Friday, April 15, 2011

Lakes, Ladds, Giants, and Padres

Cheryl Ladd, aka Charlie's Angel Kris, was only 5'4". The same height as her famous father-in-law Alan Ladd. And her height was fine for her, but for a man who was playing hard guys in Film Noir, sometimes the femme fatale was taller. So using lifts in his shoes, and never having him stand next to a taller man, the camera could/would portray him as taller. And watching him with Veronica Lake last night-perhaps the ultimate femme fatale, with that blond hair covering one eye, in all the close up shots the camera is looking up at him, but down at her. Giving the illusion that he was taller than he really was. Only in one shot where he was sitting in a car did he look like a teenager. Too bad they didn't have Bugs back then to add stature to his height. But he was just tall enough to be Shane-and that is all that matters. Come back!
When we moved to San Diego, we went to 36 Padre games the first year. And on picture day, we lined up with thousands of other fans, to get our pictures of the players. Being guided by an usher we had befriended, we ended up first in line and on the field. Fun for all, they even used Christopher in one TV commercial. But looking at the pictures after getting them developed-yes, it was that long ago, we noticed that the pictures Christopher took were all looking up. Whereas all ours were looking at. And then we started to laugh-that was how he saw things, as he was only nine years old at the time, and that was how he saw the ballplayers. Not yet adult height, he still would have looked up to Alan Ladd. And it made all the players seem taller than they really were.
Perception is what we are talking about, and in today's world it can be a form of truth that rivals the truth. It is not always what you see, but how you see it that matters. And in today's world Alan Ladd would not be short, but vertically challenged. A politically correct way of saying short, invented by someone who was one can vertically challenged of a six pack.
King David had a challenge as a teenager with the armies of Gath-the Philistines. After being given the choice of their best men fighting the Philistines best warrior, David was chosen. A teenager. And his opponent-Goliath. Nine feet tall, 12 fingers and toes, and bad breath. On paper, and in the ring, no doubt who the victor would be. But David, when questioned about why he carefully chose five smooth rocks, looked up at his army mates, and assured them, "God was with me against the bear, he fought for me against the lion, why would I worry now?" Twelve toes, big deal. Nine feet tall, just makes a better target. For David didn't look at the situation like we do, but through God's eyes, and in them no one was bigger or better than God. You see, you and God make a majority. And God never loses, so it is best to be on His side. And of course, David's victory is legendary, and inspirational to all short people, and those short sided, too.
You may be waking up already this morning to a giant obstacle in your life. No way you can overcome it. Look not at the situation, but look to the cross. Look to God, and let Him handle it. And let Him means let Him. He will be your sword, and also your shield. He will defeat your enemies, whether physical or spiritual. The victory is promised, now go win! If God is for you, who can be against you?
Poor Alan. When the cameras quit shooting, he was still only 5'4". Your perception of the problem will only change when you see it through God's eyes. Maybe that is why He tells us to come as children. Children look up to Him quickly when a problem arises, rather than suffering through our own understanding. Good idea.
The cameras are ready, the scene is set. And God is directing. The performance you give will be based on how you follow His cues, and how you follow His directions. LIGHTS! He is light! CAMERA! See it through God's eyes! ACTION! Follow God! You may not win an Academy Award, but your actions may inspire many. It's all how you perceive Him. The Israelites saw a giant, David saw God.
Who you see will tell us who you are, and where you are going.
Jesus Christ-fact, not perception. At any angle-the winner! The envelope please...
love with compassion,