Wednesday, February 1, 2017

wintertime dreams, summertime rides

Every time I feel the urge to vacate the traffic in So Cal for less crowded roads, the weather brings me back.  Having lived in areas where winter means snow and cold, living here is a great escape for anyone who rides.  Wintertime this year meant a rainy January, and with new press bikes to ride, they spent much too much time sitting in the garage and being looked at.  Now before you rightfully accuse me of whining, I have lived at 8300’ in Colorado, in New Jersey where winter runs during the school year, and also New Mexico, no snow, but lots of cold.  And the bike never got put up for winter, we dressed warm, took shorter rides, but we rode.  Long before heated riding wear and heated grips and seats.  So when my memory fades while lane splitting, one short blast of rain brings me back to reality, mine that is.  But while not riding, I am found reading about riding, and planning the next trip.  And with the internet, look at the new bikes and anticipate their announcement dates.  While it is 25 degrees and snow at Baxter Cycle in Iowa, here it is 75 and sunny.  A great winter day to ride, before the traffic gets out, so I do.  But enticed by the ads, the wintertime dreams of summertime rides are reeking havoc on my calendar, can it rally only be five months to summer?  And while that means spring is only 45 days away, as the ball players go to spring training, we who ride perform our own spring training, which has been going on all winter.  We are ready to ride...and the new bike ads keep the blood flowing. 
The monthly magazines, now every other month, get us excited, and the extra trips to just look at the early arrivals at the local store.  How many summertime rides were taken just sitting and pretending you are on vacation on your new ride, just waiting to prove the magazines right or wrong in their review.  The brain gets exercised as imaginary roads take place, and you wonder about wandering, and how the new motorcycle will make the difference.  Or worse yet, seeing the release date of April, when it is still January, and you want to ride.  I have logged many miles on bikes in showrooms, safe and secure from the cold and snow, counting the days until the roads are clear and I can ride.  It is the wintertime dreams, these imaginary rides in my mind, that keep me sane until I could, So Cal weather made the wait shorter, the rides sooner, and the wait longer for new bikes.  Winter is tough for riders, spring brings hope, summer is heaven, fall we cherish each day, and winter arrives always too soon.  And lasts too long.  And the cycle, pun intended, continues.
I am always amazed at how quickly we forget how bad the weather was once it clears up.  Sunshine and clear skies, warm temps and a long ride do a lot to erase the winter we endured.  When I had the first Bonneville Bobber two weeks ago, it was so cloudy, the bike looked black.  And then the first day of sunlight hit it, and the tank was a dark red with gold metal flake.  The color hadn’t changed, but when exposed to sunlight, its true color emerged.  And the 500 miles put on between storms, was duplicated in only two days of sunshine and warm when the weather changed.  We look at things differently in bad weather, just as our moods change when it gets better.  But how do we picture heaven?  When times are bad, do we wish for it now, and on nice days ask God to give us just one more day, because we are having such a good time?  Do we think of heaven at all, and when we do, how do we picture it?  Because we ride do we wish summer got here sooner, and winter later?  Or do we accept the day and enjoy it?
We have all uttered the words “well it’s all going to burn anyway,” when all seems bleak.  But we never hear those same words when all is going well, and we are prospering.  Do we customize scripture to meet our situation, or do we adapt to scripture, and allow it to adapt us to the situation?  We can have warm days in winter, but it is still winter on the calendar.  Does our viewpoint of heaven change with the weather?  Our conditions?  Our relationship with God?  When he says the rain falls on the just and the unjust, which are we?  Do we look at our situations and get our eyes off Jesus?  Take your eyes off the road when riding and you end up in a ditch.  Are you in a spiritual ditch about heaven?  Has it been reduced to just a heaven for bad days, or for good ones too? Do you waver in your relationship with Jesus the same way? 
While we have wintertime dreams about summertime rides, we need to be encouraged that heaven is coming, and we should enjoy our days here on earth.  They may seem long, but heaven is timeless, and when we have our eyes on Jesus instead of ourselves, we can have an on earth as it is in heaven experience.  We know very little about heaven, scripture tells us “eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor mind imagined the things of the kingdom.”  Whatever you think or dream it to be, it will be better.  And some of us have some pretty wild imaginations.  But the one ingredient for sure is Jesus will be there, and that he is here right now.  On earth, as he is in heaven.  And we can be with him right now also, we don’t have to wait to die to experience him.  In fact, if you don’t have a relationship with him now, you aren’t saved, you won’t see him in heaven, but still be part of worship.  In hell, as every knee will bow, both under the earth and above, saying that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Do you look forward to heaven and Jesus as you do to spring and riding?  Having a long winter, Jesus is here.  Spring comes early, he is here too.  In fact he never left.  And those summertime rides are closer, as we are one day closer to heaven. 
So while some dream, some wonder, and some imagine what heaven is like, we can know the tour guide, and be assured of how our ride will end.  When I read an article about a bike I have ridden being reviewed, I am so familiar with it because I have spent time with it, and can tell if they even did.  100 miles of freeway doesn’t tell you much about the bike, just Sunday in church doesn’t tell you much abut God.  Are you still in the showroom dreaming of a ride, or on the ride now?  Because the weather is nice, do you wish heaven will wait, or in the dumps and wondering why God hasn’t shown up yet? 
In Ecclesiastes, the preacher telling the story is really the searcher.  And finds all is vanity, a vapor that lasts a short time and is gone.  Like summer for some, or winter for others.  But when you find, when you are assured of heaven in Christ Jesus, you no longer search.  You explore the things of God, and each road brings new adventure.  Each season allows us to see a different aspect of heaven.  When our eyes are on Jesus we see things through his eyes.  And his sightline is always better.  And like he says, yes it all will burn, as it is wood, hay, and stubble.  Even our precious motorcycles will burn.  But heaven will be worth it, for the things not seen or imagined will dim our memory fast of earth.  Wintertime without Jesus doesn’t have to be summertime without him.  He has given us spring, when all becomes new again.  When we get out the bike and have it ready to ride, when the dream becomes reality.  Heaven is the book and then take the ride.  Find out for yourself, and find a short ride will only make you want more.  May all your rides come matter the weather.  In Christ Jesus.  Amen.
love with compassion,