Tuesday, March 5, 2019

thoughts while in traffic on the PCH one Friday afternoon

Friday afternoons are not the place to be on So Cal highways.  Really any day that ends in Y qualifies, but Fridays after lunch are the worst.  Knowing that, I still frequent such roads as the PCH in Huntington Beach and Corona Del Mar, where you can see all the pretty people in their exotic cars.  To many seeing a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, or McLaren is a big deal, there they are like Chevies used to be, quite common.  But even though I cannot afford to even pay attention sometimes, the most exotic car and me on a motorcycle share the same thing-traffic.  The difference is I can lane split, while the half million dollar, 200+ mph supercar sits idling in traffic, next to old Toyotas and rusted out pick ups.  Too completely different ends of the automotive spectrum, yet both with one thing in common, stuck in traffic. Traffic, the great equalizer, the one that defies speed, financial status, brands, and performance.  Moving along at the speed of stopped, as a bicyclist races by.....
There was a time when death and taxes were the common denominator, but today health has replaced them.  In the ER last month for pneumonia, there were different ethnic groups, kids from 2 to 92, and men in suits or blue jeans looking like they just came out of the field.  Maybe 30 different people in the room with one thing in common, poor health.  Just like the guy I passed sitting in traffic in his red Ferrari, a group with one thing in common, health and traffic, or lack of such.  Our tax structures may be different, and we all will have our last ride in the same type of vehicle, a hearse, but we are more alike than we care to think.  Maybe the only difference between a red Ferrari and a red ambulance is one is stuck in traffic, the other racing through it.  If only we got to choose which ride...and when.
But we do get to choose where we end up in eternity.  There was a time we all were dead in our sins, we are all born into it, only in Jesus are we offered the way out of it.  A simple choice you would think, pain and suffering or happiness and health, yet many defy the logic and argue.  Or deny, or come up with their own religion to satisfy themselves.  But the truth is still the truth, no matter if you accept it or not.  You may be the Ferrari in life, and be stuck in the traffic of religion and not know it.  I have wealth, my health is good, my two homes are paid for, but yet stuck in traffic of the world, where you cannot buy your way out.  Even when lane splitting, we all have to stop when the light turns red, it doesn’t care what you drive, it means stop.  Jesus is different when he says stop, he offers you mercy and grace to fill the void, and a companion for the car pool lane to heaven.  You may have worked to get where you are in life, but you cannot work your way into heaven, for eternal life is a gift, one you cannot purchase or lease.  So much for a new lease on life...but you can get a new life in Christ.  Hell was made for the devil and his fallen angels, but due to sin we are condemned to it.  But a reprieve from Jesus sets us free and into eternity free and clear.  If only navigating traffic was so easy....
There is a beauty to being made alive in Christ, for the old sins are passed away, and we are new creatures in him.  Alive in Christ, what a rush!  No more worry, no more wondering, you know for sure and about heaven.  Every true Christian has this experience, and yes we will have times of discouragement, and of bad health, and being stuck in traffic.  But we will never turn back.  Next time you get stuck and think being a Christian is hard, try turning back and see how tough life really is.  We cannot do it because we are alive in Christ Jesus, and no matter the situation, we know he has overcome it, and it will all work out for our benefit.  Even the guy in the Ferrari stuck in traffic has the same chance as the beggar at the light.  We are all saved the same way, through faith in Jesus Christ, a gift so that no one can boast.  Something you cannot work towards, or study your way into, or even keep the Ten Commandments and achieve.  A gift....will you accept it?
Or you can sit in traffic, wondering when or if ever it will break up and flow again.  No one likes to be stuck in traffic, or be stuck in the ER, we want to do our will, yet we find when we pray “thy will be done,” “we can have on earth as it is in heaven.”  Something to consider while stuck in traffic, we are all going somewhere, where we are going will have an impact on how we get there.  Life like a sports car is made to be exercised to the limit, to get every bit of enjoyment out of it you can.  Stuck in traffic with 700 hp, being passed by the kid on the ten speed?  Any bets the Ferrari guy wants to trade?
At least for the moment?  Christians never want to trade what they have for anything or anyone else.  Saved by grace and raised up into the heavens with Jesus.  Even the HOV lane cannot promise such a ride, no toll road can get  you there quicker.  Only Jesus.....ask the man who knows him.  What are your thoughts when stuck in traffic?  We all get zero miles per gallon at idle, your choice, sitting in traffic, sitting in the ER, or sitting at the right hand of God? 
And just to remind you, Jesus never hurried and was never late....
love with compassion,