Tuesday, January 8, 2013

long before the Internet, there was the Word

My mother used to tell me anything is easy if you understand it. Wise advise from my mother, and many times I have fallen back on it. Actually the opposite of it, more times than not. If you don't get it, it won't be easy. That sounds more like real life to many of us. So if you don't get it, how will you? Will you ever get it? And if life is just one long cumulative equation, what happens if I miss a step? Do I hold out until I get it, or go on hoping that someday it will all sink in, and let people think I am keeping up with others? Which just adds more stress, and yet another dynamic to the equation. I think I understand the concept, why isn't it easy? How could my mother have missed this one?
As my sons got older, I got stupider. I was good at doing all their homework until about the seventh grade, then they were on their own. I hoped it was them getting smarter, but I think it is really a combination of the two. For one, I had been through school, and really had no desire to go through it again. Yet I was picking up, i.e.. understanding things the second time around that I just took for it granted the first time there. Learning for the test, then forgetting it right after. Amazing how you can forget faster than you can learn. But I was actually gaining some understanding, and I find that every day I get some more of it, usually in the places I least expect it. Things I just assumed because I was told to, now had some relevance. The old dog was learning new tricks, and better ways to do the old ones. Maybe it was like real estate, you didn't spend too much, you just bought too early. And once again I could do homework, this time helping even younger kids, leaving them with the impression, "boy is that guy smart." My mum would be proud.
In Christian circles a great deal of emphasis is placed upon being in the Word. And it seems those that study more, wish to impress you on how much they know, or wish you to be blessed like they are. But when asked, "are you in the word?" I answer them, "is the word in you?" Greeted with a blank stare or a lie of "of course," not getting the question I just asked. They don't understand my answer. Could it be that they have knowledge but not the wisdom that comes with it?
Simple scripture tells us that in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word is God. Jesus-is the word! Not a book to be read, but a person to get to know. Question-how many times have you read the Bible but just didn't get it? Since being saved has it meant more to you? Do you read it now and want to, where before it was just a drag, and meant nothing?
The difference is the Holy Spirit, who reveals the mysteries of God. Who gives you understanding when needed, and helps you recall things you may have read. He gives you the desire to read the Bible, then fulfills it! Also scriptural! But what if you don't have a Bible? What if they are against the law where you live? How can you be in the word according to those who study but don't get it? Again the Holy Spirit is there to guide. So it really isn't all about reading, but all about Jesus. Better yet, without being in Jesus, the word may not be in you! So my question is, where are you at with Jesus Christ? Where would you like to be? If it were about education and understanding, very few would be of any use, or know Him personally. If it were about memorization-not mentioned in the scriptures, what about those with a poor memory? Lousy study habits? Or no Bible to read? Has God abandoned us? Once again, the spirit gives life. He gives us the words to speak when we need them, another promise, and the tools to accomplish what He wants us to do-every day. It is a very subtle form of pride that makes us read for our own benefit to impress others, when it is always better to be in the word-Jesus Christ. To rely totally on Him, to let Him reveal the things of God to you via the spirit, and use the written word, the Bible to back it up.
Note-I am not saying do not read your Bible, or attend church, or not to attend Bible studies. I am saying to reach out to Jesus-ask the spirit to guide you, and lead you into a deeper relationship with the Lord. "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor mind imagined the things of God," 1 Corinthians 2 tells us, and then goes on to refer us to His spirit. So I ask, are you in the word? Is the word in you?
Where are you with Jesus? Do you have the knowledge with no power, know all the verses, and read up on your one year through the Bible? Do you know the Bible, or are you intimate with the one it is all about? Who inspired it, and lives today? You see the things of God that are available to you once we get to heaven, can be enjoyed now. The things written on tablets of stone, and pages of paper can now be written on your heart, so you can always have them with you. Another miracle of God, the spirit can live within you! And you can bear spiritual fruit-love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, long suffering, meekness, and self control. Things not learned, but that can only come from the spirit-since they are of the spirit.
So next time some well meaning Bible toting person asks you "are you in the word?" you can answer, "yes, and the word is in me." Refer them to Proverbs 3:5, "trust in the Lord with all your heart," where God has written his law of love on it, and "lean not on your own understanding." If they get it, then the word is in them. A miracle has happened! Now is the word in you? Don't bother bragging to me all you know about Jesus, show me how the Word is in you. For where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. And to Him that He sets free, they are free indeed.
No more pencils, no more books, no more.....let it truly be all about Jesus. Now, how could He know the word so well, even before it was written? What did He study from? Who did He listen to? See...He is the Word!
love with compassion,