Thursday, October 16, 2014

maybe it's a poorly designed glass

There was a time when it seemed every other bike on the road said Honda on it.  And a popular saying was “Hondas are like opinions, everyone has one.”  Today with the reemergence of Harley Davidson, it could be said “Harleys are like opinions, everyone has one.”  Being quick to note that Harleys are not like Hondas, and based on their reliability, you shouldn’t trust other people’s opinions either.  But yet we thrive on opinions, changing the facts to match them sometimes, rather than the other way around.  And polls will do the same thing as opinions.  When I lost my job, and the nationwide rate was 7.9%, and it went down to 7.8%, I still wasn’t working and it was still 100% at my house.  Same with crime, I am told crime has gone down, but when my truck tires were slashed, it was up in my neighborhood, and way up at my house.  And it bugs me when in the midst of tragedy, I am told “cheer up, it could be worse.”  And I cheer up and it gets worse.  But the ones I take issue with is those that have to be positive all the time.  “Be glad only one tire is flat.”  What are you nuts?  How about if we swap tires, and now yours is flat?  And suddenly the mood changes, and so does the opinion.  But my favorite is the 5 cent philosopher who will argue “is the glass half full or half empty?”   I tend to agree with an engineer friend of mine, “maybe it’s just a poorly designed glass.”  Dos that make me a half wit?  Which half have I lost, or retained?  Maybe these people should just go find a village and be its idiot.  But that is just my  opinion.  Maybe they are just the opposite of half slow...half fast.
But yet when faced with a problem, we seek opinions, or ask Yelp!, or Angie’s List.  Where people voice their opinions.  Which can be misleading, as a recent TV ad for a web site building company advertises it will even include reviews of your business for you on your new site.  How convenient, maybe they should have bought a Honda.  Or a Harley.  Free, or rather included in the price prepackaged opinions?  I only hope they are good ones, or is there a surcharge for better ones?  Case in point, a friend approaches me last night, he has a sport touring bike.  He tells his dealer he needs a front tire, the dealer quotes him a price, then calls back, “that was for an enduro tire, the right one costs more.”  So he asked me my opinion?  Buy the right tire, duh?  But make sure it is the right tire, if your dealer can’t tell an enduro from a big sport the way he owns a Honda.  Maybe the old saying was right.
In the past two days I have dealt with two different men in two different situations, who asked advice.  My first comment, “have you  prayed?”  The deer in the headlight response usually means no.  But yet they have asked opinions of others, and are trying to form their own.  They need facts, they need Jesus.  One man was told about the legal ramifications, and he should sue.  Good advice from a lawyer, yet God’s grace tells us meekness, do the right thing when we can do the wrong thing.  Why not seek God first, like Matthew 6 tells us, yet he is out on an opinion tour.  Listening to the lawyer will bring heartache, bills, and worsen the situation.  God is taking him out of it, he is more concerned about doing the right thing.  I go back to what my attorney of many years once told me, “85% of his business would go away if people used common sense.”  Imagine if we listened to God, maybe 100% would go away!  The other friend has a problem that is a bigger issue, and not knowing, and not knowing anyone, has been telling too many about it.  And is more confused, and making himself look foolish.  I don’t need that kind of help.  Both men are seeking answers, but not seeking God directly.  Was it not God who tells us let God be God and all men liars?  Isn’t Jesus called the wonderful counselor?  What kind of counsel do you desire, I want only the best.  And that may be my opinion, but it is also a fact. 
Many years ago God told me “do not let other people’s opinions become a burden to you.”  Good, sound advice.  But like any good advice, it only works if taken.  So take some good advice here, trust God!  For years when I had to make a decision, I took the Gideon approach.  God show me a wet fleece on dry ground, and then a dry fleece on wet ground to show it is you.  For years I relied on that formula, until one day God’s answer was “why don’t you wit throwing fleeces and just trust me?”  And when I did, my life changed.  But you cannot trust someone you don’t know, so get to know God.  Only through Jesus is that available, that is a fact.  Written in God’s word.  Jesus is the way.  Some of us get in the way, when we need to get out of the way, and listen to God.  Sometimes the shortest line doesn’t move the fastest.  Just because a tire is black and round doesn’t mean it will fit your bike.  And just because you have been wronged, doesn’t mean you should make it worse by doing another wrong thing.  Life can be like riding, two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do.  Trust God, but keep going.  That opinion could just be a just be a poorly designed reason to fail.  Titles and position do make you right.  Knowing Jesus and following his advice will.  Only doctors and lawyers still get paid when they fail.  God never fails.  And since you cannot afford his bill, he makes it free.  Pro bono, just ask.  Pro bono, which is better than Sonny Bono.  Just my opinion.
Today you will make many decisions, some based on previous ones.  The last 7 dying words of the church, or those in it can be “we never did it this way before.”  Don’t let that be your epitaph, or your opinion.  Trust God.  He is more than Hondas and Harleys, more than us trying to right a wrong.  He goes way beyond rights, and goes right to responsibility.  When asked if we are our brother’s keeper, God wasn’t taking a poll, he was teaching Cain a lesson, one so important it is recorded in the Bible.  Where many good lessons, great advice, stories of listening to God and succeeding, and also not listening to God and failing are found.  Where you file your next problem is up to you, but it will show if you trusted God or not?  Over the years the counsel God has given me sometimes was not what I wanted, but it was always what I needed.  And when taken, it worked for me, as all things do when you trust God.  But yet we don’t so God has provided mercy, only available when we screw up.  And grace, described as getting what we don’t deserve, and mercy being not getting what we deserve. 
So let me leave you with this, there is such a thing as a sport enduro tire.  But it may not be what you want or what you need.  Ask God...some are seeking opinions, I’m out riding.  Oh, and don’t look back, Mrs. Lot has a lot to say about that.  Now is that glass half full, or half empty?  Maybe it really is just a poorly designed glass.  And that’s a fact Jack!
love with compassion,