Wednesday, October 30, 2013

you can't put headers on an electric motor-the case against hybrids

The sounds are always there, it just seems we don’t hear them.  Case in point, while riding in a friend’s Asian sedan, the one with a sports package, meaning wide tires and expensive wheels, with no radio on the sound from the tires was so excessive you had to talk over it.  My first thought was how foolish, it didn’t have to be this way, blame it on poor engineering.  Someone had to listen to the tires before signing off on them, but then I realized that no one drives around without the radio cranked up.  At least loud enough to cover the noise, which the volume doesn’t make go away, but just covers it.  A poor design, but maybe they know their audience better than I do, as the owner never complained.  And they think my bike is loud!
When Bill and Bob went hunting, and asked what they would do if they encountered a bear, and could they outrun it, Bill confidently said “I know I can’t outrun the bear, I just have to outrun Bob.”  So much for being your brother’s keeper.  But sadly this approach is taken to problems, cure the symptom, or just mask it-don’t deal with the cause.  Self survival, which just might upset someone.  Which brings me to hybrid cars.  I don’t care for them.  If you are that concerned about mpg, ride a motorcycle.  But they aren’t that cool, so drive a cross between a golf cart and a go cart-with all the personality of a shopping cart.  And I have always wondered, why are the hybrid cars designed with such weird looks?  Why are aerodynamics so important on an hybrid, but not given the same consideration on an internal combustion engine car?  And then I found out-noise.  You see between exhaust, engine noise, tire noise, and other associated sounds, electric cars don’t make many of them, which accentuate those they do.  One noise is the sound of air passing over the body, it produces whistles, and other noises the engine and exhaust noises cover.  Anyone who rides a motorcycle can tell you the impact a fairing has on how the bike sounds, some noise is muffled, some accentuated.  So we put on headers and modify the exhaust-to make it sound cool.  But you can’t put headers on an electric motor-no matter what they all sound like a vacuum cleaner or sewing machine.  So the lack of sound accentuates the ever present noise, and aerodynamics is a must.  But we still don’t hear these stealth golf carts, which can be dangerous.  All in the name of political correctness.  Making a car that is neither.
Talking with some Christian men last night, one wondered why some hear from God more than he does.  He wondered if God talks to him?  Again the answer is right in front of us, probably as loud as the radio covering the tire noise.  God is always talking to us-He never left us, never forsakes us, and His spirit will always dwell among us.  It is us who have stopped listening-or worse yet chosen not to.  We know His voice, but choose our own ways over His, and then wonder where is God.  Jesus tells us we have the Holy spirit to guide us-don’t make it more difficult than it is.  Yet we have developed a hybrid Christian, Jesus is savior, but is He Lord?  He even asked His followers, “why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do the things I ask?”  And your answer is....
God has designed us so we can hear His voice, and recognize it.  Yet we have chosen to turn up the radio, drown out the noise, and God with it.  Then place the blame on God.  It is like the glass being half full, or half empty.  Maybe it is neither, just a poor design.  So rather than have God change, He wants us to change to be like Him.  He gave us more ears than mouth, and we can control our talking, but not our hearing.  Hearing is also the last sense to go before death.  Do you think that just might be by design, a great example of patience?  Yet so many read books on how to be a better Christian, attend classes, and attempt to lead others in their ways, a voice we can shut off, or turn off, but many do that to God also.  Consider that next time you just read your Bible.  Some think it is a biography, when it is really an autobiography.  And we get to know the author, which gives us better insight into the book.  And I have been to His house, and will return there someday-can you say the same thing?
Today when you pray, before asking stop and listen.  Be led by the spirit, He knows what to pray.  And listen for that still, small voice.  Then be bold in love, and follow its direction.  Be able to call Him Lord.  And watch as your life changes, and you go from a hybrid to a thoroughbred.  And thoroughbreds like to eat the good stuff, and God has plenty of it for us.  Tune that exhaust system, don’t worry about externals, deal with internals first.  Let God change you.  An electric car has lousy range, and takes over 13 hours to fully recharge, if you can find a station to charge it.  So you cannot go very far, and are limited.  God’s range is endless, just like He is.  And He makes a beautiful sound in our ears.  Just saying the name Jesus in reverence is powerful-and can be powerfully peaceful and quiet.  Unlike certain high performance tires...which get louder as they wear out.
“Can you hear me now?” the cell phone commercial asks.  Can you hear God now?  Are you listening? Do you want to?  It has been said that the reason people get hit by trains is they never heard it coming.  Jesus is coming, are you listening?  Turn down the volume, turn up your heart, and listen.  The sweet sound of Jesus-headers for the heart.  A tuned exhaust for more power.  Sorry I can’t hear you, you were saying...never let that be said about God.
love with compassion,