Friday, November 12, 2010

when you come to a Southfork in the road, take it

Did you know that you can think while sleeping? They are called dreams, and when I first started a family I used to have this great one. Remember the TV show Dallas? Bobby Ewing was the good brother, and my dream was I would pass him stuck on a highway when on my Coke route. I would give him a ride, and he would offer me some money in return for my kindness, which I would never accept. Then the next day a brand new motorcycle would show up at my work, and a man asking me to sign the papers-it was a gift from my new friend Bobby, a thank you if you will. Note-the bike in my dream at the time was a Suzuki GS1100, the gold one from the early 80's. Unobtainable to me at the time. And as in all good dreams, my boss gave me the day off to ride, just happened to have my gloves and helmet with me, and my wife understood when I got home after 9 pm with 300 miles on my new ride. And my call to Bobby the next day showed we had appreciation for each other, I had met his need, and he had met my dream. Don't you just love happy endings?
And dreams do come true, as we have surprised both my sons with motorcycles for Christmas, even more fun when not expected. And recently, my friend Stu was surprised with the gift of a Gold Wing from our friend Dan. We had visited him many times in the hospital, he finally died from long term cancer. He loved Jesus and loved to ride. He would tell us he was enjoying riding through us, as we would share stories. And it was a complete surprise when Dan left Stu his bike. What a blessing! But although Dan left him the bike, it soon needed tires, and Stu was out of work. Praying, God put on my heart to buy him a set, remember Acts 2 how the church when it had a need told the members, and they met it? No different than when our friends have met needs like food, furniture, baby clothes, or places to live. Tires were a need, and God blessed us by helping a brother. But yet some murmuring has come my way-"if someone is so nice as to give him a free bike, he should at least be able to buy the tires." Thanks for your love, brother. And I have seen some lend money in these situations, when God says don't. You see, the tires were a gift, and if I had fronted them, or loaned him money, it would have put pressure on him even more financially, and become a burden to our relationship-at least until the money was paid back. So God advises to give, hilariously, which we did, and we were all blessed.
That is why in my dreams I am always glad it was Bobby and not JR Ewing who I rescued. JR would have sent the bike, but with a price tag I could never pay. Just like being in debt to the Godfather, a deal I couldn't refuse, but wished I had. Exacting a price I could never pay. No one ever told the Don no! Or JR for that matter.
That is why salvation is free, a gift. You could never afford the price Jesus paid. So He wants us to repay Him through kindnesses to others. Says so right there in Matthew 25. Feed the hungry, and give water to those thirsty. Take in a stranger. Clothe and shelter those who are naked and hurting. Be a friend. Visit those sick, and those in jail. Do it joyfully, and showing His love, and the blessings flow both ways. Give to those who could never repay, like the example Jesus set for us, and then you cannot expect anything in return. Remember, your bank will loan you money, but it gets it back, with interest. True love gives, not looking for any return, but never returns void.
So keep dreaming. As I have gotten older, my dreams seem to get more expensive. But now have taken a turn, as now I want to bless others, instead of asking, I am giving. And find that my dreams come true. "For whoever does these things to the least of these, does them to me," says Jesus. Blessing others in the name of Jesus. Giving and receiving, just like in my dreams. And better yet in the Bible.
May your reality far exceed your dreams, and may you give out more than you take in. Whether it be tires, food, clothes, or a visit-God knows and is keeping notes on you. The reward is in heaven-where it won't be temporal like down here. It's true you can't take it with you, but you can send it ahead.
Richer or poorer, you always receive more from God than you have given. And may the Bobbies of your life far outnumber the JR's! And of course, as reality would dictate, I once gave directions to JR/Larry Hagman, when he was lost and late, and still no motorcycle from him! Be like Bobby!
love with compassion,