Monday, July 11, 2016

rental car religion

We’re back!  Did you wonder where we have been for 26 days, 13 states, and 7300 miles?  We were out among the people of the US of A, on the back roads, where life is and life continues to be.  Where all the weeks of planning turned flexible the first night, as a fire in Yarnell detoured us to Surprise, Arizona.  As our new Tiger left home with 630 miles on it, not even broken in yet, but came home a seasoned road vet.  Where we saw how and why and who make the verse in America the Beautiful come to life when we sing of how “God shed his grace on thee.”  And it was hard coming back, for when the road calls, an answer must be given.  And in our case, we said “let’s ride!”
We started with a destination, Loess Hills in Iowa, pronounced “Luss,” and only took 4000 miles to get there, only 2000 miles away.  And because of our back road mentality, we ate at great places like Los Amigos in Santa Fe, far off the beaten path.  An old house, where the locals meet.  Don’t forget to have a sopapilla.  We ate a great breakfast in Bellevue, Iowa, Grandpa’s Café, on the Mississippi, where a man brought us a paper to look at, his wife told us about where she was born down the road, and the owner directed us to Savanna, the motorcycle roads are better on the other side of the river.  It was Linda at the Husker Motel, on old US 30 in North Platte, Nebraska, in a renovated 1960’s motel, where $62 got you a great room, quiet, and when checking in, gave us a huge container of chicken soup, she had just made.  Along with a muffin and cocoanut chocolate candies.  To welcome us along the road.  It was the guys at Baxter Cycle in Marne, Iowa, where in an old town of 400, maybe, they sell collector bikes all over the world, and welcome travellers like us, and call us by our first name.  Who give the tour of the back room, a museum in itself.  And it is breakfast at Dave’s Old House, in the only commercial building left being used in Pisgah, where a hand printed sign tell you “credit card machine broke.”  No need to explain to a yuppie that means cash only.  And everyone is greeted by name, and for $4.25 you get a tenderloin that covers the plate.  And it is Elida’s in Springer, New Mexico, more locals only, with the occasional riders like us, meeting Elida, and talking with a couple outside, who remind us New Mexico is really the Land of Entrapment, just one sunset will tell you why. And not a rental car to be seen....
At the same time some friends took a similar trip through the west.  Flying to Denver, they picked up their rental car, with GPS, and then drove down I-25 to Santa Fe, and then dropped it off at the airport in Albuquerque.  We may have been in the same states, but saw different states altogether. A completely different state of mind.  In climate controlled comfort, they went from car to hotel, car to dinner, then back.  Following a AAA guide, or any other sponsored tour, they missed all we saw and did.  And if shown pictures of our ride, Theresa took over 6500, would wonder where we had been.  They never left the sanitized life they have at home, and never would have encountered Jeremiah Brinkley and his horse Skipper, walking across America, when we stopped by a rushing stream at 9000+ feet.  Not in any guide book, they really were prisoners to someone else’s trip, where we got to plan our own.  And see the real America, and meet real Americans.   Where at the Siesta Motel in Durango they provided towels and a hose to wash your motorcycle, never heard of any one washing their rental car have you?  We left home...I’m not sure if they ever did.  Are there any good pictures or memories taken from behind the windshield of a rental car? 
You may hit the road, but that doesn’t mean you are going anywhere.  It is like a life with no joy in it.  Or a relationship with God but not being personal.  Call it rental car relationship, you know exactly what to expect, because it is preplanned, and no surprises are included.  They are purposely deleted, or planned out of the relationship.  And if you don’t like it, turn it in for another.  So many witness of a personal relationship with Jesus, but then fall into organized religion, claiming theirs is different, but really the same, just packaged different.  Their relationship may be Sunday church, Tuesday Bible study, Thursday lunch with some other Christians, but it is the same every week, down to where and what to have to eat.  They know that at 30 minutes into the service the teaching begins, that there will be an altar call, and the same ones will go forward for prayer.  They brag about reading through the Bible in a year, but don’t live it.  Their lives are like a rental car, used then cleaned up for the next guy to use, safe and secure including a GPS, just in case they miss their exit and are lost.  They have no leading of the spirit, but are encased in a church based, organized life.  Their relationship with God is like the movie Pleasantville, until the color of Jesus comes into their lives.  And when they follow the spirit, they stand out, and soon feel unwelcome, they are different, not the same.  They are free, the rental car mentality turned in for a new life in Christ, and the blessings begin to flow.  At one time they looked at the pictures, dreaming of taking them someday.  Now they desire to be in the picture.....if a story was written about your life in Christ would you want to read it?  Would you want to rent it? 
Life is not measured in miles or church attendance, it is more personal than that.  Get to know Jesus, be led by his spirit.  Ditch the GPS, and ask God which way to go, which road to follow.  30 years ago I remember when Gary bought the Durango Diner from Jim, and he is still there today, maybe the best breakfast you will ever eat.  But he only sees life from behind the counter, we see it from a different viewpoint, and his wistful look told us he would sell out if the right offer came along.  Is your life in Christ the same as it was 30 years ago?  Have the promises of God been in others lives but not in your own?  Trust God, take a trip in the spirit.  Get off the between track of the same old same old.  Detour like we did to Riverside, Iowa, where behind the beauty parlor, and between old buildings, is a marker showing the future birthplace of James T.Kirk, in 2228.  Or to Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska.  Ever heard of the White Pole Road?  Neither place found in any tour guides, but available when you leave your trip planning up to God.  He promises you a full life of abundance, he calls it freedom, in the spirit.  We call it life.  Get out and live it, God’s way.  Truly where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.  Along with good food and memories yet to be made.  If you have to ask, I don’t think you would a life in the spirit where supersized doesn’t mean extra fries....experience Jesus, don’t settle for just an education.  And go boldly where many men have never gone before......
love with compassion,