Friday, March 29, 2013

pilate and pilates

In a world that is all about us, we tend to without much reservation, or forethought put ourselves first. I have heard many arguments, used many myself, but still am amazed when I hear a new one. And just as Satan is busy using religion to keep man just far away from God to do him any good, today and for years many have sought the oneness of body and mind through exercise, yoga, and various other forms. They neglect that we are a trifold being, body, mind, and spirit, and we can see physical change, which heightens the ego, and emotional change, which changes attitudes. Both come from without, but only spiritual comes from within. Only the spiritual requires help from God, or total reliance on Him, while the others are truly exercises based on us. And without God’s intervention, you will keep on searching for the perfect diet, exercise, or latest fad-all at the expense of your wallet. Nothing new under the sun, just a new label on the same on promises, limited to how much you want, can, and will spend to achieve your goal. A forever search, which only when God is included will yield results.
Pilates is nothing new, but since the courts have deemed the term Pilates as generic, it shows up everywhere. And it is confusing, and can show results. Joseph Pilates started it almost 100 years ago so you can have control over your own body. Contrology he called it, and if you did it his way, the muscles will not give in to gravity, and you will be the center. Certain parts of your body that is. Forgive me for over simplifying it. Anyone caught up in it knows it can be much more. But again you are the center of your world, and today many different theories and philosophies are borne from it. Bottom line is-we all get older, without wanting to get old. Which is really the goal, many more years which equals old age. And so I have friends who teach it, worship it, and devote their lives to it. Personally while looking back at my life, I wish to see I spent time having fun-constructive time, and not year spent in the gym, leaving me without money, and really not much to sow when I am done. Only in getting older will this mean anything. Pick an infomercial, get out your credit card, and become trendy. Just don’t follow the trend.
Some 1900 years before Joe Pilates was a man named Pontius Pilate, no relation. He too was faced with decisions about the body, and was concerned for his own political future when a young Nazarene named Jesus was brought before him. Finding no crime done by Him, and finding no other way out of this political battle , he turned Jesus over to the people, their will be done. He had saved himself and hopefully his political career, but was not considering the claims of Jesus. He just went along with the crowd. He did proclaim Him innocent, and was confronted with the truth as few had been-face to face with God! And so he and the crowd turned away from the only one who could deliver their souls from hell. And today the name of Pontius Pilate is well known as the man who found Jesus innocent, yet sentenced Him to death. Only God could create a scenario like that. Once again seeking what was best for the outer man, hoping to satisfy the emotional aspects, but without regards to the inner man. Both Joe and Pontius not realizing they got it all backwards.
Self preservation is man’s number one instinct. And after being in a survival mode after surgery, I get a better view of it than most. But without Jesus, you will not be healed-ever. You may have a great physique, or a great title, even have a philosophy of exercise named after you, but you won’t get heaven. Only Jesus can promise and deliver that. And yet He took the number instinct that His father built into His creation-man, and gave it up. He was strongest from within, knowing that the body is temporary, but the spirit will last forever. Or as put in Corinthians, the things seen are temporal, the things not seen are eternal. Simple advice, an incredible example, yet so many seek just the opposite. For a price. Just imagine if all the time spent doing Pilates or some other physical exercise was spent in study, prayer, or time with God? Imagine what that would do to the outer man? The same outer man that is dying each day? The same outer man that Jesus gave up of Himself on the cross? He knew all about control before contrology became Joe Pilates’ religion. Give control over to God, and let Him take control. But how do we do that? Have you ever seen an infomercial for that? How many Hollywood beauties proclaim Jesus as their reason for success? So how, we ask.
The fruit of the spirit is self control. No law against that. And it is manifest in the choices we make. Choose the physical, we worship the physical. Choose the mind, we worship the mind. But choose Jesus, and we worship God,a dn eh only way to heaven. Knowing as our bodies get older and wear out, no one, including Joe Pilates has a way to eternal life. NO Ponce De Leon and his fountain of youth. Bodies and minds both wear out and die. Been there, doing that as we speak. Or reading this right now. Physical law even tells us that, via the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Law-not philosophy. So where do you spend you r time and money?
Consider Jesus and His example. Salvation is free, and forever. Anything else is temporal, and costs money. Interesting how the physical requires something physical, but the spiritual only requires something spiritual. That anyone can afford, but not afford to pass up. So here is a simple exercise, free of charge, but with guaranteed results. Get on your knees-and pray. Ask Jesus into your life. Find that as the inner man grows, so dies the outer man. All healing starts from within, so start today. Both Pilate and Pilates had it right-but both also had it wrong. Jesus is who He said He is. The way,the truth, and the life. Power under control-only He can deliver that-but it is your choice. Which man do you choose to follow? Exercise that decision today with Jesus. Exercise contrology of your wallet, and your soul. Results that everyone will see. Today, before the latest fad hits the TV screen, and your wallet.
Following the crowd? Consider following a crowd of one today, and find out what is so good about Good Friday.
love with compassion,