Thursday, April 7, 2016

pay no attention to that man behind the curtain

I was once introduced to a man who had a dream.  His dream was to build a clean livable place for single moms who were homeless.  Listening to his dream was fascinating, and sounded quite honorable.  His dream was to fund it by the business he was going to build, and being between jobs I was referred to him to be hired to manage it.  But it was only one part of the dream he had to finance the housing, part of it was to establish a referral service in San Diego for those who need house repairs done to call for trustworthy specialists.  It was the Angie’s List before Angie came along, and at the first meeting with those involved, there was a lot of excitement, as a sales manager was hiring a sales force to canvas the county, another man was using his connections to advertise, and everyone in the room had a part in it.  Including me.  As the meeting wore on, it seemed we all had one thing in common I hadn’t realized at first.  None of us were employed, no one had a source of income, and if not for unemployment, many would be on the street themselves.  And the voices in my head started talking to me, was I listening?
But the one thing all the others had I common was belonging to an entrepreneur club, a club I was to find out was selling hope and blue sky to men who thought they were entrepreneurs, but were really just unhirable.  They all had big dreams, big ideas, and many had already started spending the millions they planned on making.  It was really all about the money, the money they would earn someday, but for now, they talked big, but lived small.
The funding of this was to come from one man who had millions to invest, and was interested in the project.  But as I got more involved, he too seemed to never exist.  And only the one man with the original dream that the others had flocked too had talked with him.  More little voices in my head, but I kept quiet.  There was too much I didn’t know, but was about to find out.  I was invited to a private meeting, run by the founder of this club, who they all happened to belong to, whose claim was being a nationally recognized for his statistics and business insight.  Said so on the header at the hotel, and on his cards.  When I showed up in the hotel room, the meeting was underway, and this man had the charts on a board, and was reviewing the dreamer’s plan.  He kept praising it, telling it showed foresight, innovation, and was sure thing. The numbers looked good, so did the projections, and he gave some insight on how to close the deal with the investor.  But as the praises flowed, my little voice got louder, and I asked him questions.  Hard questions, and was told not to be so hard on him, for his reputation spoke for itself.  I had looked behind the mask.  But when I asked him to do the math, to go through the numbers for me, I had looked behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz, and the truth came out.  For one, for this plan to work, it would take a customer base of over 3 million businesses to make it work.  They had based the figures on Pennysaver, but never included the overlap of business categories.  As the president of this club showed how the figures worked and added up, I dropped the bombshell.  There were less than 2 million people, not businesses, but men, women, children, and illegals living in the county.  Could he please explain how this could work?  The numbers just didn’t add up!  And I was told I was a blasphemer, I had no vision, and was just out to ruin those men in the rooms dream.  All I did was point out the truth!  And they angrily ushered me out!  And I never heard from any of these men, these dreamers again.  Were they so intent on making millions they failed to realize that the emperor had no new clothes?  In fact this emperor had no clothes at all!  All they could see was the money.....which was the last thing they would ever see.
Why do we work?  Is it for the money, the prestige, the things it can buy?  Or is it to meet needs, of ourselves, family, and others?  These men all had one goal, to become rich, sadly at the expense of others.  And had spent it before they made it.  They were hard hearted, and the little voice reminded me of just because I was told they were good church men, that may not have anything to do with God.  Or the Bible.  Their witness was questionable, their lives showed no fruit, of the spirit at least, and looking back they were delusional.  They were chasing a dream, one that had been sold to them, but not by good.  They had taken a thing of God and tried to use it for glory, their own.  Greed had overtaken them, and as they got closer to it, became even more blinded, to the point of believing a lie.  They talked about God, but their God was riches and power.  Some even quoted scripture, but out of context.  And the weakest ones fell for it.  We are told to be as wise as serpents, but gentle as lambs.  Really they were wolves in sheep’s clothing, ready to devour any who crossed them.  They were a cult of sorts, a false religion, with no sign of Jesus in sight.  And a lesson to be learned by all.
1 John 4 tells us to test the spirits, to see if they are of God.  Yet when the story seems true, they resist, and ridicule those that stand on the word.  We are told to seek and we shall find, but do we seek God first?  At all?  Do we seek him diligently, seeking high and low like a parent whose child is lost, or do we frantically stand by and do nothing?  The spirit has given us the desire for a savior, one who will reunite us with God the father.  His name is Jesus, and he will not be found in wealth.  Or the striving after it.  Living well might be the best revenge, but it leads to spiritual death, and eternal damnation. 
Barnabas was seeking Paul, looking high and low, to come beside him, and offer help and encouragement.  One on one ministry, the best kind, where God gets the credit.  And you get the blessings.  We may be at different levels in Christ, but when we have the desire of the spirit, we seek and find what we desire from God.  That little voice that kept going off in my head was the spirit warning me, and giving me insight.  And who eventually led me to revealing the lies of this famous man, whose figures never matched his facts.  We are all driven by something, I was driven by someone. 
Joseph and Mary searched diligently for Jesus after Passover when they couldn’t find him.  They thought he was lost, he really was in the temple teaching.  Where else did they expect to find him?  Do we seek God physically or spiritually?  Based on emotion, of great dreams of riches, or based on who he is?  isn’t the fact that he is God be enough?  But are you driven so blindly you are afraid to look, because you know you are in error?  Jesus forgives, mercy is only found when you have screwed up.  And in each case, we get closer to God.
Not much is told about Barnabas, he was happy to minister one on one in obscurity.  Do you?  Are you willing to serve rather than direct?  To run the company or just be an employee?  Jesus came to we?  Sadly this man who had a dream, an honorable dream, was not following God.  Blinded by ambition, only the spirit was missing from the equation, and left him vulnerable.  The wolves are out there, and will go after the weak ones.  But so is Jesus, who returned for the one in 99 who was lost.  With the same diligence a parent seeks their lost child.  Jesus seeks to have a relationship with you, the spirit is willing and always telling you “you need Jesus.”  Do you seek the things of Christ, or Christ himself?  Do you seek truth, or will you chase a lie just to satisfy a lustful desire?  This group of entrepreneurs will never be successful.  They were never as gentle as lambs, and they were eaten by the serpents they thought they were as wise as.  Let the truth, the person of Jesus Christ set you free, for he who is free in Christ is truly, fully free indeed.  Look for the credentials of those who advise, ask to see their hands.  And if no scars from the nails, pass on the advice.  For the things seen are temporal, like the grass the riches fade, but the things of the spirit are eternal, the things not seen.  Jesus is looking high and low for you, he knows where you are, but is after your heart.  No one woke up this morning and thought “today I will find God.”  Now you have the chance, will you?  One statistic to remember, death is 100%.   So is eternity, where will you spend it?  Jesus is knocking, and your answer is....
love with compassion,