Thursday, October 29, 2015

communication breakdown

Who can forget the immortal line from Cool Hand Luke, “what we have here is a failure to communicate,” and maybe truer words were never spoken.  Or to be more precise, converse,  thanks to the curse of texting people don’t talk anymore.  We have sound bites on the news, and anyone and everyone may be recording you, which I can guarantee will be turned around and used against you.  And it has even invaded prayer time over the years, both personal and public.  If you sound holier than thou you must have some special connection to God, or if you have a title or are in ministry.  I have known people over the years who follow a person because they got healed when they prayed, thinking there is power in prayer, and in this one man’s prayer in particular.  We even have prayer warriors, and people who line up for prayer after services with the pastor.  Recently I was reminded that when I had open heart surgery “half the people around the world were praying for you” and to them I say thanks.  But in a different way...let me explain.
Some believe the more who are praying, the more God listens, and somehow it jaundices his answers, and the speed of them.  Like one more and he will answer.  Many pray asking, but never stop to wait for God’s answer, and I ask, “so why even ask if you don’t want to hear the answer?”  Many times God does answer, we just don’t like the answer, or it is not what we expected.  More prayer, as if maybe God didn’t understand...But sadly a familiar scenario is like this.  Every night just before going to bed, the phone rings.  It is always the same person, who tells you how he hates his job, has no money, his kids are out of control, and his wife and him are on the outs.  He asks you for help, but when you go to answer, he says “gotta go, can’t talk now.”   Which is a fair representation of their prayer life, which represents their relation with God.  Sound familiar?
Some think prayer is only communication, or even a monologue.  It is a dialogue, with the God of the universe.  Try this next time you are on the phone.  You talk 5 minutes, then it is the other person’s turn.  Then yours again.  Communication, but not conversation.  True conversation is alive, and listens as much as it talks.  Still caught up making excuses, try this one.  Jesus says where ever two or three are gathered in my name, I am among them.  Since the person of the holy spirit is in you upon salvation, you are never alone, and have the perfect prayer partner.  And be real brave, let the spirit start your conversation, who knows better your needs, and then you speak.  Still lost for words, you can always thank him!  Did you ever consider just shutting up and listening the next time you call him Lord?
But prayer took on another dimension for me when I was sick.  I knew God had it all in control, the spirit was giving me peace.  And I was glad so many cared about me, love is a reassuring thing in the midst of turmoil.  But so many would say “I prayed for you,” implying their specific request made the difference in God’s answer.  Theresa had been reminded by a hospital chaplain of Isaiah 65:24, God is already answering before you ask.  So I asked him why was it important that others pray, and I pray for others?  His answer was so simple, and so amazing all a once.  “So that when I did my miracle in you, people could see my hand at work, and would worship me.” 
the answer was the most important part of the request.  And all the time, and every time, it is always about Jesus.  And when he gets the glory, you get the blessings.  You see there is no power in prayer, but there is power in he who hears and answers.  So why not get on a first name basis with him, get his daily updates and praise him even more?  No more communication breakdown, spend time with the Lord, who reminds us “why do you call me Lord if you don’t do what I ask?”  Can you hear him now?
Psalm 1 tells us blessed is the man who delights in the Lord.  Who spends time with him, and thinks on him.  Do we?  Think, who was Jesus thinking of when he was on the cross?  The worst scenario in history?  He was still calling out to his father, for us.  His eyes were not on himself, but on the one who could save.  And did and does.  At your next Bible study or prayer meeting, suggest silence, and listen for the spirit to start the prayer.  Scripture doesn’t say he who has a mouth let him speak, it does say “he who has an ear let him hear.” And did you know you can control your mouth, but not your hearing?  Are we onto something here?  And hearing is the last sense we lose before death, the spirit ministering until heaven, and then in heaven.   Praying more and getting less?  Ask God, then listen.  Two ears, one mouth.  One will.  So I ask you to pray for me, that I may hear more of the spirit, get closer to God, and see more Jesus in my life.  For others to see.  Maybe the St. Francis of Assissi prayer is a good reminder.  Preach the word daily, adding words when needed.  God will direct your paths, but will you follow?  Only if you hear what the spirit is saying...and all you have to say is “Amen.”  The spirit, whenever and wherever two or more are are never alone, and you have the perfect prayer partner.  Take a few minutes right now to listen.
love with compassion,