Wednesday, January 10, 2018

stay thirsty my friends-the pause that refreshes

So much has been said, advertised, or recommended about regular oil changes that Americans have come to believe that is all you have to do to keep your car running perfectly.  Just every 3000 miles change the oil and all is well we are led to believe, but nothing could be further from the truth.  True, cars being self tuning via the computer make plugs last over 100,000 miles, and with no points and plugs, remember them old timers, there just aren’t any parts to replace other than filters.  Which do get dirty.  But oil changes too have changed, as the intervals on cars using synthetic oil are now almost 10,000 miles, my wife’s Mustang telling you how much oil life is left, which translates to almost 10,000 miles based on driving habits, and even my 2017 Triumph Bonneville has oil changes every 10,000 miles, with a wrench to come up and remind you.  Just twist the throttle and ride just like always but without oil change, spill it on the garage floor, and drop the drain plug in the drain pan fun.  And you really want me to still do it every 3000?
But with less frequent oil changes, we don’t spend as much time with maintenance, where we used to get to know our machines intimately.  Progress does have its down side.  But as long as engines need lubrication, they will need oil changes, if for no other reason than to get our hands dirty.  Think of the time spent doing maintenance on your car or bike, and you got to know it and about it more.  Where the leak was and did it matter, checking the fluids before a light came on telling you it was too late, and keeping under the hood looking fresh.  Time well spent.....
Like maintenance, we get thirsty after working or playing, and need a drink of water.  Today with sodas, energy drinks, and fortified water, no matter how we indulge, we get thirsty again.  Coca Cola used to advertise they were “the pause that refreshes,” and nothing beat an ice cold Coke on a hot day, followed up with cold water to quench your thirst.  And we would get thirsty again, and repeat the process until we die.  Thirst will do that to you.  In the book of John, Jesus encounters a woman at the well, and confronts her on her past.  He knows all about her sins, yet doesn’t accuse her.  He himself was breaking with rabbinical tradition even talking to her, as rabbis were not to talk to women in public, even a wife or sister.  And here right in front of anyone and everyone, they converse.  He tells her about how the well she drinks from will only quench her thirst for awhile, and offers her a drink from the well that will eternally satisfy.  And there the religious teaching stops, drink once and you thirst no more, and off to the next study.  They confuse one drink with the faucet to life Jesus offered her, a pipeline to the holy spirit, where she will thirst for more of Jesus, and only in the spirit will that thirst be quenched.  We are taught that just one drink will end the thirst for Christ, my experience and one of true believers is, one drink of Jesus and his love and I want more.  Keep my glass filling to overflowing, yet we are taught different and suffer.  As if one meal will eternally fill you, we continuously need to drink from the spirit, to feed on the word, and keep in continual meditation and prayer with God.  No quick fixes, it is like changing the oil, we will get dirty again, and need to be cleansed.  In this world we will get dirty, and Jesus knew this and offered the solution.  We don’t need a glass, we need a continual Big Gulp of the spirit to keep us going.  We have direct access to the well piped into us by the holy spirit, from which we can continually drink, no matter how thirsty we are!  That is the pause that eternally refreshes, over and over.
That water is everlasting life, and although being born again is a one time event, we need to work out our salvation daily, like working out in the gym.  And what happens after a workout, we’re thirsty.  The workouts coming in the form of tests, trials, and temptations.  And we have access all the time to this invigorating, refreshing, and exciting source.  No one time drink, but to be quenched eternally!  I’ll drink to that!  And the quality of life that is enhanced by drinking of the spirit.  No one time drink will ever satisfy, it may save, but we will thirst for more.  And that source is the spirit.  That is what Jesus let the woman know, she would be tested daily, but now had a source to turn to for quenching and refreshment.  She had been offered a life with qualities unknown before, that would give her love, joy, and peace.  Fruit of the spirit.  A well springing up of life, continually refreshing.  Who needs a well if you only need to drink from it once?  Makes me thirsty, does it you?
Once is not enough when you meet Jesus.  Your oil will get dirty and only he can cleanse it.  His diagnostics go way beyond a check engine light, or a low oil light.  You can either check your dipstick or be a dipstick.  No oil on it, fill it up. If OK, be thankful and keep an eye on it.  Or you can be like a girl who was a friend in high school, “Daddy I don’t understand why you are so upset, I only drove with the oil light on for 20 miles.”  Cars get thirsty do you get it?  Give me oil for my engine, for my lamps, and the holy spirit for my life.  Available in to go cups to.  For some just another day at the never know who you will meet do you?
love with compassion,