Wednesday, November 14, 2012

one night stands that last a lifetime

Yvonne was my friend Debbie's little sister. She was a pretty as Debbie, an A student, head cheerleader, and everyone just knew she would have a great life. As a high school senior she had a choice of colleges, but would lean towards UNM so she could still live at home, and be near her church. She was an encouragement to many, until one night she made a bad decision that altered her life. She was too intimate with her boyfriend, and now was pregnant. Turning to her parents for help, she found none, in fact she was told to leave the house. Forced to find a place to live, she quit school, took a job, and found an apartment. Finally graduating, but not with her class. One bad night would change her life forever, and her perfect dream was over. Abandoned by her family, she stuck close to the only one she could trust, Jesus. She had the child, despite her friend's best advice to abort-one night shouldn't ruin her life, and was a single mother. She chose life, the right choice, and chose God-an even better choice.
Marcie was a young junior in high school when she thought she loved a young boy. Looking for love she didn't get at home, a one night fling ended in pregnancy. She was then forbidden to come home-oh the shame of it all to her family, and sought help from the church. A couple there, took her in, and she suddenly had a church full of family. I was head of the youth group at the time, and we always joked "you better not have the baby on Wednesday, that's no excuse for missing church." So when she called me on that Wednesday afternoon, I was not surprised, God has a sense of irony. "Mike, I can't be there, I'm in labor..."she cried, and we prayed. I put the word out to the group, and we all met at the hospital in her room that night. She couldn't come to church, we took church to her. Where we weren't alone, for all the ladies in the church were already there, a church full of new grandmas for Marcie's child, and love filled the room. The youth group all wanted to hold the baby, and had many questions. And would help her along as she needed help being a single mom. What the devil had meant for evil, God worked out for good. Again, and like Yvonne, these two single mom's kept focused on Jesus, when the world told them different. Trusting a God they hoped would help them, when their parents wouldn't.
But don't become bitter to these girl's parents, for they too made bad choices. When they were most needed, they abandoned their daughters, leaving them at the world's mercy. Fortunately both girls knew Jesus, and knew he would never leave them, and He didn't and hasn't. Love still covers a multitude of sin.
We all know the story of the woman caught in adultery, and how the men gathered and wanted to stone her. It was the law, and although it took two, the man was conveniently absent. Which made no difference to the crowd, until Jesus arrived, and things changed. As He knelt down, and wrote in the dirt, theologians debate what was written, for scripture doesn't tell us. But as the crowd left, leaving only the accused woman, Jesus told her to go and sin no more. Love covered her sin, she had come face to face with love-in the person of Jesus. But what of her accusers? Why did they leave?
Just an opinion, but one to consider. Jewish law had a provision in it that if the accused was found innocent of the charge, the accuser would suffer the same punishment. Think what effect that would have on our judicial system today. Maybe when Jesus wrote personal notes in the dirt, others had had time with her, or with another woman. Maybe they fled in fear of being found out, and suffering themselves. Maybe they had just gone along with the crowd, and realized that they wanted no part of the consequences. What if their wives saw their picture in the paper and they were associated with her? How could they explain that? Maybe it was fear of their sin being revealed and the retribution that went with it that made them drop their stones and leave. But whatever the reason, when sin stood in the face of love, it had to flee-it cannot stand in the light. For when it is exposed, it causes us to make a decision, to turn to it in repentance, or run away in fear. Our choice.
We all have made mistakes we wish we hadn't, and some will affect us for a long time. Yvonne and Marcie both made a bad judgment call one night, but made the right one in turning to God. They found the love they needed, and the people who they needed to be there in their church. Jesus showed them mercy, sadly we must screw up to get it. But they now know a side of Jesus that few do, their great redeemer. And their heavenly father who never deserted them, although their earthly fathers did. So turn to Jesus today, put down your stone. For some it is the hidden sin that is revealed, for some more obvious. But your sin will find you out, better to find Jesus before it does.
Go and sin no more-great advice from a man who knew no sin. Who offered forgiveness, mercy, and grace. So put down your stone. Open your hand and heart to Jesus. Who takes us by the hand when we extend it, and holds it in His own. And example we all need to follow. Who looks past our sin, and only wishes to lovingly guide us. "Where are your accusers?" Jesus asked. What is your answer? Where are yours?
love with compassion,