Wednesday, February 14, 2018

the greatest champion

Love ‘em or  hate ‘em, the New England Patriots have been to more Super Bowls than any other team in the NFL.  They have also lost more, which some may bring up, usually pointed out by those who haven’t been there, trying to excuse their absence of losing.  It may amaze you that Tom Brady is not the highest paid QB in the league, nor are many positions players the highest salaried.  And some even take a pay cut or are not offered a raise, so they can bring other top players onto the team, and continue to win.  But the team has one unique man, that no other NFL team has, who is a Christian pastor, who acts as a character coach on and off the field for the players.  Jack Easterby, with an office right next to the coach, open to all.  Who also acts as an advisor when drafting new players, and advising on trades.  If they don’t or won’t fit into the team, they are not wanted, the team wins, not the individuals.  Some put up stats, while others collect rings and championships.  You may earn more, but never get the ring, we still play the game to win, don’t we?  Ask Tom Brady, and he points right at Jack, for his leadership and devotion, their reason they win.
The Patriots as an organization detect and reject anything that can become a problem for the team.  That doesn’t mean they don’t face adversity, it means they fight it together.  They might not win every Super Bowl, but like any championship racer will tell you, to finish first, first you must finish.  And if you never get there, you will never win.  Seems the Patriots practice what others may know, it is their choice, and they make no excuses.  Unlike Cam “the Crybaby” Newton a few years ago in the Super Bowl, he got his Superman cape caught in the door, and was too proud to  get it unstuck himself.  The team goes into the books as losing, Cam will always be a loser to me, even if he manages to get a ring.  Maybe a lesson on life we all need.
With all the rumors, innuendoes, lies, and fake news about Russian collusion, no one seems to notice they don’t care who they hurt, as long as they win.  They are not anti one party and pro another, they are anti-American, and are very successful at creating chaos within our own country, without ever firing a shot, or crossing our borders.  Just get the enemy fighting within itself, and they win, without posing as an enemy.  They are just an adversary, an opposing team, who have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, based on one person’s control over many.  Communism never works, just gets repackaged and reissued to a new generation, who is more concerned about their viewpoints than winning.  We are Americans first and foremost, and when we forget or neglect that, we can be divided and conquered.  As a society, we are the greatest in the history of the world, yet we are rotting from within, like the Romans.  Just get between family members, start an argument between friends, forget we are part of a team called the US of A, and the enemy wins.  He doesn’t need total destruction, distraction is enough, and they win.  And we have been warned...
Scripture tells us that the devil is an adversary, roaring about seeking for someone to destroy.  He never goes after the strong, but the weak are his prey.  Single them out, divide and conquer, and go on to the next victim.  Spiritual battle we face everyday, trying to fight them on our terms, when Jesus tells us the battle belongs to the Lord, it is his battle, and he wins.  We interfere.  We divide and are conquered, in the spirit we are unified and find victory.  When we come to Christ we lose something, our sinful heritage, but we gain something too, we become a part of the Kingdom of God, we are now part of the family, and like scripture reminds us, we are now children of God.  No one more important, nor less important, equal in God’s eyes.  With one law to obey, love him with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.  If we truly love God, we can  love that neighbor, that competitor as our self, for we are loved and don’t show it in degrees or by who they are, but who Jesus is.  Sin may abound, but grace abounds even more.  Let God be God, and all others liars.  Are you in it to win it, or just for the ring to show others?
We have very few chances to get to the Super Bowl, but we can win the battles of everyday life.  It comes down to choices, self control, and I find when I exercise it, by choosing my battles better I win more often.  My first choice, choosing Jesus, and the rest is easier, not easy.  Suffering from a lack of faith, in this world you will have tribulation, that is a fait builder to let God be God.  Or you can cry like C. Newton did.  Losers will always have excuses, I choose Jesus.  Love ‘em or hate ‘em, he is the truth, the only team to gain victory over death, and be resurrected.  The secret of the Patriots is out now, has been for years.  Jesus is no secret, don’t be misled or divided by any others who start trouble and dissention.  Unity in the spirit, true unity starts with who you say Jesus is.  Your choice, become part to the team, or part of....remember your adversary.  United we stand, divided we fall.  And who was and is the fallen one?  Better yet, who is the risen one?  See you at the game.  As much as we are all macho in the locker room, we all want to be loved.
love with compassion,
read all about Jack Easterby and his ministry at