Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm going to miss that clown with the red hair

It has been a long day, you’ve missed dinner, and all you want is something fast, cheap, and NOW! Pulling into a fast food place, the Golden Arches welcome you, but seeing the drive-thru line long, you gamble and go inside. Where the lines are shorter but not moving so fast. A burger, fries, and a Coke sound good, so you tell the person waiting on you, “gimme a burger, Coke, and fries.” Whereupon the bi-lingual clerk, English is his second language, asks, “what kind of burger?” And you notice there are a dozen choices of burgers. “Just a hamburger.” “Cheese?” “OK.” “What size fries? Small medium, or large?” “Medium,” a good middle of the road answer. “What kind of Coke? Classic, Diet, or Zero? Caffeine free?” “Classic.” Now, do you want to Super size it?” “NO!” a quicker answer than yes, and as you look at the small amount of change from your ten, you realize why the line is so long, and moves so slow. All you wanted was a quick meal, a basic burger with fries, and a Coke t wash it down, and you spend more time in line, making decisions, than eating it. Remember when fast food was fast, it meant fast service, not the time it took to go through you? And all you want to do now is go home, to escape. And as you sit next to a man sipping his latte, on his laptop, you notice you ‘re not in McDonald’s anymore. You’re in a Mac Café, trendy. And you notice how McDonald’s, the father of all fast food, has morphed into Mickey D’s, and now into a Mac Café. What next, Ronnie D’s? Or Café Ronaldo, giving it an international flair, to match your designer coffee? Happy Meals with little plastic iPods, sitting next to their parents, each one on their own cell phone, talking but not to each other. And all you wanted was something fast to eat?
There is an old story about dog food, where the company is introducing its new dog food to its sales force. They are excited about the new packaging, the new ads, and the new commissions they will be earning from the new sales. But in the midst of this, someone asks, “what do the dogs think of it? Do they like it?” And the room gets quiet, for no one asked a dog, or even thought to ask. Woof! My manager at Bowman used to say “unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes.” Trying to spur us on to take the lead. But I also find the hamster on the wheel always has the same view, and he is not leading anyone. And maybe, he would like some backup help on his ride to nowhere on the wheel. So why am I surprised when all I want is a burger, yet get confronted with so many choices?
It had been a busy day, a busy week, for Nicodemus. Among all the religious activities and ceremonies he had to perform, a new player had come on the scene, Jesus of Nazareth. A man who claimed to be God, met all the criteria, was at the right place at the right time, but wasn’t whom they had expected. He had to see for himself. So after all the crowds were back at the inns for the evening, Nicky D. plans to meet him after dark. We aren’t told how he arranged it, but he just needed to meet this Jesus. And when he did, all his ideas about religion were about to change. Nicky D. was a Pharisee, head of the Sanhedrin, and also a rich, powerful man. A famous man who could be recognized, and yet was willing to gamble, to risk it all to meet this rebel. And when asking questions, the answers only led to more questions, and confusion. You see as a Pharisee, Nicky was a very public man, and had to obey all of the 600+ Mosaic laws. Any slight indescretion of one could be deadly to his reputation, and also to his belief of reaching heaven. Faced with so many choices, he had to be worn out by the end of the day. Yet, Jesus met with him, privately, and gave him some great advice, advice we all need to take. “You must be born again to inherit the kingdom of God,” spoke this man who was God. And when Nicky could only think in physical terms, how can I go back into mother’s womb, it took a while for him to consider the spiritual message that Jesus gave him. For once he had been told the truth, without religion and its snares. And he had to make a choice, the law of Jesus, to love God first and then our neighbor, or to obey all laws, and correct the ones who broke them. 2000 years later we would have the US of A, who in the Constitution promise freedom of religion, Jesus was offering him more, freedom from religion!
Now we don’t hear about Nicky for 18 chapters in the Book of John, but we see him at Jesus’ grave. His heart has been changed, and he is willing to risk it all-the power, position, riches, and fame for eternal life. He chose one way, Jesus, over many ways. He chose the spirit over the law, and found new life, eternal life. He was born again. From a garden to a tomb, he followed Jesus all way. Now the question is, do you? Will you? Are you stuck in the line of fast food religion, Mickey D’s, too many choices, and still not what you want? Or would you prefer Nicky D’s choice, to be born again? Does your religion leave you hungry or wanting more? Maybe you need to go with Nicky rather than Mickey. A Super sized God without asking. Not trendy, but eternal. A happy meal, with a happy relationship, God calls blessings happinesses. All the Jesus, without all the rules. Less chances to slip up, and when you do, He’s there to catch you, not discipline you. Hands to hold you-nail pierced hands that understand your pain. Shoulders to lean on, arms to hug, and it’s all paid for! All you need to do is step up and receive it.
Too many choices lead to too many wrongf decisions. Make the right choice today-Jesus. Nicky D. did 2000 years ago. Jesus or religion. Have it your way. You deserve a break today. Have a real happy meal. I’m going to miss that clown with the red hair.
love with compassion,