Tuesday, September 25, 2012

mission statements-the statement of your mission

Somewhere back in the 80's, someone came up with the idea of mission statements. In these a business would put its core values on paper, usually then framed and mounted so its patrons could see them. They would state for instance, "to be the best service department, to always fix your vehicle right the first time." And created a whole new set of rules-as I learned at Mercedes Benz, we couldn't always fix the cars, so we had to fix the customers. And in an age where the consumer started to rule, we weren't smart enough to recognize the Honda sign meant Honda, or the Chevy sign meant Chevy-we had to make the experience feel good. And even after the third or fourth try, the free details or loaner cars kept them coming back, feeling good about the person they dealt with, but not having the problem remedied. Somehow the old mantra taught by parents of "if you drop it pick it up, open it, close it, and turn it on, then turn it off" didn't apply. Unless you felt good about it. Then it was OK....
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the US of A, the French sent us the Statue of Liberty. In pieces, to be assembled, by US hands. Which took over three years, and cost as much to assemble as it did to build...not sure if that is a gift, or not. With the hallowed words on it, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." thus establishing our immigration policy via their gift. Which today many use to become legal US citizens, but that many take advantage of, and then aided by a powerless government, enter illegally. Usurping the meaning of the words "we the people..." Where a nation was once conceived in liberty, where all men were thought to be created equal, it has taken too many laws, too many dollars and too much heartache, when all we need to do is go back to the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. But a feel good mission statement from the French has opened up the door for what was never meant to be. Maybe we need to revisit our own Mission Statement, or send a gift to the French...with an invoice!
I get many e-mails from different ministries and churches. And if I don't know them, I check out their web site to find out about them. One that I read recently caught my attention, as it went into great detail outlining what they believed, and dealt with social as well as spiritual issues. And after reading it, I felt like because I didn't agree with all of them, that I would not be welcome. They took a pious approach, an I'm better than you, and you need to match up to us approach, just the opposite of many old line religions, who are inviting anyone in to boost their declining numbers, and inviting their sin inside, instead of just the sinner. After reading this church's 18+ beliefs, I was reminded of the law... and how it kills. And how the spirit gives life. I had a postcard once that stated, "don't brag about what a great lover you are, show me!" And I think about how Jesus took all the 600+ laws of Moses, and condensed them into two-love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.
And an article by Ray Stedman put it into words I relate to-When religion becomes complex, it is falling away from Christ. Ask yourself, are you bound up within denominational rules, church regulations, and social mores that just add to more religion and less Jesus? Are you trendy and contemporary? Can you explain the gospel, in its simplicity, to a 5 year old? Are you seeking God, and listening to His spirit rather than following trends? Do you have more books about God lining your shelf, from studies, and know all about God-but do you not know Him personally? Can you in 25 words or less, tell us about your life in Jesus?
May I suggest John3:16, you know "for God so loved the world..." for your essay. For when you have the spirit of God, you will bear Godly fruit, and we won't need to know your opinion on each subject, we will know by your fruit that you walk with Jesus. Love, joy, peace. patience, goodness, kindness, meekness, longsuffering, and self control. Do these words describe your walk with Christ, or do you need a church's belief's to outline your walk? Does your life match up to the Mission Statement of John3:16? I know Christians who are Pro-Choice, who drink and smoke, who are divorced, and live in sin-trying to live under laws, only to fail. They have given their lives to Jesus-just never surrendered their lives-He is their savior, just not Lord. And they miss the blessings of God.
Which is where self control comes in-think of it as choice. The choices we make show others the Jesus in us. I choose to not live in sin, just as I choose to accept God's grace and His spirit. Remember God looks for unity in the spirit, not unity within a church or set of laws-it is all about Jesus! We change to be like Him-not the other way around.
So review your relationship with Jesus today, keep it fresh. Spend time at the cross, and don't forget to still pick up your cross to follow Him. You had to put something down to pick it up, make sure you are not still carrying the extra baggage. Make your life a statement with a mission...not just a feel good experience. For love in not an emotion, but a person-Jesus Christ.
love with compassion,