Friday, October 11, 2013

the 8% solution or vote early and vote often

One Harry Callahan, inspector, philosopher, marksman, and he of memorable movie lines, when asked once to rate a woman, his candid reply was “on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give her a two, only because I’ve never seen a one.”  High praise from a man who has probably seen more than a few twos in his time.  And no, 5 twos do not equal a ten!  So much for public school math.  So yesterday, when listening to the latest on the government shutdown, the most recent poll showed an 8% approval rating-92% disapproved of the job the Congress was doing!  Which brings up some rather interesting questions.  First, who elected them?  Us.  Second, what’s the matter with the 8% who think they are doing a good job?  These two groups are the ones that scare me, they were all elected by majority vote, makes you wonder about the other candidates who lost.  Remember the old Monopoly Community chest card “collect $10 for winning second place in a beauty contest?”  And of those elected, only 8 out of 100 are doing an approved job?  Has the dumbing down of America finally hit home, via our elected representatives?  And although Harry’s observation was over 35 years ago, have we finally seen that elusive 1?
My best friend in at TJHS, Terrill Junior High School was Bill Moore.  His older sister Debbie was an over achiever, and so when it was Bill’s turn to run for school president, it was natural he would.  And running against Roger it was to be a tough race, both were popular, but Bill had the gift of expressing himself better.  Today we just call them fast talkers, but Bill being of the high IQ set, could verbalize himself very well.  Until that fateful assembly in the spring of our 8th grade, when the candidates spoke.  The posters had been hung, all the school was a buzz about the election, and Bill was the last to speak at the assembly.  And it was a speech few would remember, but many never forget, at least his opening line.  Everyone else was polite, formal, and courteous, Bill was Bill.  After recognizing Mr. Dezort the principal, and the vice principals, he then went on to mention “and all you grease, clique, and soul brothers.”  And the few that laughed were soon overcome by the deafening silence that followed.  He had called the spade a dirty shovel, and although he was right on, he was way off.  And Roger won going away....maybe the beginning of the 8% solution we need today.
Irregardless of who you voted for, these people represent you.  Or do they?  So we only have ourselves, and each other to blame with the current Congress.  Which gives us a chance to rectify it next year.  Keep the 8% in mind when you vote.  Now, in other news, a man was tried and convicted, of no crime, and sentenced to death, with only one man not voting guilty, his an abstention, he took no stand on the matter.  But the man was crucified anyway, and today, this man chosen to represent His father in heaven, is down in some polls, but still the best man for the job available.  The man of course, is Jesus Christ.  Who was appointed by God to be His representative of Him to us, and who many call Savior, and are appreciative of His representation.  But we are also called to be His representative in this world, and that is scary to some.  As I look around, I wonder why a great God who chose a perfect man would choose us, just the complete opposite?  What was He thinking?  And His command is simple, “represent me on earth, I’ll represent you in heaven on judgment day.”  If you don’t, He won’t.  Simple enough, but then the religionists get into it, and pretty soon the polls will be slanted against Him, and His representatives.  While all of us who voted with our lives for Him will be condemned, but only here on earth.
So let’s take a look at Jesus’ qualifications.  He was a man of the people, although he preferred the down and out, a better class of people.  No MBA, although He was the wisest man ever, sorry Solomon.  He cured the tax problem when He pulled a coin from a fish and told the people to give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and could virtually eliminate welfare feeding 5000 with meager means-He was the Surgeon General, the Agricultural Secretary who advised on the planting of seed via a parable, and had full control of inflation, and the supply of money.  Sounds like a man I would vote for, and besides that He could offer and guarantee life after death-and freedom from religion.   With a direct line to God!  Wisdom so great that our great US of A used His principals when forming the Constitution, good words to live by then and now.  His bill of rights was even simpler, love your neighbor as yourself, and go out and enjoy your life.  Loving Him first, which should be easy based on His success rate.  So would you vote for Him?  Have you?  If not, what are you waiting for?  There is none better than the best...and ask yourself, who are you representing with your witness?  Why would He represent you in heaven?
Of all the campaign promises ever made, all His are yes and amen 100%.  No excuses, no tricky promises, or campaign slogans.  You must be born again, He told Nicodemus, and Nicky got it-He of power and wealth.  He gave it all up for Jesus, will you give it up to represent Him?  Try His website, directly to Him for healthcare, and see what happens, a direct line to the great physician.  Food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and security for the scared.  King of Kings, Lord of Lords, yet many don’t cast their vote for Him.  Your chance for politics, to be a representative of Jesus among His constituents, are you up to the task?
Today many of the grease, clique, and soul brothers Bill addressed represent Jesus.  They see a promise in Him few can offer, and no one else can deliver.  So let Him into your heart today, and let this majority of one enter your life and heart.  And represent Him in all you do.  Who else would have His Father’s endorsement, and full and complete trust, with the most valuable commodity on earth, us?  It only takes one vote, for Him in your heart to change things.  A 92% failure rate is not good in anything, and once again for the very first time many will be re-elected.  The time for change is now, today is the day of salvation.  Over 50 years agao a famous President in His inaugarual speech told us “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  Still works today, and who can be better for America than Jesus Himself?  Choose Him today and start a whole new House of Representatives....or choose the old Chicago early and vote often.  The choice is yours, who represents you?  Do you represent Him? 
Vote Jesus today, the only chance for the dead to vote.
love with compassion,