Thursday, January 21, 2016

the key to life found on the Mickey Mouse Club

Years ago I knew a woman who worked for the EPA.  Which I learned was self sustaining, meaning it was funded by fines paid by businesses when they broke the laws.  Which were open to interpretation, such as the cleaning tank lid not closing fast enough, labels on barrels of waste not straight, and her last statement to me was the real eye opener.  “It is impossible for me to know all the rules, but I can guarantee you I can walk into any business and find one broken.”  Which gave me a whole new interpretation of “I’m from the government and I am here to help.”  And over the years I have seen it abused many times.  I was in another shop one day, who probably was breaking many laws, when the EPA woman showed up.  Without hesitation he walked over and grabbed his license off the wall and handed it to her.  “This is what you came here for isn’t it?”  Let’s just say she didn’t disagree.  So it seems that we may just have too many laws, rules, regulations, and standards that we are expected to meet if we are to exist in today’s modern world.  And laws are nothing different, as we see then from how to pick grapes to how to wash your dog.  The internet is filled with them, ever read any disclaimer before they let you in, which we don’t read and of course break some law after.  But we have laws everywhere, and like the old song says “signs, signs, everywhere a sign.  Do this don’t do that, obey the law.” 
And today we have an ever zealous Congress, whose job it is to make new laws, which ultimately take away freedoms, and we all risk the chance of becoming a criminal, a law breaker.  Yet society tells us we need rules, if nothing else to maintain a decorum.  One evening at a Bible study we were studying the Holy Spirit, and the leader after praying “God lead us by your spirit,” began to outline the rules for the evening.  Of course I was chastised when I mentioned the spirit runs contrary to the law, maybe it was like Barney Fife telling his tour group “the first rule is obey all rules.”  Funny I don’t remember being told I couldn’t ask questions?  But so it goes, and like the old song goes, “I fought the law and the law one.”  But does it really...
Cecil B. DeMille, the great Hollywood director and producer, he of “The Ten Commandments” and others, once studied to find out that since the Ten Commandments were given over 3000 years ago, man has created over 32 million laws, add in the EPA’s and the numbers are truly staggering.  But he also noted not one of them has improved upon God’s laws.  Maybe we should take a moment to pause, no one has improved on the original Ten Commandments!  Which were written in a language comprised of only 22 characters, in a nation where most people could read. When most in other nations couldn’t.   In other words they were available to all, compared to the Chinese language at the time comprised of over 10,000 characters, the Egyptian with over 3000 hieroglyphics, the Assyrians who only had to write and remember 1500, and the Hittites only 375.  All before texting, a language of its own, and you wonder why we have no respect for the law?  I may have broken one by saying that!
Yet in the Ten Commandments we find the way God and man, and also man and man should exist with each other.  How to have relationships that have meaning, four of God and man, six for man and man.  Is God that much smarter or can he only remember four?   Yet we forget them until reminded when we break them, bringing condemnation, and guilt.  Which we usually are.  But also unique to them is there is no forgiveness of sin or salvation found in them.  Great ways to live, but no way to heaven.  But the most important one may give us the clue we need, “love your God with all your heart, mind, and soul.”  If you do, all else falls into place.  Matthew tells us “seek the kingdom of God first, and his righteousness, then all things will be added unto you.”  Good words to live by.  But Jesus made it even simpler, by being the only way back to God.  The only way to have our sins forgiven, and the only way to be saved.  One simple statement, commandment, that we find the hardest to follow.  “Love God first, then your neighbor as you love yourself.”  Simple enough, love God first, be forgiven, and as he loves you, love others.  For you cannot love yourself fully when in sin, forgiveness cleanses us of that, and then we can forgive others, paving the way to love them.  One simple sentence that comprises the gospel, and leads to salvation and heaven.  And when embodied by the spirit, brings joy and freedom, as when we see things through the eyes of Jesus, we react differently.  So his law of love is simple-just love.  A commandment we all can live with.  So let me ask in ask in BeeGee-ese, “how deep is your love?”  Have you asked Jesus to forgive you?  Have you forgiven others?  But have you also forgiven yourself, maybe the hardest thing to do.  When you do, you will find the vessel that we are that the holy spirit dwells in will have no problem forgiving and loving others.  For true love doe not demand its own way.  It is a choice we make.  And since God is no respecter of persons, titles, salaries, family or political connections don’t matter, and he isn’t influenced by how many points per game you score or home runs hit.  So we all have the same offer....what are you doing with Jesus’ offer of love and forgiveness?  Do you have your own code of laws you live by keeping you from being saved?
Today you may be confronted by a chance to forgive, or to show love.  Don’t miss out a chance to let Jesus shine through you.  You don’t have to carry around two heavy tablets, because he has written his law of love on your heart, so it and he are always with you.  Yet many will resist, thinking their way is better, only to still need forgiveness.  So try today to treat others in a way so they don’t have to forgive you.  Again it is called love....
But just in case, he does like to hear from you.  Unlike a boss I once had who was less than patient with the questions I asked him.  He finally blurted out one day “no more questions!”  Which led to my answer “why?”  Pushing him over the edge.  Maybe if he had sung along with the Mickey Mouse Club he would have had a clue, “why?  Because we love you.”  If Mickey, Donald, Chip and Dale, and the Seven Dwarfs can figure it out, why can’t you?  Remember that the next time you refer to someone or something as being Mickey Mouse.  That was one smart mouse.  I wonder, was Jesus thinking of him when he said “he who has an ear let him hear?”
love with compassion,