Monday, February 4, 2019

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain.."

For too many years I-40 was our escape route east across the Land of Enchantment.  Taking us into Texas, then the brown suddenly changing to green as we entered Oklahoma.  But a stop in Adrian, Texas was always in order, at one of the last remaining Stuckey’s in the US of A.  A chain that used to welcome travelers for over 80 years, the interstate killed them, and this one somehow survives, even having its own exit ramp, which if not skillfully executed will have you driving through the pumps.  With two memorable stops recalled....
I was on my Sprint ST riding alone back to Jersey.  A trip I would do in under 70 hours, less than three days coast to coast.  I had left Kingman that morning, and the wind and rain had me seeking shelter and gas.  The wind was so bad I had to lean against the bike to hold it up, and as I struggled to fill all 6.3 gallons, I looked over to see a white Lincoln filled with faces watching me.  Crammed in, and windows fogged, one look had me glad that I was riding.  We were both victims of the storm, they were casualties of it and didn’t know it.  With both my tank and energies refilled, I took off making it to Oklahoma City late, riding almost 1125 miles that day in the rain.   I may have been wet, but I wasn’t caught in no cage.....
A few years later with Theresa on back, we were riding our 955 Tiger.  Same road, same ride, same Stuckey’s, same wind. But no rain, and as the owner explained to us, they hadn’t seen rain in over 180 days!  It took a few bottles of water to overcome that one, but it was the wind and lack of rain that had me praying “Lord please don’t let me die in this rest stop,” he had provided a long the way.  Just opened and air conditioned, it took a lot of coaxing to get her back on the Tiger.  Two days and two different rides I still remember.  I can honestly say “I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain,” making no apologies to James Taylor.  With no word if the Stuckey’s still exists.....
As any Christian knows, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.   Rain wasn’t even a word or a concept then, as God sent a mist to keep everything green.  But in this pre-Jewish, pre-Abraham, pre-Mosaic law era, every man did whatever they wanted to, there were no laws.  But among all the people, which some have estimated as in the billions, only Noah stood out as righteous.  And remained faithful to God when asked to build an ark.  A what?  And for the next 120 years, build he did.  Beginning when he was 500 years old.  Please don’t tell me about your aches and pains.  Over 500 feet long, think of a cruise ship, and he labored on, mostly with little or no help.  No power tools, only God’s power to help.  While being ridiculed by anyone passing by.  I wonder about the conversations he and God had, as they are not mentioned, but his actions are, and worth noting.  God then carried on with his plan, sending two of each animal to the ark, then having him seal up the ark with only his family inside, all eight of them.  Eight the number of new beginnings, of which they had no inkling. And then the rains came....for 40 days and 40 nights.  A test like no other until Jesus was tested for 40 days in the wilderness.  One with two much water, one with none.  Both sustained by God.  And when the rains stopped, a crow was sent out, not returning as they are scavengers.  Then a dove, who did, for they mate with only one partner for life.  One a sign of life without Jesus, one a life with him.  And once the ark had settled, a rainbow appeared, a sign from God  that he would never destroy the earth again by water.  And for a few thousand years, he has been patient, very patient....
For as we see life in this world much as it was in Noah’s day, scripture tells us his return, the rapture will occur as in the days of Noah.  Look around he evidence is there.  Just as people had no fear of justice from God, they live like hell still today.  The world is ripe for judgment, try and point it out and be ridiculed.  Like in the days of Noah.  Look at the increased violence, and how corrupt the world is.  Fake news is truth, truth is neglected, and righteousness a joke.  It’s OK to talk about cults, maybe religion, just don’t mention Jesus. From those who read and live by horoscopes, to those who entertain psychics, man has turned away from the truth.  Life can be created via test tube, and like many at the Tower of Babel, them and their computer logic don’t fear God, they take him on.  Mocking him as his patience is wearing thin...even going as far as taking God’ sign, the rainbow, and making it a symbol of homosexuality.  And we even find Israel’s closest enemy, Hamas, the same word used in Genesis 6:11 and 6:13 to describe the violence on the earth just before the flood.   But remember he promises to not ever flood the world again....he didn’t say he wouldn’t judge it. 
A few years back after Oakland was devastated by fires, a man commented, “he had saved for a rainy day, but never a fiery night.”  For God promises to consume the earth with a fire, and replace it with a new earth.  Judgment is coming, and he is just.  Offering us salvation through Jesus Christ, the warnings have been given, the promises made.  He leaves the choice up to you.  I can only imagine the bedlam when the rains began, and the beating on the ark’s door, “let us in!”  Today Jesus knocks on the door of your heart to be let in.  To offer refuge from life and its storms, to give you a peace and a comfort found nowhere else.  We are in the days of Noah, and Jesus will appear as a thief in the night.  With no warning.  But we have been warned, and eternity in hell is no way to remember the offer.  No one has ever fought against God and won, the so called philosophers who deny Jesus, the rich and powerful who think they don’t need him, and those who make fun of his children, all are being called to a day of reckoning.  The door to the ark of heaven is still open, but like Stuckey’s may disappear some day.  No memories of those left behind in the flood is noted, for none survived.  But we have a record in Genesis to instruct, teach, exhort, and to give us hope.  Just as the scriptures were designed to in the days of Noah....with a front row seat to it all!
love with compassion,