Monday, June 16, 2014

coin operated tracts

The stuff that dreams are made of, coming across tons of free money, and all yours for the taking.  Well, maybe a dream of yours, but a nightmare when I came upon it.  I was leaving Cortez for Durango after finishing my Coca Cola route, when I came upon a literal sea of change.  An armored car truck had its rear door open, I was later to find by accident, and tons of coins had fallen out the back, literally inches deep in a 25’ radius.  Traffic was jammed at this intersection, and all four lanes were stopped.  As I pulled up, it had just happened, and I wasn’t sure what I had seen, or what I was seeing, I turned my bottle truck to block both lanes in one direction, and attempt to keep people away.  No police had arrived yet, and the armed guards were trying to get some semblance of order to the scene.  I was literally standing ankle deep in quarters at one time, trying to help, but not sure what to do.  From a repair shop across the street, a man brought some buckets, brooms, and shovels, and we began to sweep up and shovel the coins into the buckets, under the watchful eye of the guards.  Some others had stopped to help, and by the time the police showed up the scene was contained, traffic backed up for a mile, each way, and about a dozen of us were shoveling coins.  I am not sure how heavy a shovel full of quarters is, but my back hurt after 20 minutes, and after unloading my truck on my route all day.  And as the sun was setting, it looked like it was going to be awhile before the road was cleared.  I didn’t see anyone putting coins in their pockets, but the opportunity certainly presented itself.  I have heard and seen people hitting the slot, but this was way beyond imagination.  Funny, I never heard or saw anything about it in the news, I wonder if for days after stragglers would go by looking for coins not picked up in the mess.  I also wonder what tale the driver and his partner would tell their boss, and how it would look on their next resume.  Famous or infamous, this is one that they rather not have been involved in.  For me, I got a thanks, from the police for blocking traffic and helping to contain the scene.  I had filled many buckets, if only one was given for my effort, I would have been rolling in coins, and rolling coins all night.  And to this day when I hear of hope and change, I remember the change of that afternoon...
Now to some I told, they chastised me, I should have grabbed some, there were going to be some missing anyway, what would be a few dollars worth more.  But that day I was surrounded with the greatest tract disbursal I had even seen, for each coin had printed on it “in God we trust.”  Tens of thousands of reminders that we should trust God.  Each one a temptation, or a message about not taking what isn’t yours, and trusting God.  An event where for a few dollars I could have given in to temptation, who would have blamed me, and I would have sold out for change.  Yet at the time it never occurred to me to do that, or that the message from God was ankle deep before me.  A few dollars, yet many have sold out for less.  Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave.  I would have been a slave to my conscience if I had taken even one.  I even know of some who would have thought it was an answer to prayer for money from God, I was even reminded of Jesus pulling a fish from the sea, and taking a coin from its mouth.  Forgetting that Jesus told them to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and the things of God to God.  I was a representative of God that day, and had done the right thing.  I was an effective witness of trial by fire, and being ankle deep in some expensive wood, hay, and stubble, chose the honorable thing.  I chose Jesus.  And like the Pharisees did with Jesus, I left in marvel at the event, and how Ihad handled it.  Only by the grace of God, did I not fall into temptation.
Scripture has much to say about temptation, from leading us not into temptation, to reminding us that all men have been tempted equally.  To temptation of the love of money is the root of all evil.  But Jesus also tells us that when we rise above the temptation, we find ourselves approved.  OKed by God.  And a crown awaits him in heaven.  A few coins now, or a crown later?  Yet many fall into temptation over the love of money.  Or it can be a blessing, just ask the brothers of Joseph, who filled their sacks with the coins they had brought to buy food in the famine.  the same brother they had kidnapped, sold into slavery, and told their father was dead.  That Joseph.  Another test, for he had survived Potipher’s wife, and his honor had brought him power.  No amount of money could buy the integrity back for the brothers that they had lost.  Suddenly the money was useless, and a burden they had to carry back.  Forgiveness had overshadowed any value the money may have had.  And even Jesus showed the value of money when He told the apostles not to take any money with them, and He would provide.  If only values could be used to pay bills, many of us would be rich men today.  But it still takes money to exchange for goods and services.
Today Jesus offers each one of us a blank check, fill in the amount, it won’t bounce.  But spend it wisely, as only when cashed in His name, and in His will will it not bounce.  The gift of salvation is free, it cannot be bought although many have tried.  Today a multitude of riches are laying at your feet, what you do with them will show your values.  A parable once told of three coins given to three men for investment, and what each reaped.  If you seek only riches, you will never have enough.  I wonder if I could have stopped at one pail, at two pails.  I am glad I rendered unto God that day the things of God, honesty, integrity, and overcoming temptation.  What each man did that day is between them and God.  I can stand here clear of conscience today because I saw the value of money in a new light.  I saw “in God we trust” like I had never seen it before.  Today we are offered hope and change by a faulty government.  They can keep the change, but they cannot give me hope.  Only in Jesus will I ever find that.  Render the things of God to God, your heart and soul, and the things of earth to others. The things not seen are eternal, those seen are temporal.  Anybody got change for a quarter?  I have seen change and been changed.  And I never will be coin operated ever again. 
love with compassion,