Tuesday, February 21, 2017

to those of you who prayed for rain

Riding through the mid west we love to see all the colors.  The bright greens, the blues and purples of wild flowers, and the yellows of mustard seed.  It is amazing all the colors you can see on any day riding through farm country, and when you add the blue skies of farmland, you can see why God had to invent the rainbow for times just like this.  But here in So Cal we get varying shades of brown and tan, we see a much different pallet of colors, for one very simple reason.  Rain.  My yard that had dried up and died, now is green again, at least the weeds are.  Grass that had gone dormant is now growing again, flowers are blooming, and the blossoms are on the trees already, all because of the rainfall we are experiencing.  Which somehow effects the color of the sky, not sure how or why, bringing out a much deeper blue against the earth tones we grew up with in the seventies.  Driving around the Central Valley, we saw yellow fields of wild flowers, white blossoms on almond trees, and patches of green everywhere, the water had been added to the recipe, and growth is in progress.  All because of adding water to something dry.  And to those of you who prayed for rain, you have had your prayers answered, including the farmers who get it for free now instead of paying for it.  A natural event, when turned over to the supernatural is left to him and his best judgment.
But this year we are faced with floods, dams breaking, and too much rain for many sewer systems to handle.  It seems the rain has outsmarted many of the government geniuses we elect or hire, and the same streets, creeks, rivers, and neighborhoods are flooding, again.  And add to that the fact that we get so little rain normally, and that 97% of it runs out into the ocean, why aren’t we better prepared?  With so many having rain barrels this year, what do private citizens know the government doesn’t?  Or when left to our own devices, do we use common sense, and left with the alternative?  Yes, we live in a desert climate, and yes, most rivers are dry, but it rains each winter here, not a new occurrence, lest we forget.  Add to that the fact we are in a drought, and they keep building houses, more people but no more additional water supply, the reaction is to raise the rates so we use less.  I even saw the water police on our street last week.  Does anyone here know how to play this game, or are we being held hostage to stupidity, and really don’t care?  Just as long as it is available....
I have lived through two gas crises, and although it was expensive, it was available and we paid for it.  We complained, but few stopped driving, only when the stations ran out did we panic.  And suddenly the price was secondary, I hope we don’t learn the same lesson with water. If you prayed for rain, today someone is praying for sunshine.  If only we could have a system where it only rained while we were asleep, so as to not effect our riding....that’s my prayer.  But the rain falls on both the rider and the non-rider, the farmer and the city boy.  We are under the same skies, under the same God, who sees us all and our needs.  Do we see him?
Again in Ecclesiastes we see the seeker admitting that talent, money, looks, and education are important, but it seems time and chance do happen to all.  We may accept it as chance, but God knows where each drop of rain falls, and when.  All of man’s talent, resources, and education are useless when compared to the power of a loving God.  We plan, God laughs, and sends the rain, or the sunshine.  We see where the race is not to the swift or to the strong, the rich or privileged, but each day we face challenges that are sent our way, with an opportunity to reflect God in our reactions.  Which for me can go from happy to mad in only a few seconds.  But I am getting better, I tell myself.  And if I want green surroundings, I need to live with the rain.  The weather will not adapt to me, rather I must adapt to it.  So we dress in layers, and peel them off as it warms up, or add one as it gets cold.  We put on our riding suits, gloves, and rain suits to match the weather.  If only I would learn to adapt to life’s pressures so easily.  And as much as I love the brightly colored fields, I still hate to ride in the rain it takes to make them that way. 
Jesus tells us our life is not our own.  While the ads claim we can have control over our destiny, or make our successes, we find that life is really not under our own control.  We may have prepared for the floods like they did in Oakland one spring, but when a fire took out dozens of homes, they found they may have been ready for a rainy day, but not a fiery night.  That God orders things, his way for our benefit.  Which stifles my thinking, and my ego.  We are told our choices make the difference, but do they really?  How important are our choices? 
The last fruit of the spirit is self control, which we all struggle with.  But it is manifest in the decisions we make, and remember it is a fruit of the spirit, not of us.  When we make the right decisions based on God, after prayer, or by walking in his spirit, we get the rain and see why it occurs when it does.  God is in control, not us, and while some pray for rain, while others pray for sunshine, God has his own ideas.  And own will.  It is his fruit that we bear when we agree with him, not the other way around.  And just when we think we have thing under control, we find how much we don’t.  Sometimes a gentle reminder, other times the harsh result of rebellion against God.  While some saw Jesus’ death as murder, we forget he went voluntarily to die for us to be reunited with God our father.  While Good Friday seemed terrible, three days later we saw the why, and why we cannot have Easter without Good Friday.  Without rain nothing grows, too much and we get floods.  Only God knows how much, when and where.  Think you are up to playing God, deal with the weather first.  And yet God has time to hear our prayers and answer.  If only we would listen as much as he does. 
So when scripture tells us time and chance play a role in all, it isn’t like the chance we take when gambling, or play calling, or thinking all is good luck or bad.  We are reminded that the Lord has everything under control, and we need to turn to him, in times of need and before.  Anything can fall apart, any plan can go awry.  Which is why we carry rain suits, and maps.  Directions change, we find detours, and need to adjust.  All God’s plan the whole time.  Something to remember the next time we got caught in a downpour, or bake on a sunny day.  God has everything under control, and with the sun breaking through today, we almost forget the rain of yesterday.  But the fresh flowers and sweet smells of nature in full bloom remind us of being under his control.  And to those of you who prayed for rain, you got your  wish.  If only I could learn to go with God instead of against him.  And so he provided cars, with roofs and warm insides for me for such times.  It’s your party and you can cry if you want to, but I rather rejoice in a living God.  After the rain there is a rainbow, no rain no rainbow, which reminds us of his presence.  Best observed after putting on your rain suit than before.  The signs were there, God was there, where was I?  And where will you be?  And bless you all who prayed for sun and warmth, he brings that too.  Which is always appreciated more after the storms....and riding.
love with compassion,