Thursday, September 30, 2010

trees company

Stu and I met a fellow rider, Bruce, yesterday. A Gold Wing rider, we got into rides we had taken, and who we had taken them with. Although we all have the love of motorcycles in common, you never know about the other guy until you've ridden with him, but I think I would like to ride with Bruce. We got talking about group rides, which I will only do under pressure-too many rules, questionable rider skills, and you only go as fast as the slowest rider. Who probably shouldn't be riding-and I probably shouldn't be riding with him. So I have a courtesy rule when I ride with others. So that we all enjoy our ride, I emphasize "ride your own ride!" And it works, and Theresa, the group I usually ride with, will agree. We stay together when we can, but when the road gets curvy, I take off, so I can enjoy the road at my pace, and she rides at her pace. We both enjoy the ride more this way. And we have a destination to meet, never very far off, so we can hook up again. Just in case you think she rides slow, let me tell you that Harley riders who bought into the image, Gold Wing riders who never exceed 55, and others who take up space on the road are passed by her. We have nothing against you riding your ride, but give us the same courtesy! We love the freedom of riding-we wonder if you ever have, or will!
Individuals, each riding a motorcycle, but each different. I love it when I hear someone drop a name I know, hearing "I ride with them," only to find the person is a "hanger onner," a poser, who might ride with this person, but not "with" this person. There is a difference, and just riding with him doesn't mean his skills will rub off on you. Squids-lousy riders who ride over their heads, will always find a place to be one, posers the same, and those of us who like to ride will suffer because of them. You may not hear us laughing inside our Arais, but soon that laugh turns to bitterness, and we just gotta leave you behind, so we can ride our ride. Maybe we should introduce them to golf, didn't Harley used to make golf carts?
Riding your own ride is not a new concept, and also applies to life choices. Two men, with the only thing in common, a tree they died on, were both with Jesus, but only one was with Jesus, and took different routes. Different choices, and it made a difference. Judas, the treasurer of the 12 apostles, after handing Jesus over to the Romans, went out and took his own life. The guy you thought had it made because he was with Jesus daily, ended up hanging from a tree, he died, the rope broke, and his guts splashed out all over the ground. After spending 3 1/2 years with Jesus, seeing the miracles, feeling the love, and seeing other lives changed, never saw Him as God. Never rode with Him. Only from a worldly perspective, and then sold Him out for 30 pieces of silver, the price paid for a slave. Both eating their last meal together, only Jesus realizing it was their last, He still loved Judas, but Judas chose to deny Him. And paid the ultimate price. Posers take note!
Another man, also died on a tree, the thief on the cross. And up until his meeting Jesus while both are being crucified, never had much interest in Jesus. Didn't know the man, but had heard of Him. Not having spent the time with Him Judas did, and an unlikely candidate for heaven, when confronted with death, and hell for his sinful life, cried out "Jesus, Son of God, SAVE ME!" And Jesus comforted him with the assurance that tonight he would be with Him in paradise. Two men, both hung on trees, who made a choice that had eternal consequences. Each riding their own ride, until faced with who Jesus is-one chose death, the other life. Both were with Him, but only one is with Him in eternity!
Who you ride with is important. And the wrong choice can make a great road terrible, and a good rider miserable. But on a bad road, your skills will change all that. Ride your own race! Not theirs! Check the road you are on-are other riders getting between you and the joy of riding? Do their lack of skills and consideration turn into accusations such as you ride too fast, or won't wait? Is it never their fault they aren't having fun? Losers always have time for excuses. And are other people getting between you and God, because you rather live a life of righteousness rather than sin? Are their rules corrupting your morals?
Ride your own ride-meet those who ride like you and enjoy the roads more-and watch as your roadside conversations even are more enjoyable. And when it comes to Jesus, don't let the scoffers get between you and Him. Your fellowship with suffer, and ultimately you will have to make a decision on who you believe in. Are you like Judas, a poser, who missed it? Or are you like the thief, who when he finally met Jesus, decided to spend life in eternity with Him? Both ended up hanging from a tree-but only one awoke in heaven!
Riding partners are an important choice, but heavenly partners are even more important! Who you choose, will impact the road you are on, and where it leads. Two men and two bikes. Two men and two trees. The difference is always Jesus.
love with compassion,