Tuesday, April 26, 2016

leaven me alone

Frank Sinatra sung of how he did it “My Way.”  Many entrepreneurs are said to be “self made men.”  In sports we hear of men who “carry the team.”  And we look up to those who overcame adversity and did it without any help.  A kid from a poor family that strikes it rich.  An expression from the 1960’s tells of those helping themselves by reaching down and pulling themselves “up by the bootstraps.”  A batter may be “down in the count,” a running back needs “second effort,” and all throughout life we are told to “never give up.”  Which Winston Churchill made famous in his six word speech, “never give up, never , never, never.”  Then sat down.  In life, and especially today, it is all about us, how we need to instill pride in ourselves, our schools, in our families.  We take pride in America, of a job well done.  Just put up a picture, the first person you look for is you.  But sadly, in real life it is just the opposite, we need others, we need help, assistance, and we dread being alone.  But there is a time and place for both, as the Bible tells us.
Leaven, which means to cause to swell, is often referred to in the Bible along with sin.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread is associated with Passover, as they were told to only eat bread with no yeast, no leaven in it, to remember them of their exodus.  They were even told to remove it from their homes, lest they be tempted.  But God was trying to show them a deeper, a more spiritual model for their lives, and how leaven may cause bread to rise, but also egos.  And get between them and God.
Why is it a pat on the back swells the head up?  We are told to be self sufficient, we used to laugh over an aspirin commercial when growing up, “Mother please, I’d rather do it myself!”  We want all the credit, all the praise, and if someone offers assistance, we get offended.  When Old Blue Eyes sang of doing his way, he neglected to recognize all those who helped along the way, all those who made the recording, and all the breaks he was given.  Along with a great voice from God, in which he had no say.  Jesus spoke of hypocrisy like this, the spirit of leaven, and we all are guilty of it.  We like to take credit, to cross the finish line alone.  But ask any NASCAR racer, and he will tell you many a race is won or lost in the pits, by his crew.  Even pretending or stretching the truth to give ourselves recognition is this leaven.  Fortunately when we come to Christ, we find out we can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.  You have, haven’t you?
Some are fatalists, whatever is going to happen will happen.  So why do they pray?  When faced with the golden rule, he who has the gold rules, they use power and money to dictate getting their own way.  Based on things, he who dies with the most toys still dies.  Ecclesiastes tells  us the rich man never has enough, and doesn’t sleep worrying about it.  They believe they have a special blessing from God for success, and it is their responsibility to use it for good, mostly theirs.  Again Jesus warns “be wary lest ye fall.”  A new understanding of fatal when they fall and no one is there to rescue them.
Remember the Sadducees?  How sad you see, they didn’t believe in the supernatural, or a divine deity, rejecting Jesus.  Everything can be explained by feel, sight, taste, sound, or smell.  If it can be sensed, it can be explained.  Sound like anyone you know?  An answer to every question.  Maybe a good Jeopardy contestant.  Yet they had no power over life and death, just as you had no say in the day you were born,or the day you will die.  But you have some say of the in between, where Jesus allows you the choice of heaven or hell.  And the faith to know the difference between the two, both unseen.  Only Jesus can raise the dead, and in him we will be resurrected also.  So from politics to who goes first, to who gets the best seat, to who gets the corner office, we have a choice, but only in Christ.  It is called his will, and every time I hear a no, it is because a better yes is coming.  He has plans for us, so we need to listen.  Next time you ride in the mountains, many curves you cannot see around, but he sees what’s ahead.  Like the rocks in the road, or the old pickup going 15 mph.  Or the cop with the radar, or a beautiful waterfall to stop and share.  Only Jesus gives us a view of what’s ahead, and gives us the choice.
So when someone claims “leave me alone, I can do it myself,” take the stand of leaven me alone.  We need a savior, God sent Jesus.  We need to guided, comforted, and forgiven, he left his spirit.  We need hope and future, only in Christ are these things found.  For he who thinks if he has the most things he wins, he still dies.  The things seen are temporal, like that new bike that is old when next year’s models come out.  But the things not seen are eternal.  So we walk by faith, not by sight, and will be eternally rewarded.  When you are free of leaven, you have freedom in Christ.  The truth will and has set you free.  Next time you feel important or indispensible, fill a bucket with water, and note the level.  Then put your hand in, remove it and see how much the level changes.  It doesn’t.  But your hand is wet and needs to be dried, so you ask for a towel.  Out of gas, you are glad when helps arrives.  When the chef cooks your steak just right.  When doctor says your operation was a success.  Less dependence on self, more on the Lord.  Who has been his counselor?  I don’t see your hand going up....or do I? 
love with compassion,