Friday, September 20, 2013

profiles in cowardice

Admit it, in real life we all hated Goldilocks.  That blonde brat had it all, and none of us were good enough for her.  She breaks into a home, raids the fridge, leaves dirty dishes, tries out all the beds, leaving them unmade, and finally has the guts to critique the way we run our own home.  She was like a precursor to Barbie, who it has been said of “I hate that @#%^$, she has it all.”  And never have I seen or heard of either one working, having a job, or even contributing to society.  “I want,” is all either can say, and Ms. Locks sure had her way with a certain bear family.  Me first, tough luck on all the rest of you, just so I get my way.  So much for democracy where the majority make the rules, when one doesn’t like them, they conveniently hide behind one of them for their own good, never considering anyone else but themselves.  Last night with short notice, Escondido’s Bike Night was cancelled.  It had been successful all summer, bringing bikers of all types together, adding customers to Mike’s BBQ, a co-sponsor, and endorsed and insured by the local dealers.  Even had the blessing of the landlord of the mall, and Thursday night brought in people on an otherwise quiet night.  Until one prejudiced business owner against bikers, called the police, and they showed up-big surprise, just mention bikers, who were on private property invited by the owner, and it was cancelled.  This business, Weight Watchers, claimed bikers were hurting his business, and again the right of the individual won out-at least for now.  And to prove his prejudice, and lack of community and respect for others, he wasn’t and isn’t even open Thursday night.  What gives?  Don’t the accused even get a trial, aren’t they innocent until proven guilty?  Where are our accusers now? 
Now consider this, have you ever seen a toy drive from fat people?  How many overweight people in mini vans have cut you off?  Do you ever see Ms. 300 pound helping someone with a flat tire?  But you do bikers in all the above, except we are often run over or off the road by them.  And we are not anti-overweight, how many  350 pound men do you know named Tiny?  Eat to ride, and ride to eat...our motto for years.  Yet one prejudiced man, a coward, hides behind the law, for now, revealing himself for what he really is-a bigot.  Personally I have lost all respect for Weight Watchers, and figure anyone who will charge you money for something you can get for free is evil.  And bigoted, and prejudice.  They have profiled themselves, the Goldilocks telling us what to eat, and how to live-just not on a motorcycle or in their mall.  Stupid hurts, I hope they feel our pain,too.
Now we all have our own prejudices, mine is stupidity.  I have trouble with stupid people.  You know who you are, and only the grace of God, and friendly bikers help you get by.  Imagine if this was a gay biker meeting, an undocumented biker gathering, or an unwed mother biker meet?  You would see the news cameras there, interviewing the prejudiced, claiming their rights in the constitution.  But as bikers, we only go where we are wanted, and another mall will get our business.  And all you other neighbors of Weight Watchers, make sure to send them a thank you card for running of potential business.  Bikers spend money, and lots of it, too.  And we have non-biker friends, who will back us up with their wallets.  Am I prejudiced against this guy-you bet!  And where is our accuser, hiding out?  Behind the law?  You will be and have been exposed...
False accusations and bigotry is nothing new.  Jesus had to deal with it, when coming upon a women who had been caught in adultery.  A crime that takes two, but where was the other one?  Yet the crowd was crying to stone her, and under Mosaic law, the accuser would have to throw the first stone, and if the accused was found innocent, the accuser got the same penalty.  Bring it back I say, clear out the courts, and let’s get on with life, and riding.  Yet when Jesus approached, they felt they had Him too, a double win for the Pharisees.  But leaning over, He wrote famous words that no one except the accusers ever saw, and the crowd broke up.  Leaving the accused woman all alone except for Jesus.  Who then asked, “where are your accusers?  Go and sin no more.”  He knew what she had done, and also her partner, yet He never accused her of sin.  Love won’t and doesn’t-your sin will find you out.  And so it has for the Weight Watcher shop owner.  Your sin has found you out, and we ask, “where is our accuser?”
But we will also extend an invitation to you and your family to meet us, and even offer you and your family a ride.  No prejudices to you, we invite you to meet the freedom of riding, and as a Christian rider, extend the hand of forgiveness.  Don’t fear what you don’t understand, and learn to not profile others.  How would you feel if we sat in front of your store holding up fat people signs with jokes and abusive language?  We don’t and won’t, because we care for fat and thin, tall and short, biker and non.  And Christians even will love you as you are, just as Jesus loved us enough to die for us while we were yet sinners.  We were all sinners once, you are more like us then you care to admit.  So unclench your fists, and give us a chance.  We are willing to give you one....
Even Ms. Locks was given another chance.  Those bears could have and should have eaten her alive.  But didn’t, setting an example of forgiveness to others.  Also showing compassion to those who don’t show it to others.  Just like most bikers will do.  Can you picture Goldilocks stopping to help change a tire?  Give a ride home to a senior?  Attend a toy run?  Mr. Weight Watcher we invite you and your family to the real world.   A Christian world where bikers and over weight people can get together, and be friends.  Where if you have a problem we can discuss it, and handle it.  But also be aware of the lesson of the Hollister Rally, cancelled under false pretenses by two now out of work public servants, and the rally is back...bigger than ever.  We will listen to you, we have families also, please keep that in mind.  Let’s take this profile in cowardice and turn it around.  For good.  So where are our accusers...and would you be willing to leave when we are found innocent?  He who is without sin....maybe doesn’t ride.  Try it Jesus’s way, in love.  It is hard to shake a hand with a clenched fist.  I extend our open hands to you, overweight people everywhere, Goldilocks, and you too Barbie...Jesus loves you...will you at least give us a chance to prove it?
love with compassion,