Monday, January 26, 2015

comings and goings the year of my birth

1954 was a special year for a young couple stationed in San Antonio, Texas at Fort Sam Houston.  From Pennsylvania, they had spent time in Colorado, and now he was ending his tour of duty in Texas, when in May, their first and only son would be born.  Not even a blip on the screen anywhere else, but to them and me, that son, it was a great day.  Naturally I don’t remember much, I was too busy, but the world didn’t stop and rest for me that day.  Here are some events that filled the news that day...see if you can relate to any of them.
Joel Rosenberg, author and speaker was born, while up in the Motor City, Ray Parker had a Junior, who ya gonna  call, Ghostbusters?  Fernando Marcos weds Imelda in the Phillipines, I wonder how long it took to pick out shoes to wear for her wedding?  She would someday amass thousands.  The Unification Church was formed that day...who did they call upon?  Determine wins the Kentucky Derby in 2:03, with Raymond York aboard, bet his family was proud.  But that day also made ripples in the auto world in Detroit, as two of the last of the great independent auto makers joined together to form American Motors.  Nash and Hudson joined together forming them in a last ditch effort to keep alive.  The battles between Ford and Chevy had hurt them deeply, and we would later see both names gone in a few years, with the name Rambler carrying on until the late sixties, and saved by buying Jeep from Kaiser, who bought it from Willys-Overland, and finally dying a quiet, if not undignified death in 1987.  Somehow they made it that far, giving evidence to a Lido Iacocca quote, “you never put two number twos together to form a number one.”  And as a young CBS TV news anchor would later say, on his way to becoming the most trusted man in America, “and that’s the way it was, for May 1st, 1954.  Walter Cronkite saying good night.”  But elsewhere in the news of 1954, in sports one Henry Aaron takes over for an outfielder who sprains an ankle, and will retire some 755 home runs later.  In September Willie Mays makes his famous over the shoulder catch.  Marilyn Monroe marries Joltin’ Joe Dimaggio, and our nations turned its eyes to you, or maybe her.  A young Elvis Presley spends $4 in Memphis making a record, and soon will hit the charts, just after bill Haley and the Comets record “Rock Around the Clock,” and rock and roll will be born.  The words “under God” are added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and meat rationing officially ends in Great Britain, the war over almost 10 years.  Sports Illustrated begins, the last new Lone Ranger radio program is aired, now it’s only reruns.  And we never did get a chance to thank him.  Miss America makes it to the TV screen for the first time, and one Ho Chi Minh takes over control over North Viet Nam.  We send our first advisors....  Godzilla premiers, a month later so does the first successful human kidney transplant.  Burger King begins to have it your way in December, and the TV dinner is invented.  Who says there are no good places to eat?  And on April 11th, 1954, True Knowledge refers to the day as the most boring day of the 20th century.  If only we had the first color TV from RCA released a month earlier for only $1000, things might have looked different.  But for now, Father Knows Best would be and always will be in black and white.
What year was Jesus born?  Good question, but no exact date is given.  We know it was somewhere between 4-6 BC, due to historical records backed up by the Bible, but somehow we celebrate on December 25th.  A tradition that no one is sure where it began.  But more important than the day is the fact he was born, to a virgin, as prophesied hundreds of years before, fulfilling over 300 prophesies about him.  All without Facebook, or the Internet, and no one Twittering about it.  But we do know that Caesar Augustus had proclaimed a census be taken, and that all would go back to their home town to be counted.  Which led Joe and Mary to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.  With  some historians and theologians agreeing on the time of year, that the census would be taken during Yom Kippur, when all Jews would return to Jerusalem, the Day of Atonement, the most holy day of the year.  Which may explain the crowds, no room at the inn, and his birth in Bethlehem, only a few miles from Jerusalem.  Which happens in September, or the time of the Jewish month of Tishrei.  How special is that, the savior born on the Day of Atonement?  But why December 25th, if he may have been born in September?  Just a thought to ponder, but consider this, the Jews believe life begins at conception, as do Christians.  As does God.  Fetuses are people, too.  Go back nine months to the end of December, and somehow the 25th make sense.  Now I am not claiming this to be true, but throw this one out for consideration, and suddenly it all makes sense.  And remind the atheist arguing over his birth date, that by arguing he is recognizing the fact he was born!  But no matter the date, we know Jesus came into the world to save us sinners, and I am so glad he did.
So as Christians we celebrate everyday with Jesus.  For each day is special when he is in it.  But the most important date to us is when we are Born Again, when we recognize Jesus for who he is, the Son of God, and we give our lives over to him.  Not an intellectual exercise, or even a religious event, but it is that personal.  If you are saved, you know what I mean.  If not, today can be your day of salvation.  You decide, as we are not promised tomorrow. 
So next time your faith and belief systems in Christ are threatened, by someone misquoting scripture for their own good, compliment them on their Bible knowledge.  Tell them you are impressed by it, and ask them a question.  You obviously read the Bible. what does Jesus mean when he says “you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.”  What part of must don’t they get?  What part don’t you get?
Going back nine months from May 1, 1954, brings us to somewhere between July, August, and September of 1953.  The time I was formed in my mother’s womb.  Not sure of the exact day, but looking back nine months it all may make sense. It does trying to pinpoint the birth of Jesus.  In those three months of 1953, who would know or who could predict the year to come.  Che Guevara, motorcyclist and revolutionary sets out on his famed motorcycle trip.  Robin Roberts’ complete game streak ends at 28 complete games.  Ted Williams returns to the Major Leagues after his second tour of duty in the Marines.  The Brooklyn dodgers win the NL pennant, while the St. Louis Browns move to Baltimore and become the Orioles.  And Make Room For Daddy premieres on ABC-TV.  Quite a few months, especially in the household of Jeanne and Jack.  If they only knew what May would bring....and how a son would change their lives.  Today God tells us how his son can change our lives.  A blip on the charts for some, but the day of being born again the most important day of your life.  Life begins at conception, we enter the world a sinner.  But how we exit it depends on who we say Jesus.  Not a big deal on earth, but he angels in heaven rejoice.  All of them!  Just some comings and goings on the year of my birth, 1954.  With a look back to 1953, and a look ahead to the future.  The Beatles once sang about a lucky man who made the grade.  I am so glad it doesn’t take luck, but a person, and I know him, and he knows me!  Now elsewhere in the news....
love with compassion,