Monday, March 24, 2014

exercising your tires

More than at any time in history, we have the healthiest people on the planet dying.  Just for sake of argument, say you will live to 75, a fair average for many.  You sleep 8 hours per day all your life, you will be asleep for about one third of your life, or 25 years.  Say you are into working out, 5 hours per week starting at age 21, you just spent another six years a the gym, staying healthy.  And still facing death.  And looking back, I don’t want to have spent six years of my  life sweating, grunting, toiling, and going home tired, just to improve my life.  And when young, do you look forward to the days ahead of exercise, or of retirement?  Can’t wait until I’m 70, and retired, then I can go work out more.  Is that what you worked you r whole life for?  Not me, I believe in being in shape, or more accurately healthy, but I am tired of exercising.  For me I rather be exercising the tires on a motorcycle, and look back with the same fondness I look ahead with, riding until I die. I rather take inches off my tires, and add inches to my memory book of going places, seeing things, and making memories.  A sweaty gym is a poor substitute for a full tank of gas, a twisty road, and the time to do it.  So if I am going to exercise anything , it will be my tires. And my wrist...
Now I am not anti-healthy, but watch in wonder, and sometimes horror as people devote their bodies to their physique.  And just another commercial of a Nordic Track, or some other exercise equipment that promises you great shape with ease will make me sick.  How many homes have you gone into and seen the stuff filling a room, gathering dust, while its owner is waiting for the next machine workout that promises the same thing, and delivers the same thing, as your is emptied.  Compare the mile son your stair climber to the miles on my Tiger.  48 states, memories, beautiful sunsets, and unforgettable meals. What do you have, watching CNN while treading on a treadmill, isn’t life enough of a treadmill already?  I have been in the wind, smelling the fragrances of orange blossoms, of wheat fields, or of the ocean mist.  You have the smell of...yourself.  And others.  While you are building endurance, so am I.  Can you ride 500 miles per day for a month, that takes endurance?  Can you wear all the tire on your exercise bike, I can on any of my bikes.  And how many postcards have you ever sent, or received, saying “having a great time, wish you were here!” from someone at the gym?  Given two weeks off per year, where do you want to spend it, is your idea of cross training crossing as many state lines as you can like mine?  Or time zones?  How many workouts have you had that are unforgettable, and how many of them do you proudly show on your Facebook page? 
So for me, staying in shape is riding as  much as I can.  A daily regimen of miles, smiles, and looking back at roads I look forward to again.  Of seeing how fast I can enter a curve, and how fast I can exit it.  At eating breakfast in San Diego, and diner in Flagstaff.  And lunch the next day in chilies instead of powdered paste.  Exercising my mind, as well as my body, and spending time with God, no phones, timers, or personal trainer telling me how I need to increase.  If it’s early, I ride on.  If I want to stop and visit, I do.  With the recipe of repeat the next day the only requirement of tomorrow, and sleeping well, looking forward to more miles, not more reps.   Building endurance that will endure for years in my memories, and stories for both old and young.  Meeting older riders, with stories and of roads yet to travel, how many seasoned citizens do the youth work out with?  No age group criteria when riding, we ride our own ride.  And respect others for theirs.  And you wonder why I rather ride than go to a gym?  Where else can you get a workout like I do, exercising your tires? 
So based on the equation, you have spent 31 of your 75 years already.  Now figure working for 40 years, 50 weeks per year, and add another 38 years of life spent, leaving you 6 years of life left, if you are average.  So what do you do with those six years is important.  But what if you only lived to be 33 like Jesus did?  And what if you were only in ministry for 3 years like Him?  How do you plan on spending your 6 years, can you make them as important and valuable as Jesus did with His 3?  Too many times I listen to people boast of what they are going to do when they retire, and many times find it is things you could be doing now.  Start riding, start living, start being a Christian now.  Why wait for the blessings of God when you can have them now?  Exercise your freedom in the spirit, and you can even do it at the gym, or while riding.  I find Jesus spent most of His time on the road, an example I like to follow.  He ate with new friends, went places no others would go, and had them follow.  He slept every night with the promise of a new tomorrow, another day to show the love of God, another day for salvation for someone.  He made the most of everyday, never missing a chance to spread His love to a lost and dying world.  And we are all dying, Second Law of Thermodynamics proves it, how do you wish to spend your last days, I know how I want to spend mine.  Tomorrow is promised to no man, so start living today, and follow Jesus.  Start exercising the freedom you have that you have never used, and watch as when you get into spiritual shape, your mind will follow.  You will enjoy health you never knew you had, and when tough times come, you can spend it with Jesus, who is the ultimate trainer.  He was physically tough, can you carry a 200 pound cross to your death, after being beaten with 39 lashes?  And hang there for 6 hours nailed to it?  A physical side to Jesus we tend to forget.  but needs to be remembered.  So when He asks you “to pick up your cross and follow Him,” what kind of shape are you in? 
The healthiest people are still dying, are you dying to go to heaven?  Exercise the freedom you have in Jesus.  Some may enjoy the sweat and toil of a good workout, while those of us who ride rather enjoy a good day of riding.  Either way get a spiritual exercise with Jesus, getting in shape for heaven.  Use those 6 years you have to your advantage by following Him.  Long after the sweat has evaporated, the odor of life still remains.  I rather smell of racing castor and miles of sun than hours of seat and the gym.  Wherever you spend your time, Jesus is there.  And realize you will never have a better workout partner, or riding partner.  And you can go where He leads if you follow.  It is your choice for the memories you make, make them with the future I mind.  Where you will spend the future is your choice.   For me and mine we will exercise our tires with Jesus.  Never heard of a workout gym in heaven, but it does speak of roads paved with gold....wonder what that could mean?
love with compassion,