Monday, September 10, 2012

the kingdom of dry

The story goes of a tadpole floating in a pond, when he looks up and sees a frog sitting on dry land. At first he wonders what the frog is, but seems more amazed that the frog is not in the water. So the two start talking, where the tadpole is told by the frog that he used to be like him. That he too was once restricted to water because of his tadpole condition, but one day a change came over him, and today he is a frog. And he can go on dry land, because of this change. And dry feels good-you can bask in the sun and get warm, and a whole new world he never knew about existed.
But then it was the tadpole's turn. "Tell me about this change," and what do I have to do to be able to get out of the water, and into the kingdom of dry?" The frog paused for a moment, not sure of how to explain it, but then the words came to him. "You must go through a change, one that I cannot explain-it is very personal. Your appearance will change, like mine, but it is an inner change. You lose some of you, like your tail, but you gain a new freedom. You can get out of the water, and onto dry land. But you cannot do it until you are changed. You must be born again to inherit the kingdom of dry."
Many of us were once like the tadpole, stuck in a pond. But then we came to Jesus, our hearts were born again, and we began to experience the freedom in Christ. Before where we thought our world was it, we found there was something new and exciting in Christ. We could go wherever we desired, not restricted by laws, or sin. A freedom we could not explain, a dry land where we could expand our horizons, where we could experience all God has for us, not just our environment. But without the inner change, that only God can provide, when the spirit dwells in us, can we experience this freedom.
I was talking with a friend, whose wife is having severe emotional problems. And it is taking a toll on their marriage. He is just as guilty as he has become passive. She rules the home, a lesson here for all. Both have been born again, but behave like the tadpole, stuck in their situation. God offers ways out, but they are his ways, not ours. They are getting transferred, and they think a change of environment will be the answer. She is happy now, so he is happy. Based on emotions and situations, not on God. Yet they remain the same, unwilling to change. Ever notice in the doctor's office all the sick people, it is not the office that cures you. If so, we would have one in our homes.
When Jesus tells us to pick up our cross, and follow Him, we have to put down something before we pick up our cross. We have to lay down our burdens, trust Him, then follow Him. His love is not dependent on environment, and loved us while we were still sinners. Just like the tadpole theta changes, God loves us where we are, and wants to change us. We just need to let Him-one of the key ingredients of grace. We are saved by grace, but how many us didn't want to change and rejected it. Only when we let Jesus into our hearts were we born again.
And to those who don't see miracles, God hasn't stopped. You stopped obeying. They happen out there small and large all the time-put down whatever you are carrying and again-pick up your cross. It is at the cross the victory was won-never lose sight of it.
The choice is yours-stay a tadpole, or become a frog. Jesus puts it simpler-you must be born again to inherit the kingdom of God. Will you pray with me now-"thy kingdom come, thy will be done," as Jesus directs, and watch as the miracles begin, or better yet as you begin to notice them. Jesus' love is the first miracle, the second is your becoming born again. Find that old cross you laid down, and pick it up and follow Jesus today. Wherever He leads-follow. The pond or problem you are stuck in will require a new direction to escape it. He tells us He is the way, the truth, and the life. Nothing else you follow will get you to heaven.
Whether you are stuck in a pond, or stuck in a situation, look to the cross-pick up your cross and follow Jesus. Out of obedience, and fully enjoy the love He offers. It may not be easy, the road may be rough. But isn't that why you have a suspension on your motorcycle-to smooth out the bumps? Follow Jesus no matter the route, and experience the kingdom of God. Firsthand. Good advice from someone who was changed, just ask the frog. You have now been told the truth. Now, what's your excuse?
love with compassion,