truth, and the life." And because he had spent time with Jesus, he knew he could trust His answer. Rather than explain to Thomas the theological aspects, He very simply said, "follow me-I'll go with you, then you will know the way." Just like when you are lost, and can't follow the directions-and the person says "c'mon, follow me." It's much easier when you have someone show you. And Jesus is that way. He shows the way to the Father, who is the only way to heaven. And because Thomas had heard His words before, knew they were truth. And he had seen Him bring life to those who were sinners, so he had no reason to doubt Him-and didn't!
How would you have answered? Many are asking, but maybe because of the life you show-your witness, don't ask you because based on actions you wouldn't know. If I am hurting, why would I go to someone who would inflict more pain? I want answers, I need compassion and healing-not an education. When called upon by God in a situation, do you tell all you know, or rely upon who you know? Or put another way-are you in the word? But better yet, is the word in you? Are you such a student of scripture that you are legalistic, spewing forth all your Biblical training and knowledge, when you need to trust God in that situation-just showing love, remember you should have learned how the spirit gives you words when you need them. Where is your compassion? Or are you just a bag of wind, proving what they think of us already-just some pompous, arrogant Christian waiting to send them to hell. Who is your agenda? You may find it is the same as the gospel you preach-the one you live. We are always in our witness mode, as someone is always watching. Is your relationship based on study or of a relationship with God? When you are asked do the words flow from your heart, or your mind? Are you fed by the spirit or your ego?
Just like the man who thought he was a Christian, his worldly actions and attitudes branded him different. He represented himself, not Jesus. Do we as Christians love Him enough to represent Him, as He really is? Or do we just like to give our opinions, and watch it be all about us? And when they reject our arrogant attitude, tell ourselves, "well they are going to hell anyway." Thanks a lot, brother.
Do you know where you are going? Are you sure? Your life reflects that which you believe. Are you in the Way, or in someone's way, interfering with their walk with God? Do you speak the truth, or a truth-based on how it will effect you? Do you have eternal life-and act like a resident of heaven, rather than of earth? Do you really believe that the amazing grace that God saved you with can save others? Are you as advertised?
Today you will be tested, to see where your heart really is. Is your relationship with Christ just the words on your t-shirt, a Sunday morning exercise, or a life changing relationship? The choice is yours. But just do me one favor, don't waste your time telling me what a great Christian you are-SHOW ME!
And if no one has ever accused you of being a Christian, why don't I have any neat stories like my Christian friends, change your life with Jesus. Invite the Holy Spirit in, and walk with Him-and in Him.
Where are you going? The Spirit says come-are you going alone or can you bring some friends along? The choice is up to you. Just like the rides I did, they were my choice. And how I handled the outcome tells a lot about who Jesus is in my life. Help me to show more of Him and less of me. Help me to be that witness who can be accused of knowing Jesus by my walk. And I hope I can encourage you too. The law brings death-but the spirit brings life! Breathe some life into someone today-in the Spirit!
One last thought-all these events I was involved in were secular. Are you out where the sick and hurting are? The bait you use will tell a lot about what you catch, but where you fish is just as important. The sick need doctors, and the unsaved need Jesus! The workers are few, but the harvest is plentiful. Join us. There's room. And blessings that only by serving a living God you can enjoy. Go out and write some testimonies today.
They will only care how much you know, when they know how much you care. And the answer is always Jesus!
love with compassion,