Tuesday, August 27, 2013

you don't have to go to church to be a hypocrite

The old Ford vs. Chevy battle has been going on for over a century.  Every once in a while you may see Dodge, and you used to see Plymouth, Pontiac, Mercury, and even Olds until their respective companies pulled the plug on them, relegating the to history and memory.  With new faces coming in to take their place, and soon what was a national sport, the N in NASCAR, now has a Japanese based car in its midst.  Just doesn’t seem right, but racing is racing, and as long as it pays the bills, and the France family, it has been written into the rules.  Which to me seems almost hypocritical, for some things are what they are, and I thought NASCAR was one of them.  You don’t see American sedans in races anywhere else in the world, why Jap cars in ours here?  What happened to National?  To be true to the competitors, shouldn’t it be IASCAR?  Somehow doesn’t roll off the tongue.  Maybe size makes right, as Toyota outsells them all anyway, bringing a new concept to race on Sunday, sell on Monday.  But with millions of fans backing them, maybe you don’t have to go to church to be a hypocrite, just show up at a NASCAR race on that Sunday morning.
“I only buy American,” the man claims, “I don’t like to support China,etc.”  And I tend to agree, I remember when we led by quality rather than fell behind due to price.  And I know guys who will only ride an American made motorcycle, even incorporating it into their club laws.  Which until 15 years ago made Harley Davidson the only game in town.  Victory has proven a worthy competitor, and with the current resurrection of Indian, I am betting they make it  this time, now hey have a choice.  Which shows their Harley prejudice, not just their nationalism.  But what seems to escape them is Toyota and Nissan are not American companies.  And it pains me to see the bar and shield decal in their rear windows, as their loyalty to this country ends with their choice of a non-American truck, to me being hypocritical.  Has all that V-twin vibration loosened their senses?  Add a proud to be an American vet sticker, and on any day of the week, including Sundays, you don’t have to go to church to be a hypocrite, just advertise your Harley on your Japanese truck.  Confused...an old biker saying is don’t wear it on your back if it isn’t in your heart.  Or like the old National Lampoon album song Deteriordata sings, “whether you can hear it or not, the universe is laughing behind your back.” 
“I won’t go to church,” I hear, “too many hypocrites.”  Then why don’t we see more of you, we would like you to feel welcomed, and not a stranger.  Yet even in their accusations, there in lies some truth, as we all have a habit of saying one thing and doing another.  Call it do as I say, not as I do.  And we have all been there.  Only Jesus was the only non-hypocrite, doing exactly as He said.  But of course He did it in obedience, for He was constantly in touch with His Father in heaven, doing the right thing came natural-really supernatural.  And as Christians we have that same advantage, and choice, yet we tend to go our own ways, whatever is easiest for us, or benefits us the most.  Be it bikes, cars, church, or even who we worship.  Even sports teams, as how many here in SD don’t cheer for the Chargers?  Nationalism isn’t dead, it has just given way to freedom of choice, and if it works at Burger King, why can’t I have it my way anywhere else?  Yet only in Jesus do we find true freedom of choice, our ability to say yes to Him, or deny is deity altogether and escape heaven.  Love doesn’t demand its own way, unlike some other choices we make, we get to choose.  And I choose Jesus...
So to all my fellow hypocrites out there, all of you, I extend an invitation to the only non-hypocrite ever known, and still around today, Jesus Christ.  You can come as you are, in a NASCAR shirt in your Nissan pickup with the HD logo on it, hey even come on your Harley.  Fit in with the others who chose to not fit in, you will find yourself among a better grade of people, those who are forgiven.  For God forgives hypocrites too, He leaves none out who choose Him.  Try that warm welcome on your Ninja at the next Harley function.  See what I mean, we all ride don’t we?  Doesn’t that give us a common bond against those who don’t?  So find the true freedom of expression you are looking for in Jesus.  Come join us fellow hypocrites, no charge, or pay way too much for the next track seat at NASCAR, watching non-national cars racing for American money.  Lots of NASCAR fans at church, you may find it a better place to be on race day, no yellow flags.
So you don’t have to go to church to be a hypocrite, but it may be the only place you are welcomed as one.  But it is your choice, we will love you for what you are, and encourage you for what you can be.  Imagine truth, with no opinions, and no changing of teams or sponsors every year.  Talk about hypocrisy, we aren’t talking about Jesus, who stays the same.  It is us who must change, which makes me wonder about some choices I make.  How many are based on opinions, which only lead to hypocrisy, and how many are based on Jesus, who is truth?  There is a lot of pressure out there for your dollars and also your soul.  Don’t be a hypocrite, choose Jesus today.  Come join your fellow hypocrites who made the right choice.  Where you are Sunday can have an impact on your Monday.  Reminds me of customer on my paper route named Ford, who drove a Chevy Impala.  I still don’t get that one.  You don’t have to go to church to be a hypocrite, you can fellowship anywhere.  Worship at the altar of your choice this Sunday, no pit pass needed here.  This church is not full of hypocrites, there is always room for one more.  Now, you were saying...
love with compassion,