Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lois and Clark part 2, the story of Martha and Mary

When we last saw our intrepid hero, he was debating about asking his love of his life, Lois, if he should ask her to marry him.  Being a resident alien, they were both afraid of the interracial thing, she from the US of A, him from Krypton, and without papers.  So he did what any super man would do, and consulted his parents.  Who were quick to jump to his aid, helping and hoping they would make the right decision.  And so off the Kents went to Metropolis, and Ma made a visit to Lois.  And in one brief visit, we get an insight to both Clark and Superman through his mom, and as most of us know , you can fool most people, but you can’t fool mom.
Not aware if Lois knew of Clark’s identity, she made an S with her hand at the door, and breathed a sigh of relief when Lois nodded yes.  And her opening line said more than any other words, “you’re the first person in 30 years I can talk to about my boy.”  Stop and think on that one, for 30 years they had to keep Clark’s origin and strengths hidden.  He couldn’t play sports, couldn’t bowl, and never fit in with the other kids.  Hide and seek-yeah right.  His super powers made him more of a freak than anyone knew.  So he had some loneliness built into him, wanting to use his power for good, but not knowing how.  So he kept to himself, and kept his super side, the side with a cape hidden.  Until Lois, and now Ma Kent, Martha had talked with someone she could confide in, to share her family’s grief, and hopefully Lois would understand, and love Clark for who he is, not what he is.  For he was pretty super just as Clark, the qualities his parents raised him with make him an outstanding catch for any woman.  But when Ma shared, now Lois knew, but still couldn’t quite understand the real Clark.  All she knew was she loved him....and was not sure of her answer when he asked.  A great guy, from a great family, plus he is Superman wants to marry you, you’re in love with him,and you still doubt?  Sound familiar?
We are told that “Mary pondered these things in her heart,” after hearing from the Holy spirit when pregnant with Jesus.  She too had a super man, and she and Joe had to raise a son that was different.  A son that wasn’t normal, a son who at age 30, went into the ministry, the same age priests are called.  And this boy, this man Jesus, was to be not only the ultimate high priest, but our savior too.  And Mary, like Ma Kent, after 30 years of knowing who her son was, but having to keep silent, now was able to talk to others about Him.  Much like Ma must have sighed in relief when Lois knew who her son was, Mary also knew some day that He would suffer death.  We are never told what Mary pondered, nor of the conversations God had with Joe, and her, but for 30 years, they kept their silence.  A silence that at the right time, would lead to His death, and resurrection in just a short three year period.  A period in which He would change the world forever.  In which we find Jesus, the Christ, to be the original Superman.  Doing what no other could or would do, dying to save sinners from death, and to reunite them with His father in heaven.  And from birth in a stable, to His death on a cross, and burial in a borrowed tomb, she never left His side.  A mother’s love to the end, and she never quit pondering, or wondering about the gift God had given her.
Now if love were reduced to just an emotion, it would be pretty sad.  Tina Turner would be right, for it would only be a second hand emotion, hate being the first.  But God is love, and chose to show it through His son Jesus, where we could see that love is a person, and deeper than any feelings.  So deep the spirit groans for us, because there are no words to describe it, for if you could use finite terms He wouldn’t be an infinite God.  But we act like Lois when it comes to Him.  Jesus had a great Father, so we know His lineage.  He as a talented carpenter, personable, funny, kind, and gentle.  He is giving, not demanding, and only wants the best for you.  Even lets you make your own decisions, and mistakes, and then forgives you and doesn’t hold them against you.  So why then, are we like Lois, when we have found the ultimate catch in Jesus, when we say we are in love with God, why don’t we enter into a relationship with Him?  We are promised to be the bride of Christ, He is the groom, the wedding feast is being planned only for us, yet we doubt?  Why can’t our actions follow our words, which should follow what the spirit tells us?  Why do we doubt, when the best offer we will ever have is given, and we question it?  What are we pondering? 
Or have you been saved, but hiding Him inside, and not sharing with others?  Has any time with other Christians felt like 30 years since you have been in fellowship?  What do you hang onto, that is more precious than what Jesus offers?  What is it about your cross that makes you want to drag it through life, rather than picking it up and following Him?  What part of till death do us part do you not get, not realizing that at death you won’t part from Jesus?  Are you still waiting for that one afternoon talk with Him so that you can make it personal?  Or are you hiding in shame and fear every time the door knocks, knowing it might be Jesus, and you’ll have to face Him and make a decision?  Don’t you know that saying nothing is saying no?
We find later in the series that Lois made the right decision, and they married.  Happily ever after, but not without some tests and trials.  Just like it is with Jesus.  That’s life.  But with Superman in her life, she was always protected, and her needs were always met.  Still never told about any children they might have had.  But we do know that in Jesus we are always protected, and can even look back to our before Christ days to see where He protected us.  He still meets every need, and loves you just as you are.  But what if it was His mom at the door, what if she was there to tell you to follow her son?  What would you ponder about the things she would tell you about Him?  How would you feel listening to how she felt at the cross?  At the tomb?  What did she and Joe talk about in these situations?  We can and do say no to Jesus everyday.  But He never leaves us or forsakes us-that’s love.  But what would you say to His mom?  After you have listened to her talk about her son, would you still say no?  You can fool most of the people, you can’t fool mom, and you couldn’t fool Mary.  She pondered these things in her heart.  The secret is out, Jesus is Lord.  Join the family today, and get all your inheritance, and not have to deal with until death do we part.  If Superman asked to marry you, would you?  An even more super man is asking today, we say we love Him, what will your answer be?  What side are you hiding from God?  Lois said yes, will you?  The event of a lifetime, and you’re invited!  Not just another Martha and Mary story.
love with compassion,